Obama on Biden: “If you look at Biden’s goals and Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different”

The media and Democrats have furiously spun Biden, who served at Vice President under Obama as a “moderate” and a “centrist”, labels that are problematic to the younger, far more leftist progressive voting block.

Socialist candidate Bernie Sanders endorsed Biden and Sanders’ campaign alumni are popping out ads via SuperPACS that support Biden, while everyone else pretends Biden is some middle of the road dude.

In a recent interview with The New Yorker, President Obama said of Biden, “If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different, from a forty-thousand-foot level.”

In a recent interview, I asked Barack Obama how he interprets Biden’s swerve to the left. “If you look at Joe Biden’s goals and Bernie Sanders’s goals, they’re not that different, from a forty-thousand-foot level,” he argued. “They both want to make sure everybody has health care. They want to make sure everybody can get a job that pays a living wage. They want to make sure every child gets a good education.” The question was one of tactics, Obama suggested. “A lot of times, the issue has to do with ‘How do we go about that, and what are the coalitions we need?’ ” he said. “What I think the moment has done is to change some of those calculations, not because necessarily Joe’s changed but because circumstances have changed.”

Biden himself has said he’d be the “most progressive president in American history”:

Newsbusters put together this fab montage of the media, on message, describing Biden as a “centrist” and “moderate.”

So which is it? Is he Biden, Progressive Savior or Biden, Middle of the Road Joe? Democrats and the media can’t seem to make up their minds.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Election, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Obama - Post Presidency