Teacher Claims She Was Forced to Resign Over Facebook Post Critical of Black Lives Matter Protests

A special education teacher from Pennsylvania named Ashley Bennett says she was forced to resign after merely sharing a comment that was critical of the Black Lives Matter protests over the summer.

Bennett’s story is just getting some notice now and she appeared on the Tucker Carlson show with her lawyer last night.

Dave Huber of The College Fix has details:

Educator forced to resign for publicly criticizing Black Lives Matter, lawsuit allegesIt appears school district officials Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, have a bit of a problem with public school educators who share conservative views on their personal social media accounts.The College Fix recently noted the story of Principal Amy Sacks of the Perkiomen Valley School District who was fired for posting conservative memes on her Facebook account. Sacks is suing for First and Fourteenth Amendment violations, as well as for political retaliation.Now, just a few miles away in the neighboring North Penn School District, a longtime educator there is suing that district for similar reasons.According to The Reporter, Ashley Bennett, a special education supervisor with 27 years of service, was forced to resign in July due to a Facebook post criticizing Black Lives Matter and various race protests and riots.

According to North Penn Now, this is the text of the comment Bennett shared on Facebook:

“I see signs all over saying #BlackLivesMatter. I’m just trying to figure out WHICH black lives matter. It can’t be the unborn black babies – they are destroyed without a second thought. It’s not black cops – they don’t seem to matter at all. It’s not my black #Conservative friends. They are told to shut the **** up if they know what’s best for them by their black counterparts. It’s not black business owners. Their property, their business and their employees don’t mean anything. So which black lives matter again?”

The next day, the school district released this statement:

“The comments that were brought to our attention do not align with the North Penn School District’s core values. The views expressed are in direct conflict with our work to develop a community that values diversity. We strive to acknowledge, respect, understand, and celebrate the dynamics of racial and cultural differences. Through the development of a culturally proficient staff, the establishment of structures that promote equitable opportunities, and partnerships with families and students, our school district seeks to create an environment of respect where all members of the school community are empowered to learn, grow, and appreciate one another.”

Bennett was placed on leave pending an investigation. Then the school district added this to their statement:

“A school district should be a reflection of its community, and the overwhelming support at numerous events for Black Lives Matter across the diverse and vibrant North Penn community aligns with our district’s goals to make genuine, sustainable change. The school district stands 100% behind the values and character demonstrated during this past weekend’s community-wide, peaceful and unifying Solidarity March organized by North Penn students and graduates.”

By the end of July, Bennett claimed she had been forced to resign, and was seeking legal action.

From North Penn Now:

Spec. Ed. Supervisor Pursuing Legal Action Against North Penn, Says She Was Forced To Resign Over Black Lives Matter CommentsEarlier this month, Ashley Bennett — a special education supervisor with North Penn School District —resigned from her position while being investigated for a post that she shared on her personal Facebook page expressing criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement.Now, Bennett has hired legal representation to take action against the district, stating that her civil rights were violated and her resignation was forced by district officials.“Ashley Bennett — a 27-year veteran special education supervisor with an unblemished record — intends to pursue legal action against North Penn and its officials,” said Francis Malofiy, Esquire, of Francis Alexander LLC. “Ashley was suspended without cause and then threatened with termination and career and personal ruination if she did not immediately resign.”

Here’s the clip from the Tucker Carlson show featuring Bennett and her lawyer. It’s cued to start at the 24:47 mark, just press play:

This is reminiscent of a case in Vermont from last June, where a school principal was placed on leave for criticizing the Black Lives Matter movement.

Are we witnessing a form of hysteria?

Why is criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement such an unforgivable offense? When did this happen?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Education, Facebook, Free Speech, Pennsylvania