Tucker Carlson: Big Tech Took Part in ‘One of the Worst Forms of Election Tampering’

Voter fraud allegations have run rampant since Election Night, especially allegations from witnesses at the polls.

But Tucker Carlson noted two other sectors who played a huge part but appearing to get off scot-free: Big Tech and pollsters.

Big Tech

Carlson said:

One of the first things that we should be honest about is one of the worst forms of election tampering took place far from polling sites. It wasn’t votes from dead people. Those are bad, but they weren’t the worst thing. The worst things are more obvious than that.The worst thing was Silicon Valley.The tech monopolies spent the final weeks of the presidential election suppressing the voices of Trump supporter’s and hiding damaging information about his opponent Joe Biden. That happened. We saw it firsthand. We experienced it. You may have, too.

Carlson then noted:

In August, Facebook banned the pro-Trump super PAC committee To Defend the President from buying any campaign advertising. What? What election has that happened in? None.Just a few weeks ago, as you well know, The New York Post published true and accurate details of the Biden family’s lucrative and damaging overseas influence-peddling operation, which was real, which Joe Biden knew about.Facebook, in turn, limited the distribution of this article, and Twitter blocked people from posting it. In other words, they censored it. They kept people from knowing about it, and on what basis? Nothing in those articles was untrue, but they censored it anyway, along with any content that was critical of lockdowns and mandatory mask-wearing. Why? Because Biden supported those.

Carlson brought up Google’s suppression of Joe Biden articles at Breitbart News:

There are many threads to this. There is overwhelming evidence this happens — we’ll just pick one piece, a report from Breitbart.They took a lot of time to look into what Google was doing to them. They found that Google suppressed its stories about Joe Biden in the middle of 2020 through Election Day, suppressed them.Quote, “Clicks and impressions to Breitbart News from ‘Joe Biden’ Google searches displayed a healthy pattern of activity in the middle of 2020 when they suddenly flatlined … the plunge first occurred after a major update to Google’s search algorithm in May 2020.”Ask anybody in digital news, do searches for the names of candidates decline as we get closer to the election? No, probably not. In fact, they accelerate, but not if Google is censoring you, which is what they were doing.

It also looks suspicious because Biden has already hired or already considering people from Big Tech for his administration:

Carlson concluded: “If we are going to have real and fair elections going forward, then we have to end Silicon Valley’s total control of information. It’s the first thing we must do. We can’t have free and fair elections without that. If voters aren’t allowed to learn critical facts about political candidates before they vote, you can’t have a democracy. And of course, that’s why they are doing it.”


Carlson also pointed out the problem with the polls. Polls are not perfect, but Carlson said that nearly all of the “mistakes helped Joe Biden.”

RealClearPolitics had Biden up 7% and Quinnipiac had him over 11%. Biden only has a 3% lead as of now.

But it wasn’t just the presidential polls. Quinnipiac’s disastrous polls went nationwide.

Three Quinnipiac polls had Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) tied with his Democrat challenger Jaime Harrison.

Those polls allowed Harrison’s campaign to go to the big Democratic donors and raise $57 million in the final quarter. That is “the largest single-quarter total by any candidate in US Senate history.”

Harrison lost by 10 points.

Polls also influence voters:

Polls influence voting behavior. So effectively all those errors amount to voter suppression.When people believe that their candidate can’t win and that’s what the polls told us, can’t win, they’re less likely to vote for that candidate and much less likely to send them money.

Voter Fraud

But we cannot escape the allegations at the polls.



Dead people on voter rolls. Dead people voted in New York. Nevada aware of hundreds of potential votes coming from dead people

A Georgia election official admits the state will find illegal votes and double voters.

Integrity Matters

Carlson admitted that an investigation and changes in votes will unlikely change the result.

But that is not what matters. What matters is the integrity of our system.

“But changing the election results is not the whole point. The real point is that fraud took place, and that should horrify us. If you want people to believe that our system is real, that our system is worth say joining the military and dying to protect, then you’ve got to get to the bottom of what just happened and you’ve got to do it as quickly and responsibly as you can. You can’t have fraud in an election because then no one will believe in elections and then things fall apart.”

He said later:

“The point isn’t that we need to keep investigating until Donald Trump wins, that is not the point. The point is we need to find out what happened so that the rest of us believe the system is real. And to make that happen, Congress ought to investigate every meaningful claim of illegal voting. Every legitimate claim that is raised must be investigated. We need facts. Transparency is the key.”

Tags: 2020 Election, Big Tech, Tucker Carlson, Voter Fraud