NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Calls for Wealth Redistribution, Doubles Down When Called Out

Last week, during an online address that had to do primarily with education, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said frankly, “Our mission is to redistribute wealth.”

Apparently, the exodus of taxpayers from Manhattan is not happening quickly enough for the mayor, and he wanted to speed it along.

You may recall then-candidate Obama’s famous exchange with ‘Joe the Plumber’ in 2008. When Obama was caught on camera saying he believed in spreading the wealth around, it led to a damaging news cycle that lasted for days.

Now, years later, de Blasio is just coming right out and saying it. See the video below:

The mayor was called out for this comment on FOX News and then doubled down on it.

Professor Jonathan Turley writes:

“Fox News Got It Exactly Right. Amen”: De Blasio Double Downs On Plan To “Redistribute Wealth”During the Democratic primary, I wrote about New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and his “eat the rich” pitch for votes. He pledged to “tax the hell out of the rich.” It did not work. Not only did de Blasio never got to one percent nationally. Worse yet, he polled at zero in his own New York city with a 58 percent unfavorable rating.Yet, De Blasio later continued his anti-capitalism agenda including using the pandemic to renew calls to curtail capitalism and demonstrating a shocking lack of knowledge of basic economics. Now de Blasio has declared the purpose of the New York public schools as redistribution of wealth and doubled down on that call after being criticized on Fox News.

Turley provides de Blasio’s response:

I’m going to say it one more time in case Fox News is watching again: ‘NYC mayor sees the redistribution of wealth as an important factor toward ending structural racism in education.’ Exactly right. I don’t get to say it very often, but Fox News got it exactly right. Amen.We are going to fight structural racism through redistribution, so Fox News, congratulations, fair and balanced coverage right there. If we think we’re going to deal with structural racism and segregation without redistribution of wealth, we’re kidding ourselves,” the mayor added. “Nothing changes unless you put the resources behind it.”

This supposed effort to use the schools to fight racism with redistribution is right in line with the controversy unfolding at New York’s exclusive Dalton School.

The left is using education and tax dollars to pursue a political agenda of social justice that has nothing to do with traditional classroom teaching.

Former Fox News host Megyn Kelly recently pulled her kids out of a private school in New York City for this very reason.

More will follow.

Tags: Bill de Blasio, Education, New York City, Socialism, Taxes