‘Peaceful Protests’ Push St. Louis, Portland Mayors Out of Their Homes
Rioters threatened to torch Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler’s home on Monday.

St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and her husband moved to a nearby apartment nearly two months ago due to the numerous protests after the death of George Floyd.
Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler announced he started looking for a new place to live after his city has seen over 85 straight nights of riots.
Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser might join the list since protesters gathered outside of her home on Wednesday night “following a police-involved shooting in that city.”
What really confuses me is that these mayors are Democrats. I thought these riots had to do with President Donald Trump and the racist Republicans.
Wheeler has largely sided with the rioters, who have caused massive destruction and scared people in Portland. Instead of trying to save his city, Wheeler has rejected Trump’s offers to send in federal agents and any kind of assistance to stop the riots.
Wheeler’s hatred for Trump trumps (pun intended) the safety of his city.
But what about his safety?
The rioters threatened to torch Wheeler’s home on Monday, which was his 58th birthday:
“I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position,” Wheeler reportedly wrote, according to a screenshot of the email.
“It’s unfair to all of you who have no role in politics or in my administration.”
Remember Mark and Patricia McCloskey? They became frontpage news when they drew their guns to protect themselves from a mob of protesters in their St. Louis neighborhood.
That mob was headed to Mayor Lyda Krewson’s home. They broke through the gated community to get to Krewson’s home.
That incident happened On June 28.
The St. Louis Dispatch reported on Thursday that Krewson left her house two months ago:
The mayor on Wednesday confirmed that she and her husband, former television reporter Mike Owens, have been living at an apartment, also in the Central West End.
“We have not lived at home for 2 months,” Krewson said in a text message to a reporter. “We did it to deescalate the situation, to save police resources, and importantly because our neighbors were being disturbed and threatened.”
The mayor said “for me it comes with the territory.”
“I ran for this job — my neighbors did not,” Krewson said.
Krewson said she and her husband paid for their alternate lodging out of their own funds. She said no city money or campaign funds were being used.
That means she left in early July, which is right after the McClowsky family made headlines.

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They brought it on themselves. I am not saying what has been done to them is right, but, they let all of this spiral way out of control.
Bless their lil’ racist hearts………
Antifa — self immolation for Democrats. Anarchists devour that which is closest to them first.
Wheeler abetted untrammeled anarchy. Now he has a freight train closing down on him. You cannot appease a mob.
I’m waiting for a mayor to open the rioters’ knock on the door, not to apologise, but to fire a 12ga repeatedly.
They asked for it and they’re getting it. Feelings of sympathy are hard to come by.
If after three months of rioting, burning and looting the best you can do as a “leader” (who took and oath to defend and protect) is to move away from it, you sir are a pathetic excuse for a man! You are a worthless, gutless Ignoranus who is simply not qualified to hold public office let alone the public trust!
Preach it!!!!!
Allan Sherman – Ratfink
absolutely right, griz–don’t give a damn who you are, what your “cause” happens to be, what color you are, any of that nonsense–if you attempt to harm my loved ones or myself, or torch our home, etc. then you are going to die right there
If anyone would like to print up maps to the local prosecutors residents(The ones who catch and release in Portland and the one who charged the McCloskey’s) I know how to fly a plane and we can air-drop them next time they gather
(Joke William JAcobson, I don’t even know where they live)
In their world, the moving out is probably a virtue signal of their wokeness to allow “just property” to be sacrificed to the woke warriors.
In reality, people who don’t have the means to just move into a different temporary housing location are unimpressed.
I’m wondering if the left is secretly hoping Trump will win the 2020 elections so they won’t have to be the bad guy and stop this nonsense if Biden is elected.
If anyone believes this will magically stop if Biden is elected, then they are fooling themselves.
“I want to express my sincere apologies for the damage to our home and the fear that you are experiencing due to my position,” Wheeler reportedly wrote, according to a screenshot of the email.
“It’s unfair to all of you who have no role in politics or in my administration.”
Huh? What does that even mean? The logic escapes me completely. He owes an apology to “you” for the damage to his own home? How about the hundreds of business owners and home owners who have suffered much due to his effeminately affections for the rioters? Does he not know his responsibilities to the citizens he represents?
I am sure there is a precise word to describe his madness but I can’t come up with it. Whatever it is, he should be hanged.
Right. The captain steers the ship onto the rocks, tells the damage control parties to stand down, then gets into a lifeboat and float off.
The stuff of legend, there.
I wonder how many suburban “empathy moms” still think that all the problems in the world are the fault of what Trump posts in his Twitter account.
Sadly if it happened I doubt I could muster any sympathy.
It appears to me that the other residents of the Portland Mayor’s apartment building would be justified in shooting any rioters who try to start a fire in the building.
Besides, if the Portland DA wasn’t such a tool, he would charge any rioters who try to burn an occupied building with attempted murder.
I can’t even bring my self to feel sorry for these stupid communists. They got exactly what they asked for.
“I can’t even bring my self to feel sorry for these stupid communists. They got exactly what they asked for.”
Indeed! It’s awesome to see these poop heads getting their just deserts by the mob.
Why don’t the mayors just call 911?
“What do you mean that there are no police available? They will take a report in the morning? Over the phone? How can you treat me like I am an ordinary citizen?”