The ground troops of the Democratic party are now showing up at the homes of Senator Lindsey Graham and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
The media insists on calling these people protesters, but that’s not correct. These are angry mobs meant to intimidate and inspire fear.
WLKY News reports:
Protesters gather outside Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Louisville homeProtesters spent Saturday afternoon gathered outside of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home.There appeared to be around 100 demonstrators at his residence equipped with megaphones and signs.”We are standing outside his house demanding that just like during the Obama administration he wait and let the next president decide the Supreme Court pick,” said protester Skylar Davis.The demonstration comes after McConnell pledged to quickly bring to a vote to whomever Trump nominates for Supreme Court Justice in a statement regarding Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s passing.”Americans reelected our majority in 2016 and expanded it in 2018 because we pledged to work with President Trump and support his agenda, particularly his outstanding appointments to the federal judiciary. Once again, we will keep our promise. President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate,” McConnell said.
ABC 27 reports on what happened at Lindsey Graham’s house:
Protesters ‘wake up’ GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham at his home after he says he’ll confirm Trump SCOTUS pickOn Monday morning, protesters and activists gathered outside the Washington, D.C., home of South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham to “wake him up” with pots and pans, strobe lights and audio recordings.The dozens of gatherers turned out in the dark after the Senator expressed over the weekend that he’d support Pres. Donald Trump’s nomination to replace the empty seat on the U.S. Supreme Court after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.Democrats and protesters alike say this is hypocritical, given that Graham backed Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s blocking of President Barack Obama’s 2016 nominee, Merrick Garland, due to the Presidential Election being several months away.The protest event, was called “Wide Awake,” and protesters were seen banging pots and pans, yelling and playing audio of 2016 quotes from Graham.
Here’s the mob outside Graham’s home:
Here’s the mob at Mitch McConnell’s home:
None of this is happening by accident. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez recently urged her followers to allow this moment to “radicalize” them.
It looks like they’re listening.
No one in the Democratic leadership is calling for any of this to stop. The angry mob is doing their bidding.
Featured image via YouTube.