TONIGHT: “How Critical Race Training Is Harming Higher Ed” — Online Event, 7 p.m. Eastern

On Sunday night, December 13, 2020, Legal Insurrection Foundation will host an online Zoom event on the topic of “How Critical Race Training Is Harming Higher Ed.” Registration is required, sign up here.

Registration closes at about 5 p.m. Eastern. You will receive a Zoom link to the program shortly before the program starts.

The impact of CRT on higher education has been covered here frequently, and will be an increasing focus for us. I was hoping to have a *big* announcement in that regard by now, but it may take a few more days. Maybe in time for the event.

The panel should be really informative. There will be a chance for Q&A.

Here are the speaker bios.

Professor William A. Jacobson, Cornell Law School, Legal Insurrection Foundation

William A. Jacobson is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School. He is a 1981 graduate of Hamilton College and a 1984 graduate of Harvard Law School. Prior to joining the Cornell law faculty in 2007, Professor Jacobson practiced law in New York City (1985-1993) and Providence, Rhode Island (1994-2006), A more complete listing of Professor Jacobson’s professional background is available at the Cornell Law School website.

Professor Jacobson was the founder of Legal Insurrection website in 2008.

Jodi Shaw, Smith College

Jodi Shaw is a Student Support Coordinator at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. In her position she provides administrative support to the Division of Student Affairs and the Department of Resident Life. She recently released a series of videos on YouTube aimed at improving working conditions at Smith. In her videos she describes how the Smith administration’s various initiatives aimed at achieving “racial justice” and “equity and inclusion,” have resulted in a racially hostile work environment for staff, students and faculty.

Wesley Yang, Freelance Writer

Wesley Yang is the author of THE SOUL OF YELLOW FOLK from WW Norton and a widely published freelance writer who has written for the New York Times Magazine, Esquire, Harper’s, Tablet Magazine, the Washington Post, and the New York Times Book Review.

Professor Wilfred Reilly, Kentucky State University

Wilfred Reilly is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Kentucky State University, and the author of the books Taboo: 10 Facts You Can’t Talk About, Hate Crime Hoax, and The $50,000,000 Question. Reilly has published pieces in Academic Questions, Commentary, Quillette, and a number of other journals and magazines. His research interests include international relations and the causes of violence, contemporary American race relations, and the use of modern quantitative methods to test “sacred cow” theories such as the existence of widespread white privilege. Off work, he enjoys dogs, archery, basketball, Asian cooking, and beer. Reilly has been described, by himself, as “the greatest mind of a generation.”

Kemberlee Kaye, Director of Operations and Editorial Development, Legal Insurrection Foundation

Kemberlee Kaye has a background working in immigration law, and as a grassroots organizer, digital media strategist, campaign lackey, and muckraker. Over the years Kemberlee has worked with FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, and Senator John Cornyn’s campaign, among others. Kemberlee is the Senior Contributing Editor of Legal Insurrection website, where she has worked since 2014.

Tags: Critical Race Theory, Jodi Shaw, Legal Insurrection Events, Legal Insurrection Foundation