Biden Chief of Staff, Who Admitted Obama Failure in 2009 Swine Flu Response, Claims They’re Inheriting ‘Huge Mess’ on the COVID Vaccine

Joe Biden has reportedly chosen Ron Klain to be his chief of staff. Klain is already claiming that the Biden team is inheriting a “huge mess” from the Trump administration on the COVID vaccine.

That’s rich considering the fact that we probably wouldn’t even have a COVID vaccine now without the efforts of the Trump administration.

John Bowden writes at The Hill:

Incoming Biden chief of staff on COVID vaccine rollout: ‘We’re inheriting a huge mess’President-elect Biden’s incoming chief of staff, Ron Klain, said Sunday that his boss was inheriting a “huge mess” from the Trump administration when it comes to the U.S. rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine.”We’re inheriting a huge mess here, Jake, but we have a plan to fix it, the president-elect put out that plan on Friday,” Klain told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union.”Klain said that a $20 billion effort to fight COVID-19 in the U.S. unveiled by the president-elect on Friday would put the U.S. on track to recover from the coronavirus pandemic.He said the incoming Biden administration planned to take steps to increase both the production and distribution of the two COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the U.S.”We think there are things we can do to speed up the delivery of that vaccine, and make that vaccine supply go farther,” Klain said. “For example, one thing the president-elect mentioned yesterday was using the Defense Production Act to ramp up the production of a particular type of syringes that allow us to get six doses of the vaccine out of a vial instead of five.”

Ron Klain had a very inconvenient view of how the Obama administration responded to the H1N1 Swine Flu outbreak in 2009. From FOX News:

FLASHBACK: Biden’s chief of staff pick admits Obama admin did everything wrong with H1N1President-elect Joe Biden named Ron Klain as his White House chief of staff on Wednesday – and the longtime Biden aide, who worked as an Obama administration Ebola response coordinator, is on record saying the previous administration handled the H1N1 outbreak poorly.In a Pandemic and Biosecurity Policy Summit hosted in May, 2019, Klain – who was not involved directly in the H1N1 response but was a White House staffer at the time – said “a bunch of really talented” people were working on it, but “did every possible thing wrong.”“Sixty million Americans got H1N1 in that period of time and it’s just purely a fortuity that this isn’t one of the great mass casualty events in American history,” Klain said. “It had nothing to do with us doing anything right, it just had to do with luck.”

Here’s the video:

Isn’t it amazing how much narratives can change depending on who is in power?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Biden Administration, Democrats, Joe Biden, Obama administration, Vaccines, Wuhan Coronavirus