Biden Appoints Susan Rice To Drive Racial Politics Deep Into Federal Bureaucracy
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Biden Appoints Susan Rice To Drive Racial Politics Deep Into Federal Bureaucracy

Biden Appoints Susan Rice To Drive Racial Politics Deep Into Federal Bureaucracy

White House to Advance ‘Racial Justice and Equity’ — “We have support of every White House office and every agency in this work”

Joe Biden has brought on former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice as a domestic policy aide to promote racial justice and equity.

This is the latest example of Biden promoting policy that sounds like it came directly off of a college campus.

Brooke Singman reports at FOX News:

Susan Rice says Biden will advance ‘racial justice and equity,’ calling it ‘essential’ to economic growth

White House domestic policy adviser Susan Rice said Tuesday the Biden administration will work to advance “racial justice and equity,” adding that building a “more equitable” economy is “essential” to economic growth.

Rice briefed reporters from the White House press briefing room on Tuesday, just hours before President Biden is set to sign a number of executive actions on the issue.

Rice, who is “leading this effort out of the Domestic Policy Council,” said that the administration has “a first-rate team to drive this agenda forward” to advance “equity for families across America.”

“We have support of every White House office and every agency in this work,” Rice said. “Advancing equity is everybody’s job.”

Biden is expected to sign a presidential memorandum to direct the Department of Housing and Urban Development to take steps to redress racially discriminatory federal housing policies that the administrable says have contributed to wealth inequality for generations.

See a clip from her remarks below:

Here’s more:

This is an excellent point:

Now might be a good time to remind Democrats and especially members of the Biden administration, that before COVID hit, the unemployment rate for minorities across the board were at historic lows.

It’s also a good time to remember that this woman went on five Sunday news shows after the Benghazi attack and blamed it on a YouTube video. It’s amazing she has not been shamed off the national stage.

Featured image via YouTube.


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The Friendly Grizzly | January 27, 2021 at 8:23 pm

Maybe it’s time for white people to just say no?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | January 27, 2021 at 9:37 pm

    “Susan Rice as a domestic policy aide to promote racial injustice and inequity.”

    Corrected for clarity.

    Was “Susan Rice as a domestic policy aide to promote racial justice and equity.”

    Two small changes.

    I already did. Moved to a nice “white” country, surrounded by other “white” countries. There are some real Africans living here but not many, a handle at most. A few Muslims, but not many, as we do not allow mosques in our country. I love Slovakia.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to audax. | January 28, 2021 at 7:20 am

      I envy you that. I’d likely not be welcome there; Jews aren’t exactly at the top of the Hit Parade in that part of the world. I support the values of those countries, but know where I am not wanted.

      For the time being, I am content with my 94+ percent white community. It would probably be higher but it is a university town. Our crime rate is higher than the national average, but it is not drive-bys and flash mobs. It’s mostly domestics, meth (hey, it’s the Appalachians!), and that sort of thing. No graffiti to speak of, the homeless are not violent or “making deposits” on the sidewalks or streets. I hope this lasts long enough for me to live out the rest of my few remaining years.

      FOTin1943 in reply to audax. | January 28, 2021 at 12:38 pm

      You are so fortunate to move out of this USA! At 77 and 87, we are probably too old to do so — but we think about moving ourselves and our money away from it all the time.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to audax. | January 29, 2021 at 12:08 pm

      If they are practicing Muslims, even a few are too many. They will multiply about four fold every generation, and eventually become obnoxious.

    Talk about domestic terrorism: Rice is Public Enemy #1.

    I’d say that whites have resigned themselves to dhimmitude.

Can smell that? It’s the smell of the retribution cannon being fired right into your face.

    FOTin1943 in reply to Andy. | January 28, 2021 at 12:38 pm

    For what the entire world was doing 150+ – 400 years ago.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to FOTin1943. | January 29, 2021 at 12:21 pm

      Africans enslaved their fellows, they are still doing so.

      Truth is, that people who came to America as slaves are better off as a result. If they don’t like it here, then they should to sent to Africa. We even bought a place in Africa for them.

      I love to see people of all races work hard to achieve their dreams, Those who are too dumb or lazy to do so have their rightful place in society, in a ghetto.

Note the push is not for equality, but equity, which is translated by the Left to be “Only people we approve of are permitted to earn money, speak their mind, and remain out of prison.”

The only equality they believe in is equality of outcome, which allows them full and total control over everything they get their greedy little mitts on to ‘balance’ the results.

    It’s about a money grab. That’s all it is.

    These people are Al Sharptons, only they dress better.

    These putrid people want something for nothing: and they want to take it from us.

    By the way, black genocide by abortion and by black murder is no big deal to these people. IT IS ALL ABOUT THE MONEY.

Look at all the damage this guy is doing via the stolen election.

Evil doesn’t care about hypocrisy.

She is out to destroy, to ghettoize, middle class neighborhoods. This is part of the plan to install a permanent Democratic government. BLM and Black Panther thugs guarding every precinct. No person in America safe from Black and Illegals crime except the very rich.

