Republicans Score Big Gains in House, Pelosi Barely Hanging On
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Republicans Score Big Gains in House, Pelosi Barely Hanging On

Republicans Score Big Gains in House, Pelosi Barely Hanging On

What ‘blue wave’?

Democrats expected and eagerly anticipated a “blue wave” that would sweep them into power in the White House, House, Senate, and state legislatures.  It didn’t happen, not by a long shot.

In fact, not only did they do poorly across the board, but, as a Democratic Legislative Campaign Committee spokeswoman astutely noted, President Trump acted not as the Democrat-expected “anchor” but as a “buoy” for Republican legislative candidates.

That Democrats vastly misjudged the appeal of their radical agenda is crystal clear (to everyone except AOC), and perhaps nowhere is that more evident than in the House races.  Nancy Pelosi truly expected her party to pick up seats, yet it appears it’s the Republicans who are on track to accomplish the 10-15 seat gains the Democrats expected in their column.

Despite AOC’s declaration that Democrats lost the House, they have so far managed to win 219 seats (218 are needed for the majority).

Via AP:

Powerline notes that Republicans have flipped 12 House seats: “RealClearPolitics notes that Republicans have picked up a net of 9 House seats. RCP projects that Republicans will pick up a net 10-13 seats when the counting is done.”

Of the House races yet to be called as of Friday, Republicans are leading in 11 of the 14 races.

Newsweek reports:

Republicans are leading Democrats in 11 of the 14 House races that have yet to be called, with progressive groups urging Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to change course if she wants to avoid another disappointing election.

Democrats will still hold the majority in the House of Representatives when the final votes are counted—and they’ve already won control of the chamber with 219 seats—but the party’s numbers will be reduced from the 232 seats currently held.

GOP candidates lead their Democratic opponents in all but three outstanding races. These are New Jersey’s 7th district, New York’s 18th district and New York’s 19th district. All three are held by sitting Democratic congressmen.

Five serving Democratic representatives are currently behind their Republican opponents, according to the New York Times.

Those representatives are Gil Cisneros (CA-39), Tom Suozzi (NY-3), Max Rose (NY-11), Anthony Brindisi (NY-22) and Ben McAdams (UT-4).

Pelosi will have her hands full with a much more narrow majority and an emboldened left flank demanding radical policies Americans rejected.

Pelosi can’t afford to lose many votes, including the bloc represented by the socialist “Squad.”

Meanwhile, an anti-socialist Republican “Squad” is forming.


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The democrats who barely scraped by this time aren’t going to risk their seats in 2022 for Pelosi and the Squats.

    Dusty Pitts in reply to Sanddog. | November 15, 2020 at 10:31 pm

    They may not get the chance either way; GOP control of state legislatures — strengthened on November 3 — makes the new districts in 2022 overwhelmingly favorable to a GOP majority in the House.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Dusty Pitts. | November 16, 2020 at 1:00 pm


      House Leadership Tells Members:

      Don’t Join Biden Administration, Our Majority Is Now At Risk…

      Weasel Zippers

Comanche Voter | November 15, 2020 at 8:54 pm

Suck it up Nancy. Teeny weeny majority in the House and that drooling moron in the Oval Office (and I’m assuming Biden will ultimately get there) will be the biggest swinging schlong in the Democrat party. You’ve been sideline Babe! Enjoy!

The democrats were expecting the polls to become a self fulfilling prophecy. Given the current make-up, I don’t see the house getting anything done in this upcoming session. Unless Trump manages to connect on a hail mary through the courts and secure the presidency again. That would be a fitting end to 2020, the most bizarre year in my lifetime.

Note the composition of those flips:

9 F, 4 M

2 Asian, 2 Latino (+Malliotakis 1/2), 1 Cherokee, 1 Iranian, 1 black, and only 1 white male (Meijer–not really a complete flip since he replaces the execrable Justin Amash, who was elected as a Republican.

The GOP is diversifying, but what really scares the Dems is that it is happening organically and not because of an imposed quota scheme.

    Diversity of individuals or color? Hopefully, the former… and minority of one. It would be an unforced error for Republicans to inherit the Democrat legacy and adopt the Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, relativistic, politically congruent (“=”) quasi-religion (e.g. “ethics”) of the Progressive Church.

There are probably a lot of democrats who want to shove her fridge full of ice cream in her face.

