My digital landscape is changing post election

The pre-election panel discussion on Sunday, Nov. 1st seems ages ago. It is amazing how time slows down when your are in a nightmare.

Yet, one answer I gave regarding a my response to a Biden victory resonates very strongly with me now: If Biden wins, we will need websites like Legal Insurrection more now than ever before.

After enduring the complete fiasco of election night coverage on Fox News, I had to take a break from all mainstream media news coverage. It was crystal clear that ‘journalists” were going to drive the narrative that Biden won, and discount or minimize the legal challenges and ground reports indicating serious problems with the vote count.

I have to be honest: I took the weekend off, crawled into my comfy corner with a good book and a cup of cocoa, and let the anger and disappointment wash out of me.

It’s going to be hard to continue review, analyze and share what passes as “news” in this country, as determined by the elite, self-serving globalists who reign in the DC-NYC Beltway. However, #WalkAway Movement founder provided some needed inspiration in a tweet:

And while I don’t have a cowboy hat, I certainly can put on my imaginary one and continue to cover the realities of progressive science and technology policies, should that be necessary. Granted, I may have to rely on the foreign press much more to do so. But the alternative would be to let the propaganda outlets that our media has become to go unchallenged…and that I will not do.

Legal Insurrection’s team is going to continue its campus activism and investigations. Local fights for liberty and freedom will become much more important, and stories published here won’t be throttled, shadow-banned, or hidden behind false content warnings.

However, it is clear that we be returning to the days before Facebook and Twitter to share links in comments, and items through email. Supporting the small, but effective, conservative news and political analysis sites will be critical to our success, mental health, and spiritual strength.

I am using the next week to change-up my approaches to social media. Like Glenn Reynolds, I am taking my entire political content over to, rather than letting Facebook suppress it. I will retain my account for the personal relationships I have built.

My Twitter activities will be limited to supporting a few of my favorites and collecting quotes. It will be Parler for all the rest.

Otherwise, I will be leaving all other social media. I don’t want social justice activists using me as a product.

Fox News is gone. Completely….after having been a staple since 2000. I sure hope some of my favorite hosts transition to OAN or NewsMax.

I haven’t hit The Drudge Report in a year. I have found and Citizen Free Press solid replacements.

As Hollywood has made it clear it despises my values, my entertainment will be confined to old movies and good books. I don’t anticipate going to a theater again.

Products that use social justice antics to market will not be purchased. I will also make it a point to avoid buying absolutely anything made in China, to ensure the Chinese profit as little as possible.

I am going through my financial plans now, to determine how best to lower my tax footprint if necessary. Washington DC will profit as little from me as possible, as it is clear it no longer represents me.

In terms of the next election cycle, this is 110% true for me:

The time of personal realignment has just begun.

Whatever other plans I make in the future, there are a few actions I will take with certainty. I will not roll over. I will never accept a Biden administration as legitimate. And I will continue to work to get the best possible information to our Legal Insurrection friends.

Tags: Facebook, Fox News, Social Media, Twitter