Backlash: Left Turns On #NeverTrump Lincoln Project ‘Grifters’

One of the biggest losers in last night’s election may well turn out to be the #NeverTrump Lincoln Project, an assortment of failed former GOP political operatives and inconsequential pouty and self-aggrandized former rightwing pundits.

As Florida was going into President Trump’s not inconsiderable ‘win’ column, Democrats and their media hordes were horrified to see Trump make huge gains among Hispanics in the Miami-Dade area.  And it wasn’t only Floridian Hispanics who turned out to vote for Trump, Republicans turned out to support the president in record and historic numbers.

For some reason, Democrats thought that a venom-spitting gaggle of disgruntled, mean-spirited former Republicans was just the ticket to help them turn out Republican voters to beat the president.

The left is now regretting that misguided decision, and the Lincoln Project is catching a lot of flak for their wrong-headed ‘guidance’ on and negative approach to winning over Republican voters.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Democrats, Lincoln Project, Regressive Left, Twitter