Jack Dorsey: Twitter Doesn’t Influence Elections, Admits No Policy Against Holocaust Denial

Sen. Cory Gardner (R-CO) asked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey what happens if someone on the platform denies the Holocaust ever happened.

Dorsey admitted the company does not “have a policy against that type of misleading information.”

Then Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) tore into Dorsey for blocking The New York Post over Hunter Biden’s laptop reports

Cruz: ‘Who the Hell Elected You?’

Cruz ripped into Dorsey:

“Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report, and what the American people are allowed to hear?” thundered the Texas Republican at the social-media mogul. “Why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC, silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?”

The conversation turned to Twitter blocking The New York Post‘s account and censoring its bombshell reports about Hunter Biden’s laptop even though the information did not come from a hack.

“Why did Twitter make the decision to censor the New York Post?” he asked.Replied Dorsey, “We have a hacked materials policy … limiting the spread of materials that are hacked. We didn’t want Twitter to be a distributor of hacked materials. We found that the New York Post, because it showed the direct materials … [and] it was unclear how those were obtained, that it fell under this policy.”As Cruz pointed out, The Post clearly noted in its reporting that the trove of emails and other personal materials were obtained from a laptop that formerly belonged to Biden, and was abandoned at a Delaware electronics repair shop, becoming the owner’s property under store policy and agreed to in writing by Biden.

Dorsey admitted the error, but Cruz pointed out the newspaper cannot get into their account. Dorsey responded that the publication can if it logs in and deletes the tweets about Biden.

But then The New York Post can repost its articles about Biden. I’m so confused:

“They weren’t hiding what they claimed to be the source,” Cruz said. “Is it your position that Twitter, when you can’t tell the source, blocks press stories?”Protested Dorsey, “No, not at all. Our team made a fast decision.”He also noted that policy has since been amended to avoid a similar situation.But Cruz then pressed on why The Post’s Twitter account remains blocked, two weeks after the ban was rescinded.“They have to log into their account, which they can do at this minute, delete the original tweet, which fell under our original enforcement actions, and they can tweet the exact same material, the exact same article and it would go through,” Dorsey said.

Cruz noted the obvious (emphasis mine):

Cruz also drew a sharp distinction between Twitter striking down a fringe social-media voice and a major news outlet.“Let’s be clear: The New York Post isn’t just some random guy tweeting. The New York Post has the fourth-highest circulation of any newspaper in America. The New York Post is 200-years-old. The New York Post was founded by Alexander Hamilton,” he said. “And your position is that you can sit in Silicon Valley and that you can tell them what stories they can publish, and you can tell the American people what reporting they can hear, is that right?“The media must genuflect and obey your dictates if they wish to be able to communicate with readers, is that right?”Dorsey repeated that The Post is welcome to return — if they delete the original Hunter Biden messages.“We’re not blocking The Post…,” he said, before being cut off by Cruz.“Can the New York Post post on their Twitter account?” pressed the lawmaker.“If they go into their account…,” began Dorsey.“No, is your answer to that,” cut in Cruz. “Unless they genuflect and agree with your dictates.”

Holocaust Denial

So let me get this straight.

Twitter will censor President Donald Trump’s tweets as misinformation and lock The New York Post‘s account over Hunter Biden’s laptop, but doesn’t have a policy about the Holocaust?

How can you have a “misleading information” policy that does not include documented historical events, especially catastrophic and atrocious ones like the Holocaust?

If you don’t have a misleading information policy that doesn’t include the Holocaust then maybe you shouldn’t have one at all.

These people still want us to think they are fair and unbiased.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Social Media, Ted Cruz, Trump Twitter, Twitter, US Senate