Ahlam Tamimi, the Savage of the Sbarro Pizzeria bombing, reportedly dropped from Interpol “Red List”

Ahlam al-Tamimi is a ghoul, a savage gloating monster who wishes she had killed more Jews at the Sbarro Pizzeria in Jerusalem to which she delivered the suicide bomber who blew up the restaurant on August 9, 2001.Tamimi picked the restaurant because of the many religious Jews who ate there, surveilled the location using her press pass for ease of transit, and after the bombing went back to her Palestinian TV station to cover the bombing live on air.

[Ahlam Tamimi announcing Sbarro Pizzeria bombing 2001, via Hot House film]

Fifteen people, including two U.S. citizens, were murdered. In mulitiple interviews over the years, she has repeated that her biggest regret is that she didn’t kill more people, and expressed pleasure in finding out from the interviewer that more childen died in the bombing than she originally thought.
Israel released Tamimi from prison as part of the prisoner exchange of over 1000 terrorists — many of whom have gone on to more terror — for Israeli solder Gilad Shalit.We have covered the story in great detail repeatedly over the years, including the failed attempts to extradite Tamimi to the U.S.:

It looks increasingly unlikely that Tamimi will be brought to justice in the U.S., as Interpol reportedly has removed her from its Red List. The Times of Israel reports:

Interpol has reportedly dropped an international warrant for the Jordanian terrorist who orchestrated the 2001 Sbarro pizzeria bombing in Jerusalem that killed 15 people.In a letter dated March 8 published in Arabic-language media, Interpol said Ahlam Tamimi was no longer “subject to an Interpol notice,” without further elaborating. Tamimi also appeared to have been removed from the most wanted list on Interpol’s website.The international police cooperation organization did not respond to a request for comment.

Blogger Elder of Ziyon has more details:

From various Arabic media outlets:

Interpol has removed the freed prisoner deported to Jordan, Ahlam Al-Tamimi, from its wanted list.
Her husband, Nizar Al-Tamimi, said that after a legal battle that lasted for a year and a half, the Defense Committee for the freed captive, Ahlam Al-Tamimi, proved the invalidity of the red notice issued against her by the International Interpol, the judge of habeas corpus.
He added, “With this legal victory, her name was removed from the wanted list of Interpol, with the grace of God.”
He continued, “Our struggle will continue until its file is completely closed.”

* * *

The story may be accurate. She was on the international Interpol red list in 2017, and her name is not on it now. 

The parents of Malki Roth, the American teenager who died in the bombing and who have led the effort for Tamimi’s extradition, write:

It is inexplicable to us that Jordan, which signed a treaty with the US more than a quarter century ago for the mutual extradition of fugitives like Tamimi, remains in flagrant breach of that treaty even while it continues to be a recipient of colossal sums in US foreign aid each year.Today we learned of a further reversal: the blunt and unwelcome announcement by Interpol on March 8, 2021 that it has succumbed to pressure from the fugitive’s family, lawyers and clan in Jordan and has cancelled the Red Notice which operated until now to encourage member governments to arrest her if she enters their jurisdiction.We learned about this via the Arabic-language media and are trying to get clarification from the US justice system.My wife and I will not give up in our efforts to see this loathsome person – the embodiment of murderous bigotry – eventually brought to justice to answer for her crimes.

Tamimi remains on the FBI Most Wanted List.

But regardless of what Interpol does or doesn’t do, unless Jordan reverses its refusal to extradite her, she will live out her days as a terrorist hero in the peace and quiet of Jordan.

Tags: Ahlam Tamimi, Palestinian Terror, Sbarro Pizzeria Bombing