Iran Rejects Biden’s Offer to Halt Uranium Enrichment in Return for Further “Sanctions Relief”

Iran has refused President Joe Biden’s proposal to end the nuclear enrichment in return for further easing of sanctions. The move is part of the Biden administration’s effort to start talks with Iran to restore the Obama-era nuclear arrangement. 

Last month Iran turned down Biden’s offer to enter into nuclear talks even as the White House rolled back some major international sanctions on the regime. His administration revoked the enforcement of the U.N. sanctions and weapons embargo on Tehran, reversing a decision taken by President Donald Trump. 

Politico reported Biden’s desperate bid to appease Iran:

The proposal asks Iran to halt some of its nuclear activities, such as work on advanced centrifuges and the enrichment of uranium to 20 percent purity, in exchange for some relief from U.S. economic sanctions, said one of the people, who stressed that the details are still being worked out. (…)

Asked for official comment, a senior Biden administration official declined to discuss details of diplomatic conversations: “We have been clear that we are ready to pursue a mutual return to the [Iran deal],” the official added. “We have also been open that we are talking with our [international] partners … about the best way to achieve this, including through a series of initial, mutual steps. We have been looking at options for doing so, including with indirect conversations through our European partners.”

The Iranians promptly rejected Biden’s offer: “A senior Iranian official tells Press TV that Tehran will stop its 20-percent uranium enrichment only if the US lifts ALL its sanctions on Iran first.”

With the Biden administration coaxing and cajoling Tehran into entering an Obamaesque deal, the regime has set its sight on bigger rewards while doing nothing to dismantle its nuclear weapons program. Since President Trump left the White House, Iran has ramped up enriched uranium production, the key ingredient for building up a nuclear arsenal. 

Given that President Barack Obama flew in pallets of hard cash worth billions after closing the 2015 deal, Iran is hoping for a similar windfall from the Bide team. 

Biden’s offer comes as China signed a 25-year trade and military deal with Tehran on Saturday, giving a new lease of life to the Mullah regime. Sitting firmly in Beijing’s lap, the Mullahs have upped the ante. Iran’s foreign minister demanded a trillion dollars in “reparation” for sanctions imposed during the Trump presidency and lifting all economic restrictions before Tehran even comes to the table.  

China and Russia have backed Iran’s demand for an end to the Trump-era sanctions. Both regimes have ‘told’ the Biden administration to return to the Obama-Kerry nuclear without any pre-conditions or modifications. “The US shall return to the Iran nuclear deal as soon as possible and without any preconditions, and the US should also scrap all sanctions imposed on Iran, other third-party entities and individuals,” Chinese Foreign Minister Yi declared in December.

As Biden displays off his pathetic haggling skills to the Mullahs of Persia, it remains to be seen if he ends up outdoing Obama in enriching the Shia-Islamic regime, the world’s biggest state sponsor of jihad warfare and terrorism

Foreign policy expert James Carafano: Iran’s Taking Advantage of Biden’s Weak Foreign Policy

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, Trump Iran