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ABC News Town Hall Labeled Two Anti-Trump Voters as ‘Uncommitted’

ABC News Town Hall Labeled Two Anti-Trump Voters as ‘Uncommitted’

Ellesia Blaque hasn’t tweeted in almost a year. Carl Day maintains he is still uncommitted to a candidate.

The ABC News town hall with President Donald Trump brought on “uncommitted” voters to question the president.

The Washington Free Beacon discovered through social media posts that at least two of the voters have expressed anti-Trump feelings.

Ellesia Blaque

ABC touted Ellesia Blaque, a professor at Kutztown University, as an uncommitted voter.

Her Twitter posts say otherwise. Blaque gushed over vice-presidential candidate Kamala Harris while vowing she would volunteer for her in Pennsylvania.

Blaque called Trump a “f*cking moron,” “pig,” “swine,” and “pathetic.”

It’s no different on Facebook where she boasts she’s a “liberal Democrat” because they “are not motivated by money or power, but by humanity and the needs of the people.”

Carl Day

Philadelphia pastor Carl Day proclaimed weeks before the town hall he has “never once supported trump [sic] and won’t now.”

Day said that Make America Great Again “refers to a time in which ‘the n*gger did what they were told in all industries, wouldn’t have the audacity to try to enter a white establishment and didn’t talk back to the cops.”

Between 2015 and 2019, Day described Trump as a “villain” and “ridiculously arrogant & obnoxious.” He also said the president “ain’t no Christian.”

Recent Tweets

Have Blaque and Day changed since the town hall? The event took place last week.

Ellesia Blaque

Ellesia Blaque has not tweeted since January 29, 2019, when she bashed Stephen Miller. Her pinned tweet is her calling Trump “pathetic.”

Carl Day

Pastor Carl Day is still tweeting.

Day maintains that he’s still uncommitted. He has laughed off those tweeting at him after The Washington Free Beacon’s article came out. He received criticism on some shows he appeared on because he wouldn’t endorse Joe Biden.

Day doesn’t have to endorse anyone. He doesn’t have to tell anyone who he plans to vote or who received his vote.

But a lot of his recent tweets have been about social justice and sports.


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This was a turkey shoot. Trump really did go to the leapers.

If you expected a clean political viewing from the Democrat’s Propaganda machine I have a few bridges I could sell you, you will be able to make a few coins out of NYers.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 22, 2020 at 6:50 pm

The Leftist-Communist-Democrats can’t do anything without lying, cheating and fraud.

The idiots running ABC should be committed – to an insane asylum.

Well, if they’re running around loose instead of strapped down to a cot in the looney bin, they ARE uncommitted.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 23, 2020 at 2:04 am

Tunneling Under The Media’s Berlin Wall Of Truth Suppression

They’ve been doing this for many years. Decades, probably.

Surprised they don’t refer to him as “Drumpf” and have a picture of the “Baby Trump” balloon.

American media have beclowned themselves over the past 20 years

This “pastor” needs to clean up his act. If he calls himself a pastor but says the things he does the way he does, he’s not a child of Christ. What other dishonesties does he enjoy?.

They do this with “uncommitted voters” and also with “longtime Republicans”. Whenever you see someone referred to as a “longtime Republican” who is now supporting Democrats or saying something useful to Democrats, be very suspicious.

Can the Republican Party determine who can run in elections as a Republican candidate?

    Milhouse in reply to ConradCA. | September 24, 2020 at 1:36 am

    Not in states with primaries. If someone wins a Republican primary they are the Republican candidate, even if they’re a nazi or a communist. That’s how David Duke got to be the R candidate for governor of LA, and how that nazi in IL got to be the R candidate for some impossible-to-win seat in the House that nobody else bothered filing for. Also how a LaRouchie got to be the D candidate for Lt Gov of IL.

    Milhouse in reply to ConradCA. | September 24, 2020 at 1:37 am

    It’s also how Trump got to be the R candidate for president.