That means nearly the entire country wants to shove her ice cream in her face.

I have to wonder how it will look after the dust settles.

Given the massive election fraud by the Democrats. should not the Republicans contest every House and Senate race not won by the Republicans, even if it is not close? Fraud is fraud until disproved.

    That’s not how it works. The onus is on the challenger to the official results to prove fraud, and enough fraud to swing the result. That’s often impossible. For instance, even if you can show enough dead people voting to change the result, how do you prove they voted Democrat and not Republican?

    Also, I imagine there’s not that much fraud in closely contested House races. The places that are notorious for fraud are those where the election process is completely controlled by a Democrat machine, such as Philadelphia, Detroit, Chicago, Dane County, King County. That seems to be where the large-scale fraud happens, but it can only affect statewide races, not local ones.

      Chuckin Houston in reply to Milhouse. | November 16, 2020 at 12:26 pm

      And, voting by mail makes it easier to commit the fraud, especially in states that are new to massive voting-by-mail and are also laggards in purging their voter rolls or those who have died or moved away.

      Grant’sGhost in reply to Milhouse. | November 16, 2020 at 12:32 pm

      So we give up and never win another election. If this worked, they keep doing.

        No, we don’t give up. We fight it every way we can. But even in the unlikely event that we succeed so well that we manage to swing the presidential result and a senate result or two, don’t expect similar results in the House. The bulk of the fraud happens where it can’t help us with that.

Big media now blaming it on bad polling, problem is big media has ties with the polling companies, Still waiting to read stories or press releases that the big media companies have fired the polling companies they hired.
Until that happens the media companies are just talk and no accountability.

Keep an eye on Ms. Salazar, she was a tv anchor with over 30 years in the business. She won’t be afraid to go toe to toe with the squad members

Audit California.

It will be interesting to see how many Dems switch party. Facing a bloody 2022 election, many of them might provide a signal in their votes for Speaker and vote for McCarthy.

Regardless of who the next Speaker is, it will be very difficult to corral the votes for any of the major Bernie agenda priorities. Just try rigging that many local elections and see what happens. Fearing this might become the prime motivator for the House to clean up the voting process. Every two years, each congressman has to face his/her most ardent voters in person. They can’t run and hide.

The election of the next Speaker could become even bloodier than Trump vs Biden. This is where “the rubber meets the road”.

Nothing expresses visually why the electoral college is so vital for our society to function properly. All of that red demonstrates how diverse and spread out our interests are. Just because the cities represent higher concentrations of specific interests shouldn’t mean they tell the rest of us how to live our lives. We shouldn’t be so vulnerable to being dictated to by the results of so few corrupt, rigged elections.

buckeyeminuteman | November 16, 2020 at 7:09 am

CA has given until Nov 20th to receive mail in ballots. Republician leads diminish there every day with the fraud they are perpetrating.

Positive: with all the manual recounts and Investigations about to start, more Republican seats will be picked up.

Meanwhile, I’m still stuck here in Massachsetts with 9 Dem reps (100%), 3 of which ran unopposed. Pathetic.

If was the down-ballot that’s really going to hurt the left. They were so busy rigging for BUYden they forgot it’s a census year. The GOP controls many of the state houses that will determine the districts for the next 10 years.

I’m disappointed in the results. After spending the year talking defund the police. Defending “Peaceful” looting and arson, and stunning lockdown hypocrisy. The Dems should have lost a lot more seats

    There are so few districts that are competitive in any given year, the districts are drawn to keep them from being competitive.
    There are still districts where the incumbent has no challenger ( both sides of the aisle).

This goes a long way to explain why the down ballot was so weak for the Dems:

“We’ve identified,” she added, “at least 450,000 ballots in the key states that miraculously only have a mark for Joe Biden on them and no other candidate.”

So hundreds of thousands of Democrats and ONLY Democrats cast ballots to vote exclusively for SloJoe. Nothing else on the ballot was worth their consideration. Smell test please?

    NOT “only Democrats”. Tens of thousands of Trump voters did the same. And yes, that happens every presidential election.


      Give us the numbers. You don’t want to do that because it would show the fraud that occurs with the democrats, massive fraud.

      Most of those biden ballots were not legally cast votes, they were just one part of the fraud.

Illinois 6th and 14th Districts were stolen by the Dems – need a re-count.