Lincoln Project Ex-Employees Want Out From Non-Disclosure Agreements [Update: Schmidt Resigns]

Hailed as heroes who were taking a principled Never Trump stand by the Democratic Party’s unofficial media activist arm, the Lincoln Project is quickly going the way of Michael Avenatti; having served their anti-Trump purpose, the media that built them up is busily tearing them down.

And as with Avenatti, the damage to the Lincoln Project is self-inflicted; now that the election is over, the second sham impeachment circus wrapping up, their vileness is no longer being ignored, buried, and/or spun by a TDS-afflicted media willing to embrace any scourge to score points against President Trump.

The New York Times, who recently reported on the alleged sexual predation of Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver—a story first reported by Ryan Girdusky, reported Thursday that six former Lincoln Project employees want to be released from their non-disclosure agreements in order to publicly discuss Weaver and the allegations against him.

The New York Times reports:

Leaders of the Lincoln Project, the anti-Trump media venture, came under fire on Thursday night from six former workers demanding to be released from nondisclosure agreements in order to talk about John Weaver, a co-founder who harassed young men online.. . . .The six former employees and associates called on the Lincoln Project to waive nondisclosure agreements, writing in an open letter — which was provided to The New York Times — that they wanted to be allowed to disclose information “that would aid the press, public and our donors in answering questions relevant to the public interest.”While the Lincoln Project leaders said Thursday night that current and former employees should contact them directly for a release from nondisclosure agreements, the six signatories to the letter said they were not comfortable doing so. They cited comments that Steve Schmidt, another co-founder, had made about Jennifer Horn, a former partner and co-founder, and Mr. Schmidt’s repeated denials that he had any knowledge of Mr. Weaver’s actions before last month.“Expecting victims and those close to victims to contact and engage the people and organization accused of protecting the very predator at issue is absurd, unreasonable and insensitive,” the former employees wrote in the letter. While they did not sign their names to the letter, their identities are known to The Times.

They have a point. Not only did the Lincoln Project respond to co-founder Jennifer Horn’s decision to leave the organization by pettily disclosing on Twitter internal discussions related to compensation, but they also tweeted—and then deleted—her private direct messages with a reporter.

Fox News reports:

The Lincoln Project is facing intense backlash and potentially major legal trouble after it was accused of publishing screenshots of private Twitter direct messages belonging to one of its co-founders, Jennifer Horn.

Horn, who left the Lincoln Project last week amid the John Weaver scandal, has had a public spat with the anti-Trump group ever since her departure. But the Lincoln Project escalated tensions on Thursday night with tweets that appeared to be an exchange she had with 19th News correspondent Amanda Becker.

Rick Wilson couldn’t resist crowing about the tweeting of Horn and the reporter’s private messages, and his tweet highlights questions about how they were obtained.

Given the unscrupulous, unethical nastiness of these people, it’s small wonder the former employees prefer not to deal directly with anyone associated with the Lincoln Project.

The tweets disclosing the private messages between Horn and the reporter were so problematic that Kellyanne Conway’s Never Trump husband warned they could be a violation of federal law.

Needless to say, Horn pointed out that the messages were made public and tweeted without her consent.

But Twitter apparently hasn’t got the memo that the left has decided it’s time to cut the Lincoln Project loose.

This is absurd on its face. Twitter’s insane rationale for locking the New York Post’s account after its bombshell report on Biden family influence peddling was that it violated their hacked materials policy.  Further, Twitter locked my account claiming that my tweet sharing a link to an article about election fraud was that I had ““privately produced/distributed intimate media of someone without their express consent” (and of course that was ridiculous).

It’s not clear if the Lincoln Project deleted the tweets because of Conway’s warning, because they were concerned about Horn’s assertion that she did not consent to her private messages being made public on Twitter, or because they were cowed by the massive backlash from both the left and the right.

Whatever the reason, this mean-spirited unethical stunt provides yet another glimpse of the depraved nature of those at the Lincoln Project who sold themselves to a gullible, grasping left as the principled, ethical antidote to Orange Man Bad’s mean tweets.

Having reportedly been told in June of last year of Weaver’s alleged predatory behavior towards young men and boys, the Lincoln Project waited until February 2021—after the proverbial excrement hit all the fans—to announce that it has hired an outside group to investigate Weaver’s behavior.

The FBI is also reportedly investigating the allegations against Weaver.

The Lincoln Project is having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week.

It’s so bad that even die-hard Never Trumper Tom Nichols has decided to jump ship.

He won’t be the last.

UPDATE 7:25 p.m. by WAJ

Fuzzy predicted it, more rats are fleeing the sinking ship. And this was one of the biggest, meanest rats of all: Steve Schmidt has resigned, joining spokesman Kurt Bardella who also resigned today.

Tags: Lincoln Project