Joe Biden’s Presidency is Already Worse Than Imagined

Joe Biden has been president for a little over two weeks, and it already feels like six months. I knew that when Democrats and the media kept claiming that Biden would return to normalcy, it was a lie, but I didn’t realize how bad it would be.

It’s a disaster on multiple levels.

Two nights ago, I tweeted this, and it quickly got over 3,000 likes and 1,000 shares:

That inspired me to expand on my thoughts:

Additionally, we now have an ongoing military presence in Washington, DC and government buildings surrounded by walls, which are now a good thing for some reason.

Executive orders, which the left called evidence of Trump’s authoritarianism, are now being signed by Biden in record numbers.

Biden is simultaneously destroying jobs and America’s energy independence. He is furthering the left’s mission to replace education with progressive indoctrination. He is putting the transgender agenda ahead of women and girls. Contrary to everything we were told, he has no real plan for the pandemic.

The FBI just arrested a guy who made political memes in 2016. Democrats and people in liberal media have gone beyond cancel culture and are now openly campaigning for political dissent criminalization.

This is all happening at the hands of people who spent four years calling Trump a fascist.

It’s going to be a long four years, folks.

Tags: Biden Administration, Biden Education, Biden Energy Policy, Jobs