China’s Parliament to Roll Out Road Map to Overtake U.S. Economy

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s hand-picked parliament is about to roll out a road map to overtake the U.S. economy when it meets on March 5 in Beijing, Asian newspapers report.

The National People’s Congress, the rubber-stamp Communist legislative body, is set to announce a fifteen-year plan to surpass the U.S. as the world’s biggest economy, the leading Japanese business newspaper Nikkei reported Saturday.

According to the Japanese newspaper, “[b]y the end of that road map, in 2035, China sees itself replacing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy.”

The road map is part of Beijing’s strategy of geopolitical and economic dominance. Last month, a senior Chinese Communist party official, Chen Yixin, described Beijing’s struggle with the U.S. as “both a skirmish and a protracted war.”

With President Donald Trump out of the White House and the world battling the Wuhan coronavirus, the “changes of the international landscape are in our favor,” declared Yixin, who is regarded by many as Xi Jinping’s likely successor.

The Japanese daily Nikkei reported the details of the Communist regime’s economic plan:

When China convenes the most important event on its political calendar, the annual National People’s Congress, on March 5, it will approve a long-term plan spanning 15 years. By the end of that road map, in 2035, China sees itself replacing the U.S. as the world’s largest economy.The NPC — China’s parliament — will also move to quash any criticism of the Communist Party, weighing major electoral changes for Hong Kong to ensure that the territory is firmly under the control of Chinese “patriots.”The two-week session of the NPC and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, an advisory body, comes a little over a month after the inauguration of U.S. President Joe Biden. With the new American administration aiming to align allies and partners to form a united front to face a “strategic competition” with China, the NPC will come under extreme scrutiny as a window into Beijing’s policies over the next five years and beyond.The Communist Party’s Politburo on Friday discussed the details of China’s next five-year plan, which runs through 2025, as well as long-term goals through 2035 and the annual government work report to be delivered at the congress. (…)That economy will rely less on external demand and be supported by domestic consumption.

While the world economy is reeling from the Wuhan pandemic and its aftermath, China has been the biggest economic beneficiary of the global outbreak. “China was the only major economy to grow in 2020, having largely brought COVID-19 under control ahead of the U.S. and others, the Nikkei noted. “Chinese real gross domestic product is expected to climb around 8% in 2021.”

China’s neighbors are already getting the foretaste of a world dominated by the Communist regime. With its growing economic clout, Beijing has embarked on a series of military adventures with several neighboring countries.

In June 2020, China’s People Liberation Army (PLA) invaded India along the shares Himalayan border and occupied a strategic valley. This was China’s biggest and deadliest military escalation with New Delhi since the war of 1962.

Last month, Chinese bombers and fighter jets carried out a large-scale incursion into Taiwan’s airspace, an island nation that Beijing sees as a renegade province.

Just days after President Joe Biden took office, Xi Jinping ordered the Chinese coastguard to fire on foreign ships on “disputed” waters, a threat directed at Japan and other neighbors who have maritime disputes with China.

If there are any lingering doubts that Communist China might be gearing up for a military showdown, the PLA has created army and naval bases on artificially created islands in the South China Sea. The islands are built in disputed waters, trampling on the sovereignty of many of its neighbors, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan.

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Tags: Biden China, Biden Economic Policy, China, Wuhan Coronavirus