Twitter Insider Video Shows Jack Dorsey Admitting Political Censorship Won’t End Soon
“We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go beyond the inauguration.”

A Twitter insider gave James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas a video of CEO Jack Dorsey admitting that more political censorship is coming.
He is not talking about the left.
Twitter came under fire for permanently suspending President Donald Trump’s personal account after the Capitol Hill riots. Dorsey believed that Trump’s two tweets after the riots could somehow influence more violence.
People pointed out the hypocrisy and double standard, like allowing the Iranian leader to tweet threats of war against Israel and not flagging tweets from China for disinformation about Uyghurs in concentration camps.
Dorsey says:
We are focused on one account [@realDonaldTrump] right now, but this is going to be much bigger than just one account, and it’s going to go on for much longer than just this day, this week, and the next few weeks, and go beyond the inauguration. We have to expect that, we have to be ready for that.
So, the focus is certainly on this account and how it ties to real-world violence.
But also, we need to think much longer-term around how these dynamics play out over time. I don’t believe this is going away anytime soon.
And the moves that we’re making today around Q Anon for instance, one such example of a much broader approach that we should be looking at and going deeper on.
So, the team has a lot of work and a lot of focus on this particular issue. But we also need to give them the space and support to focus on the much bigger picture because it is not going away.
They’re – you know, the US is extremely divided. Our platform is showing that every single day and our role is to protect the integrity of that conversation, and do what we can to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that. And that is the focus. And that is the color we want to provide.

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I also heard that there is some proof of “Jack” doing Her
Where does this take America?
If this were an isolated incident (just one social network) then its no problem. But it appears to be a coordinated effort by Partisan Media and big tech to silence or undermine viewpoints that are inconsistent with the progressive agenda.
Not just appears, this kind of selective editing of comments to create the appearance that Marxists views are widely accepted should remove them from 230 protection. Dorsey is in my opinion a flaming A hole with a Napoleon complex who deserves to turned into a pauper. This kind of arrogance is common with many successful young companies. Research in Motion had the same problem, and were blindsided as a result of their arrogance.
Um, I know Mike Lazaridis in passing and that’s a brutally unfair accusation.
Research in Motion bullied the wrong people, so when we were lobbying Congress we used RIM as a talking point, advocating that members of Congress should dump Blackberry. It would be an understatement to say that RIM was arrogant. It is unfortunate that a few thousand Canadians lost their jobs as a result of that.
For many years I was in and out of Waterloo University, and it was ironic driving by RIM’s building, empty and surrounded by weeds.
Well, you don’t actually have to talk to someone or have any communications with them at all to coordinate.
They know what is going on.
Hey, we have the Camaro about $5,000.00
By golley, that is right in there with the Mustang…
Maybe that isn’t the best analogy.
No one will do anything about it, why should I care any more?
I wish I had an answer for you.
If we all use human language to its fullest extent, Blue Bird couldn’t build a censor algorithm extensive enough to defeat it. Computers are replication machines only. They cannot think without the human that programs them. The gift of the human spirit it to endure. Humans can circumvent any system of oppression. Keep commenting and supporting the LI platform so that it doesn’t morph from ‘Legal Insurrection’ to ‘Illegal Surrender’.
It’s not too late to buy PUTs on their stock. FB as well.
Trump was the oxygen for their fire, so it was on its way out with him losing the election.
He didn’t lose
He won
It was stolen from him
Ann Coulter surmised it best. You knew they cheat, you knew they were going to cheat, but you only decided it was necessary to do something about it after the election. Look how that worked out.
Trump dealt with the cheating exactly how he dealt with the lawlessness in all the leftist cities… he let the local Democrats handle it.
As border enforcement is about to go to ZERO— it sure would be nice if we had a physical wall built too.
While we’re at it, I got to enjoy buying my insurance on the Obamacare exchange again at the END of the Trump presidency, just like at the beginning.
He did try to do something before the election. His lawsuits were summarily dismissed for lack of standing. Seem familiar?
This will be fun & interesting. We will get to watch a company implode right in front of us. Will be so entertaining, and deserved.
Well, somebody is out of a job.
Of course he isn’t going to fucking stop.
They’ve been calling the RINO bluffs all year. They have ZERO FEAR of consequences.
