Report: Trump Wants to Form Digital Media Empire to Compete With Fox News
More and more people have flocked to Newsmax TV and One America News.

Axios reported that President Donald Trump wants to form a digital media empire to take on Fox News.
The president has expressed frustration with Fox News since the election when the station called Arizona early for Joe Biden.
From Axios:
Here’s Trump’s plan, according to the source:
- There’s been lots of speculation about Trump starting a cable channel. But getting carried on cable systems would be expensive and time-consuming.
- Instead, Trump is considering a digital media channel that would stream online, which would be cheaper and quicker to start.
- Trump’s digital offering would likely charge a monthly fee to MAGA fans. Many are Fox News viewers, and he’d aim to replace the network — and the $5.99-a-month Fox Nation streaming service, which has an 85% conversion rate from free trials to paid subscribers — as their top destination.
Trump’s database of email and cellphone contacts would be a huge head start.
- Trump’s lists are among the most valuable in politics — especially his extensive database of cellphone numbers for text messages.
Axios is told Trump may use vote-count rallies to undercut Fox.
- “He’s going to spend a lot of time slamming Fox,” the source said.
Newsmax TV’s viewership has skyrocketed since the election with many people choosing the station over Fox. The company also saw a spike in downloads for its app and a lot more visits to its website:
Fox News viewers appear to be deserting the network in droves as they tune into Newsmax TV.
Nielsen data confirms the trend in the post-election period last week.
During Wednesday through Friday last week, Newsmax TV led Fox Business and CNBC in all key day parts.
Newsmax is also seeing a terrific surge across its media properties, starting with its cable and satellite news channel. OTT viewership of the channel is also up on devices like Roku, YouTube, and Xumo.
The company also saw over a half million downloads to the free Newsmax TV APP, and earlier Tuesday hit the top 3 position in rankings for downloads on iPhone.
And traffic to, the company’s flagship website, also is surging.
Trump retweeted people who confirmed they watch NewsMax and One American News.

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I’m in.
Don’t forget: Axios is a Left-wing outlet, with the Executive VP a former Biden staffer. And they tell us, based on Trump tweets, that he wants to destroy Fox News? Yeah, right, so we all think:”Yep, Trump lost, Bidens wins – but Trump will be back???” – while voter fraud and ‘glitches’ are rampant in swing states? That’s just a left wing decoy to undermine elections – as every future election will be like that: stolen by the Left…
Really,Mary Chastain?
You are drawing conclusions based on Axios’ unnamed anonymous ‘sources?’ …who are speculating on what they say Trump intends to do?
Just wow, girl…
Then they can report on things such as this.
IT Contractor for Dominion Ballot Counting Software Co. Exposes Massive Ballot Fraud in Detroit Michigan…
And this….
And also this.
HUGE! Lin Wood on Howie Carr: “Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election – Will All Go to Jail” (VIDEO)
No he needs to go in on Newsmax and make it huge
No subscription service
Please, Mr President. Have it where there is an announcer, a desk, a static background, and reporting. No swooshy-swirlies, spinning logos, slow-pan backgrounds, or slo-mo flag-waving-in-the-wind.
OK. A headline crawl at the bottom, and local temperature. But no more!
I hope this isn’t the first step in concession.
No, think of it as planning ahead. Even if his challenges to the fraudulent votes is successful, he should plan on going forward with this idea.
This is my concern – that it looks that way, anyway.
Hold off on that sort of pronouncement until all your appeals are exhausted.
I think that downtick is mine. Sorry…
If Trumps decides to do this, is there any reason why it wouldn’t be successful? Right off the bat?
Those attending his rallies were mirages. The treatment he’s been given these 5 years has been atrocious. We identify with him. We see the treatment given to him as the treatment they want to give to each of us. We see how FB, Twitter, Google and the rest have censored the conservative point of view.
All of this is to say that Trump will immediately have a willing subscriber base and willing advertisers.
Go for it, Don. Then, in 2023 when it begins again, you’ll be tanned, rested and ready.
It wouldn’t be successful because every big tech company would censor it, they’d blacklist and censor anybody that dared advertise on the station, they’d dox, censor and harass anybody that dared work for him, and the RINOs would roll over and shrug their shoulds BuT iTs A pRiVaTe CoMpAnY
And that would make it not successful?
I’m not so sure.
So you’re saying he start his own (mostly news oriented) search engine/social media site first?
Difficult but brilliant.
My questions
1. Does it still matter? The world is moving from network to internet. He won’t be competing with fox he will compete with Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder etc.
2. Will this network actually persuade new people or just preach to the choir like fox did before it because we don’t seem to be making headway anywhere.
Another story based on an anonymous source. Maybe he *should* start a news network, and quote actual, real people as sources.
It’d be a smash hit on day one, and woould continue a smash as long as there is a Trump family member alive.
The conservative billionares should pony up for a turnkey broadcast entity – they’d make more money than they will on their other investments.
Imagine the star talent that would run to it.
Remember, it’s not Trump they are after: it’s us. He’s just in their way.
Spot on Accurate.
Covid Vaccine Is ‘Like a Gift From God’…
I’ll watch it!
This rumor’s been floating around since he ran in 2016. It’s more disinformation from “anonymous sources.”
If Trump loses, he should run for a House seat based on draft articles of impeachment for Joe Brains. LOL.
He should get together enough investors to buy Fox News and get it back to being the conservative network.
In your best Ed Sullivan voice, “It would be a really be shew!”
I’d much rather Trump focus on being president and staying president. The more excited he gets about cable news, the less he will want to stay president. Keep your eyes on the prize!