Report: Sen. Tillis (R-NC) Wins Re-election, Cunningham Concedes
The announcement is another win for Republicans who will likely maintain control of the Senate.

In a race straight out of a Parks and Recreation script, Senator Thom Tillis has won re-election to North Carolina’s hotly contested Senate seat.
The announcement is another win for Republicans who will likely maintain control of the Senate.
From the NY Post:
Thom Tillis, the GOP senator from North Carolina, has won re-election after a nail-biting, days-long count, handing the Republican Party a major victory as it looks to hold onto control of the Senate.
Democratic challenger Cal Cunningham called the incumbent on Tuesday, one week after Americans went to the polls, to concede the race.
“I just called Senator Tillis to congratulate him on winning reelection to a second term in the U.S. Senate and wished him and his family the best in their continued service in the months and years ahead,” Cunningham said in a statement.
It was a close race, Tillis winning with 48.7 percent of the vote compared to Cunningham’s 47.6 percent.
Cunningham’s bid was also derailed when he admitted to sexting a woman who is not his wife. The revelation came just hours after Tillis announced he had tested positive for coronavirus and was quarantining.
Cunningham concedes:
Cal Cunningham concedes: “I just called Senator Tillis to congratulate him on winning re-election to a second term in the U.S. Senate and wished him and his family the best in their continued service in the months and years ahead,” he says.
— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) November 10, 2020
As for the polling…
Another direct hit
— David Rutz (@DavidRutz) November 10, 2020

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to the full extent allowed by law.
70 million down the drain because Cal could not keep it in his pants.
Poor Dems could take the Senate if only they did not have to nominate Democrats.
now, for the USAR to court martial him for adultery and conduct unbecoming, reduce him in rank and give him a general, other than honorable discharge.
a Big Chicken Dinner would be better, but i don’t see them having the moral courage to do so.
Not only did Cheating Cal violate his wedding vows, he did so in their marital bed. He can’t run off to DC now.
Chuck Schumer is also mad with Cheating Cal.
Zipper down Cunningham Concedes!!
Will there is a divorce? His wife has to be really pissed.
Will his door key work now I wonder?
There are very highly placed democrats who needed to rig the election to stay out if prison. They convinced their TDS foot soldiers to play along. Now when the feds start investigating these low level democrats who committed massive fraud, letting them know what their exposure is, there are going to be some who fold. Maybe many. Just imagine the prospect of prison and huge fines, just because orange man bad.
BREAKING: RCP Marks Pennsylvania As “Undecided”
Weasel Zippers
Also breaking: “Trump wins North Carolina, no surprise, focus is on the Senate”
Per AP: 99% of precincts reporting, Trump 50.1%, Biden 48.6% but “has not called this race”.
(Source: using Google, search on “Trump wins North Carolina”)
What “breaking”? RCP has always had PA as “undecided”. There’s been no change.
None of this this has anything to do with ‘orange man bad’, and everything to do with fascistic civil war against Americans for their own country.
Interesting how Trump gets a huge boost in nationwide vote total and outperforms the polls in every state, how he was leading by solid margins on Election night, how the GOP (contrary to widespread predictions) made significant gains in the House and may yet keep the Senate, how the GOP cleaned up at the state legislature level – and yet he is supposed to have lost to a candidate who hid in his basement and who needed millions of illegal ballots in deep blue hellholes like Detroit and Philadelphia to sneak across the finish line? Seriously?
If this was the scenario in some African or Asian election the State Department and the UN would never have accepted the result. But in the US this is somehow … legit?
Darn. This means Schumer can stop trying to drag Cunningham across the finish line. I was hoping to be able to watch that on pay-per-view.
This concession stuff puzzles me. What difference does it make if Candidate X concedes? Does that operate as a fighter’s corner throwing a towel into the ring?
Biden’s crying that Trump won’t concede.
Isn’t the final vote count the sole determinant? What if Candidate X concedes, but the final count, completed after the concession, demonstrates that Candidate X got the most votes. Does the concession override the final count?
Conceding the election does not supersede the actual vote totals: in other words, a concession has no legal standing.
Remember in 2000, when Al Gore conceded on election night, only to “take it back” when Florida went from Bush to Undecided. Then Gore eventually conceded, going to Plan B: fleecing the nation and enriching himself under the scam of ‘global warming’.
You’re wondering why Biden keeps loudly complaining that the DJT hasn’t “conceded” the race yet? To get more free press and continue to poison people’s minds against the President.
and to stop the investigations into voter fraud
candidates conceding in political terms basically means he/she ‘surrenders’ as a form of theater showing good faith to the process
the thing is with Trump, he’s contesting the result due to his current projected total in 4-5 states being within legal boundaries such as recounts and voter fraud issues
so technically speaking, the President is under no legal obligation to ‘concede’ at this point after the election because the result has not been finalized
no matter how hard the media is screaming of a Biden victory
now the reality is – Trump will likely not prevail in the courts since every judge will punt on the issue of actually making sound determinations on the issues of fraud raised
THIS will eventually come to the Supremes who I suspect will also punt it for not wanting to look like arbiters of the general election
so then Trump’s only recourse is the recount – again still within his legal option – but here I think the vote tallies are too high for any technical errors to overcome
he might flip a state, but he needs to flip like 3 or 4 of them, which is the most unlikely scenario
BUT the thing is
ALL of these issues should have been brought up way back in May/June by the republican establishment
because the problem with the fraud issue in this election cycle is the mail-in ballot system had no consistent way of verification
and in many states, judges ruled signatures and postmarks need not meet the common sense standard
so it just became a clusterfuck, which alot of people predicted
Memo to the rest of the country: This is how it’s supposed to work.
Trump is playing by the rules, while the other side has not.
Trump carried them all to victory.
North Carolina governor, communist, wins the election while Trump and Tillis win. Fishy?
So, the same people that voted for Trump and Tillis then split and voted for a marxist governor? No way, more crooked.
Forest made reopening NC a cornerstone of his campaign. The Dems simply screamed “BOO!!!” at those voters still panicked over bat fever, and that made the difference.
And, as predicted, once Cooper isn’t facing an election, he announced that the reopening has stalled and the lockdown will continue. He reduced the number of acceptable indoor gatherings from 25 to 10.
We just ignore Cooper.
Why did this take a week?
Because NC is allowing votes to be counted for 9 days after the election!
Nuts! It’s been a mess here.
The Jody was jumping an enlisted man’s wife. A big no, no for an officer.
Not big? Except for losing the election, one could say that he screwed himself.