Parents and Students at U. Mississippi Feel They’re Not Getting Their Money’s Worth

People all over the country have a right to feel this way. The coronavirus pandemic is exposing higher education for the financial scam it has become.

WMC News reports:

Some parents and students who attend Mississippi universities, including the University of Mississippi, say they’re not getting their money’s worthSome in-person classes have been moved online, and some fear the quality of their education is in jeopardy.A private Facebook group created just over a week ago, is making a push to get all college classrooms open in the magnolia state.The Facebook group is called “Keep Mississippi Universities Open,” and it has over 4,500 members.Our fellow Gray station WLBT in Jackson, MS spoke to a parent, Dr. Patrick Tucker, who sent a letter to the University of Mississippi chancellor questioning the level of instruction his son is getting.“I absolutely do feel like I”m being ripped off. If I’m going to pay for my child to come to Ole Miss to learn and to be instructed in class, he needs to be instructed,” Tucker said.University leaders tell WMC-TV that due to the pandemic, they were forced to offer classes in both in-person and remote formats.A university spokesperson directed us to a letter sent Tuesday from Chancellor Glenn Boyce addressed to parents and families saying in part, “The reliance on remote delivery is presenting challenges to some of our students, particularly those who perform best in a face-to-face environment.”

Tags: College Insurrection, Mississippi, Wuhan Coronavirus