Mitch McConnell Says He Will ‘Absolutely’ Support Trump if He is the 2024 Republican Nominee

Mitch McConnell hasn’t been “Mr. Popularity” among conservatives lately. He angered a lot of people when he condemned Trump for what happened at the Capital.

However, on Thursday night, when asked if he would support Trump if he gets the Republican nomination in 2024, McConnell said he absolutely would.

The comments came during an appearance on Special Report with Bret Baier.

Jordain Carney writes at The Hill:

McConnell says he’d back Trump as 2024 GOP nomineeSenate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), who just weeks ago excoriated former President Trump on the Senate floor, blaming him for the riot at the Capitol, on Thursday said he would back Trump if he wins the party’s 2024 presidential nomination.”There’s a lot to happen between now and ’24. I’ve got at least four members that I think are planning on running for president. … Should be a wide open race,” McConnell said during an interview with Fox News’s Bret Baier.Asked if he would support Trump if he wins the party’s nomination in 2024, McConnell added: “The nominee of the party? Absolutely.”The statement represents a remarkable about-face for McConnell, who after the impeachment trial had signaled he wanted his party to turn sharply from Trump.

See the clip below:

You can watch the full exchange below:

McConnell has managed to make everyone angry with this. Trump supporters haven’t forgotten what he said a few weeks ago, and neither has Trump haters.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Conservatives, Donald Trump, Fox News, Mitch McConnell, Republicans