Goodyear Tire partly backs down, revises policy against “Blue Lives Matter”

Yesterday we reported on a leaked photo of a Goodyear Tire diversity training session, Goodyear Tires: “Black Lives Matter” Okay At Work, “Blue Lives Matter” “All Lives Matter” “MAGA” Prohibited.

Goodyear’s response was to call into question the authenticity of the leaked photo. While not outright calling it a hoax, Goodyear asserted that the slide “was not created or distributed by Goodyear corporate, nor was it part of a diversity training class” (emphasis in original). Goodyear, however, did not disavow the message of the slide, to the contrary, it reiterated the policy.

The Goodyear explanation itself has been called into doubt with the leak of audio from the training session.  WIBW reported:

New audio from the training at the Topeka Goodyear plant gives more details about what was talked about in that meeting, including updates on their zero-tolerance policy.The meeting has come into question after a photo of a slide showed what is and isn’t acceptable in the workplace.13 NEWS-WIBW obtained an audio recording of the presentation. The speaker referenced instances of racial graffiti in the locker room, and detailed what is and is not allowed under the company’s zero-tolerance policy.“Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance,” the speaker said during the meeting. “However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate.”

The unidentified speaker says the rules were created to make a better work environment.

“The rules around now what you can wear. Let’s try and comply with these so you know everybody feels good in this factory. I want to make sure guys, think about what we do in this factory, in this factory right. We all work together to make tires that’s what we do. That’s what we get paid to do. So, let’s continue to do that and do the right thing and keep this place what it has always been, a good place to work,” the speaker said.

The speaker does not specifically mention the Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ slogan shown on the slide, but did say political campaigns are a no-go.

“Democrat. Republican. Trump. Biden. Sanders. Whatever. That will no longer be allowed in the plant,” he listed off.

The revelation that Goodyear effectively lied about it’s own training sessions caused even more of an uproar.

Now Goodyear has backtracked, partially.

The CEO of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company has released a statement clarifying the company’s stance regarding what is and is not allowed inside the workplace.According to Rich Kramer, CEO and president of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company, the slide that was leaked from the Topeka plant was created by an employee at the Topeka plant and did not run it through its corporate office….Kramer said the policy on political expression on the job is longstanding. The rule regarding the ability to express support for law enforcement has been revised.“We have clarified our policy to make it clear associates can express support for law enforcement through apparel at Goodyear facilities,” Kramer wrote….

This statement appears to leave in place the allowance of Black Lives Matter, and disallowance of All Lives Matter and MAGA. If Goodyear provides clarification, I will update.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Cancel Culture