Left Threatens (More) Rioting if Trump Tries to Replace RBG Before Election

America has been suffering silently for months while the radical left has been rampaging through American cities, smashing windows, destroying businesses, setting fires, and worse.

Now that Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away, people on the left are threatening a new wave of destruction if Trump and Republicans even try to replace her.

The rhetoric on Twitter was way over the top. Here are a few choice examples I decided to screen-cap in case they mysteriously disappear.

Note how many of these comments are from verified, blue check-mark, accounts.

Former CNN host Reza Aslan.

Playwright Beau Willimon.

Washington Post writer Laura Bassett.

Progressive activist Charlotte Clymer organized a march to Mitch McConnell’s house, only to find he wasn’t home.

University of Waterloo professor Emmett MacFarlane.

Former Democrat candidate for the House in Tennessee, Hana Ali.


And that’s just a sample.

Some people have noted that the country has grown weary of riots and protests. Even Nancy Pelosi took to the floor of the House this week to condemn lawless rioting.

Do these leftists really think this behavior is going to help their cause in November?

Tags: Progressives, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump Appointments, Twitter, US Supreme Court