NY Dem Congressman-Elect: American Capitalism “is Slavery by Another Name”

The Squad has a new member. His name is Jamaal Bowman and he is now going to represent New York’s 16th congressional district.

During a recent interview, Bowman compared capitalism in America to slavery, which means he will fit right in with his new Squad-mates.

It is an insult to compare capitalism, a system which has done more to raise people out of poverty than any other system that has ever been tried, to slavery, but what else should we expect from this growing Democratic caucus on the far left?

Sam Dorman reports at FOX News:

New ‘Squad’ member Jamaal Bowman calls American capitalism ‘slavery by another name’Congressman-elect Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., said in an interview published Monday that he believes the U.S.’ current system of capitalism is a form of slavery.”I believe our current system of capitalism is slavery by another name,” said Bowman, a new member of the progressive “Squad.”He told The Root that “[w]e’ve moved from physical chattel enslavement and physical racial segregation to a plantation economic system. One that keeps the majority of Americans unemployed, or underemployed and struggling just to survive, while the power elite continues to concentrate wealth in the hands of a few, and allow large corporations to pretty much run the world as multinational corporations.””The pandemic has revealed it. With almost 300,000 dead from the pandemic, disproportionately Black and brown, and Jeff Bezos is the first $200 billionaire. In the next six years, he might become the first trillionaire. That’s slavery by another name. It’s a system that’s not working, so we need a new system.”

One of the reasons Bezos has become so much more wealthy over the last ten months is a direct result of the lock down policies of members of Bowman’s party, policies which are destroying small businesses.

Bowman is also already advocating for a further leftward push in the Democratic party. He has been critical of Obama and believes the Squad is the way of the future.

Emily Jacobs reports at the New York Post:

“I don’t think Obama is the standard we should be striving towards. I think the Squad is more of a standard we should be striving towards because I think the Squad is more responsive to what’s happening today in our streets,” Bowman told the outlet.“I think Obama represents a certain demographic of the Democratic Party, but the Democratic Party is a big and diverse tent. I think the Squad and myself represent more of what’s happening right now in the party, on the ground, in the streets — particularly with parts of the community that we haven’t always engaged very well.”

As if all of this isn’t distressing enough, Bowman is looking forward to serving on the House Committee on Education and Labor.

Can you even imagine what the Democratic party will look like a decade from now?

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Capitalism, Democratic Socialism, Democrats, New York