Shamed off the national stage? You’ve learned nothing if you believe that is even remotely possible. These people know no shame, they cannot be shamed.

This insane, corrupt cretin is actually running our government:

Grenell Has a Theory About Who’s Running a ‘Shadow Presidency’ in the Biden Administration:

She’s was also running Netflix and the garbage being broadcast on it:

Netflix has announced three new projects with antiracist indoctrinator Ibram X. Kendi, intended for a variety of age groups. “Stamped From the Beginning” will be a cross between a documentary and a scripted feature film, while “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You” will be similarly produced but for teens and young adult readers.

This scumbag must be mocked, humilated, confronted and scorned – and prosecuted for her past crimes:

Did Susan Rice Commit A Crime? It’s Starting To Look That Way

Don’t give her an OUNCE of respect.

I wonder how much more can be done? What exactly can she do? There’s already affirmative action throughout the gov. I bet job one will be convincing Xiden to sign a eo banning the use of the n-word.

What if undergraduates ran the country – The Sequel. Worked so well for us when Obama tried it and look who’s back.

And she’s half white married to a white man
The half whites seem worse than full AA in their hatred of White people

Seems she amd Obama did OK with that biracial identity

    FOTin1943 in reply to gonzotx. | January 28, 2021 at 12:50 pm

    I continue to be amazed and troubled by these D politicians who operate in their world as black, people of color, African_anmericans when there are, in truth, bi-racial. At the top of this list: Obama simply ignores or denies the white/European heritage of his mother and her parents (who raised him); Harris almost never identifies as 1/2 Asian/Indian despite her mother fleeing religious persecution in India. So politically astute to find support among blacks, African-Americans, those suffering from white guilt.

Short version. If you are a white, straight male, you’re screwed.

    FOTin1943 in reply to Pete6039. | January 28, 2021 at 12:52 pm

    Unless some woke business making ads for TV wants a white male spouse/partner/father for the black/African American woman or child featured in the ad.

Diversity [dogma], not limited to racism, is a forward-looking dogmatic belief of the Progressive Church.

So much so fast, perhaps it’s time we look into the fraud that put these clowns in power in the first place, through whatever means necessary.

Of course the real insurrectionists will have to be executed if the republic is ever to be safe as communists never stop and don’t obey laws.

Maybe it’s time for white people to just say no?

actually believe it’s past time–enough “tolerance” and way too much “intolerance” from the likes of rice

am not going to live this life in my own country being told by outright racists how we will be made to live it

though the constitution has been warped and contorted by jurists legislating from the bench the DOI and the BOR are clear and specific, written for the ages

Everyday, the Second Amendment becomes more precious and valuable. It must be defended at ALL costs.

The anti white agenda proceeds without pushback.

Lucifer Morningstar | January 28, 2021 at 9:06 am

I know this probably isn’t the best place to put this but here’s something that might make you smile. Or get angry. Either way it’s an interesting read.

Article here:

The Biden/Harris regime Youtube account is so unpopular that Youtube has taken to removing the Dislikes from the videos in an attempt to hide how unpopular the Biden Whitehouse actually is.

Methodology and raw data here:

    Why isn’t this the best place to post what you did?

    It’s the perfect place to post it: it directly relates to Rice as power behind the throne.

    They probably had plans for Harris, but the best she can do is giggle or sexually service homely old men.

What do the people that fought for the 1964 civil rights act think about their party now?

You haven’t seen anything yet. Remember that Obama weaponized most of the federal government. The ammo market still hasn’t recovered. That was just the start. Wait until you get audited by a “racial justice” warrior, or have your business permits governed by the “diversity” of your staff.

I see Bidet learned well at the feet of the master on how to circumvent the Senate appointment process… We should now expect a slew of Czars that replicate Cabinet positions.

Rice’s job is to lead the Democrat vanguard party’s effort to complete the implementation of The Chicago Way model of corrupt socialist fascist government at the federal level. So it becomes so firmly entrenched in and metastasized throughout the federal government that it can never be removed.

Since this task is already about 80% done her job is to make sure the last 20% is completed in the next couple of years.

Racial equality has been the law of the land for so long! This whining about racial “equity” is nothing more than racial quotas, set-asides for favored races, politically correct decisions not based on qualifications but on race … on and on as dressed-up ways to offer “reparations” for those with some heritage back to those enslaved over 150 years ago. And who could know better than Rice, picked for a job in 2 different D-run administrations because of her race, not qualifications; her willingness to lie on TV to the USA demonstrates that she cannot be trusted in this assignment.

They have to rush this because people are tiring of it fast. The people who got where they are through “affirmative action” are now dictating the rules for the next round of “equity.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to swampdave. | January 28, 2021 at 10:05 pm

    My hiring and firing experience is that most Affirmative Action leads to Affirmative Incompetence, extreme Peter Principle.

take steps to redress racially discriminatory federal housing policies

Which policies would those be?

retiredfornow | January 29, 2021 at 5:39 am

As a Fed employee, I’m concerned for my job as I feel convicted to push back on this garbage. I’m proud of the work I do in support of our great troops but I suspect that matters not to these zealots.