Dorsey lied to their fucking faces before the election and the only thing that happened was Cruz sent a mean tweet about it.
A progressive (i.e. monotonic) condition, probably.
Big Tech has allied with Big Media to form our new Ministry of Truth. War is peace, freedom is slavery, and ignorance is strength. You will hear and believe only what you are told by your digital overlords.
Only they can decide whether a flaming, murderous riot is “mostly peaceful.” Only they can go back and purge the many videotapes of Democrats encouraging the violent riots of Antifa and BLM.
Only they can dictate that murderous riots that burn down city blocks must be termed “protests” rather than “riots.” Only they can decide that a much smaller riot is an “armed insurrection.”
Only they can fault the President for sending the National Guard to protect the courthouse in Portland, while saying that he was irresponsible for not sending more National Guard to the Capitol.
They now have absolute power. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and it enriches those who wield the power. The only way we can fight their power is to stop using any of the services they control. Stop paying for TV (get an antenna), and don’t buy anything they advertise. Stop using Google, Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, and Apple products. What little power we have should be directed against the digital oligarchs.
This is it. It does not matter what we do any more because we are now a Democracy not a Republic. They only need to misinform a majority to get what they want and the rest of us do not matter.
Jack is using a very strange definition of “integrity”.
I got a suspension from twitter this week for suggesting the little twit who ratted her mother out to the FBI should be kicked to the curb.
They said it was targeted harassment and threats of violence. I appealed and asked for a native English speaker, educated enough to understand idioms to review the tweet.
I quit Twitter this week. Couldn’t be happier.
Good for you. I never joined in the social media game. Oh, I have made comments on a few sites but, other than that, I mind my own business. And, looking over the current landscape, I will stay informed and take some advice from Candide and cultivate my own garden.
Has Milhouse posted yet about how fine and legal that all is and how we should all just join Parler…oh..wait..
When the actions of the #MediaIndustrialComplex seem inscrutable, hypocritical, or self-destructive, just remember that they are competing in an #AttentionEconomy that is built on fear and hatred. The actions that they are most incentivized to take are those actions that maximize fear and hatred, and to do that, they need an almost 50/50 split of the audience, and they need to pit them against each other.
This isn’t about political censorship – this is about triggering anger from the right by being blatant about hypocrisy. This is about triggering fear in the left by exaggerating the threat of violence.
The only way to fight this is to find ways in our lives, and the lives of others, to reduce fear and hatred. It’s not scalable, viral, or easy, but we’re fighting against a set of automated algorithms and market forces that will automatically bubble up the most fear inducing and hatred inducing stories and narratives.
The only way to fight this is to find ways in our lives, and the lives of others, to reduce fear and hatred.
in a perfect world perhaps but not against the likes of dorsey, zucky, etc.–they do not and will not leave opponents alone–that is the reality
with no viable, ” legal ” recourse remaining to the american people(as this last ” election ” cycle made perfectly clear) the only remedies left to us become obvious as well
I’d thought that in a Biden* administration, the real decisions would be made by a few long-term Deep Staters we’d never heard of before.
Now it’s looking as though they will be made by the Triumvirate: Jack Dorsey, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai.
There will be a whole lot of pay to play.
Shouldn’t Tim Cook and Jeff Bezos be included in that list? Cook treats Apple as his personal bully pulpit.
Dorsey: “…to make sure that no one is being harmed based off that.” Free speech hurts? Of course I beg the question here. Not all free speech is the truth is a given; however, how do we arrive at the truth if we cannot openly and civilly speak? Dorsey is no philosopher nor logician. He is a platitude generator of political jargon and narcissism. He allows hot heads on the blue bird that proffer violence accommodating his personal dissonance; the refutation of it gets censored. Dorsey may think his platform to be his personal/private conduit to the world. But, once human speech (ideas) is involved, what he thinks to be private now enters the moral world where others observe and comment. Hey Dorsey, you opened a door (as a provider of shared speech) that you cannot close at your peril. Grow up!
If we all use human language to its fullest extent, Blue Bird couldn’t build a censor algorithm extensive enough to defeat it. Computers are replication machines only. They cannot think without the human that programs them. The gift of the human spirit it to endure. Humans can circumvent any system of oppression. Keep commenting and supporting the LI platform so that it doesn’t morph from ‘Legal Insurrection’ to ‘Illegal Surrender’.