Democrats in Georgia Senate Runoffs Are Hauling in Record Amounts of Cash

Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, the two Democrat candidates in the Georgia runoff elections for U.S. Senate, are swimming in cash.

If either one of them loses, it certainly won’t be for a lack of campaign funds.

Politico reports:

Democrats shatter fundraising records ahead of Georgia Senate runoffsDemocrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock shattered fundraising records by hauling in more than $100 million each in the past two months, significantly outraising GOP Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in the final stretch of the two Georgia Senate races that will decide control of the chamber next month.The massive fundraising for the two Democrats was driven largely by small-dollar donations, continuing the pattern this year of the party’s Senate candidates tapping into online donors across the country to fund their challenger campaigns, although Democrats underperformed expectations in November despite the fundraising edge.Ossoff became the best-funded Senate candidate in history, hauling in $106.8 million in two months. The Democrat spent $93.5 million from Oct. 15 through Dec. 16, and ended that period with $17.5 million in the bank for the closing weeks of the runoff.Perdue, his opponent, raised $68 million over the same time period. The Republican spent nearly $58 million and had $16 million in the bank.Warnock outraised Loeffler by a significant margin as well.

You may remember that when Jon Ossoff ran for Senate back in 2017, tons of cash flowed into Georgia from other states, particularly California. That’s happening again.

The Los Angeles Times reports:

Record cash pours into Georgia Senate races, with a large chunk from CaliforniaWith early voting well underway and both sides expecting extremely close races, record amounts of money continue to pour into Georgia’s twin Senate runoff campaigns, including a large chunk of cash from donors in California, new Federal Election Commission filings show.The two Democratic candidates, Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Raphael Warnock, shattered all-time fundraising records over the last two months. Their Republican opponents, Sens. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler, respectively, hold a financial edge, however, thanks to outside Republican groups that can raise massive sums mostly unconstrained by federal campaign laws.Much of that outside money comes from donors whose identities remain undisclosed…All four candidates have raised much of their money out of state, with California the largest source.

Let’s not kid ourselves. A significant portion of this California cash is coming from the entertainment industry.

Progressive policies have ruined California, so now the Hollywood left is looking for a new home in Georgia to wreck.

Tags: Democratic Socialism, Democrats, Georgia, Hollywood, Progressives, Raphael Warnock, US Senate