‘Saving Higher Ed From Cancel Culture’ (This Sunday, August 30, 8 p.m. Eastern)(Update)

On August 30, 2020, at 8 p.m. Eastern, Legal Insurrection Foundation will hold a live stream panel discussion on “Saving Higher Ed From Cancel Culture.” Please REGISTER HERE.

The panelists are well-equipped through experience and profession to address ‘cancel culture’.

I will be the moderator and a panelist. As you know, I am a Clinical Professor of Law at Cornell Law School. After I wrote two blog posts critical of the Black Lives Matter ‘hands up, don’t shoot’ narrative and the rioting/looting, I was subjected to an alumni campaign to get me fired (not successful), a boycott of my course called by 15 student groups (not successful, the course is oversubscribed), and I was denounced by 21 colleagues and the Dean of the law school. You can read about my situation here and here and here and here, among many places.

The other panelists are:

Robert Shibley, Executive Director of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE), the premier organization fighting to preserve free speech, open dialogue, academic freedom, and due process on campuses. I’ve known Robert since the early days of College Insurrection, and there is no one better to give an overview of what is happening on campuses.

Joshua Katz, Cotsen Professor in the Humanities and Professor of Classics, Princeton University. Prof. Katz authored a column at Quillette, A Declaration of Independence by a Princeton Professor, that received enormous attention, sparking an effort to get him fired (not successful) and denounced by the President of Princeton (successful). You can read his after-action report, I Survived Cancellation at Princeton.

Jason D. Hill, Professor, Honors Distinguished Faculty, DePaul University. Prof. Hill has been targeted on campus repeatedly over the years, including after he wrote a column in 2019 at The Federalist, The Moral Case For Israel Annexing The West Bank—And Beyond, and at Frontpage Mag, An Open Letter to Greta Thunberg. Prof. Hill has written and lectured extensively on issues of campus and the broader culture, and frequently appears in major media.

Kemberlee Kaye will be hosting the event and assisting in asking viewer-submitted questions submitted during the live event. Kemberlee is the Director of Operations and Editorial Development for the Legal Insurrection Foundation. If you want to post questions in the comments to this post, we will save them for the event.

It is important that you REGISTER HERE — We have not yet decided whether to have this as a closed or open event, so registering will reserve a spot should we decide to close the event. It also will allow us to communicate with registrants as to any changes or log-in information.


Over 300 people signed up so far.

Registration is required, as this will be a closed Zoom event.

Log-in information will be emailed to registrants shortly before the event starts.

Tags: Cancel Culture, College Insurrection, Legal Insurrection Events, Legal Insurrection Foundation