Democrat Privilege: John Lewis Funeral Attendees Exempted From D.C. Quarantine Requirement

Over the last few months, Americans have watched in disgust as Democrat leaders banned people from attending church or opening their businesses, while allowing massive protests and riots.Now the funeral for Congressman John Lewis has shown, beyond any doubt, that there are two sets of rules, one for the liberal, political elite class, and another for everyone else.The funeral service for Lewis seemed to be a substitute for the Democratic National Convention, with politicized speeches from Obama and other members of the ruling class.Images showed people packed into church pews, something not allowed for the general public. Attendees were even exempted from quarantine policy in Washington, DC.Jon Brown writes at The Daily Wire:

DC Mayor Exempts John Lewis Funeral Attendees From City’s Quarantine RestrictionsLawmakers who attended the funeral of late Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) in Atlanta earlier this week are exempt from Washington, D.C.’s, self-quarantine restrictions, according to District Mayor Muriel Bowser’s office.According to the mayor’s July 24 order, titled “Requirement to Self-Quarantine After Non-Essential Travel During the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency,” any residents who travel to “high-risk” areas for “non-essential” reasons must self-quarantine for 14 days and monitor themselves for symptoms of the virus.The order mandates in part:

1. All residents and persons traveling to or from “high-risk areas” within the prior fourteen (14) days for non-essential travel must self-quarantine for fourteen (14) days following their return or arrival to the District.2. Persons who are self-quarantining after non-essential travel must:a. Stay at their residence or in a hotel room, leaving only for essential medical appointments or treatment or to obtain food and other essential goods when the delivery of food or other essential goods to their residence or hotel is not feasible;b. Not invite or allow guests, other than caregivers, into their quarantined residence or hotel room; andc. Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and seek appropriate medical advice or testing if COVID-19 symptoms arise.3. Persons who are traveling through a “high-risk area,” such as through an airport or by vehicle, shall not be subject to this quarantine requirement.

People at the Lewis funeral weren’t even practicing social distancing:

People across the country have been denied the ability to bury their loved ones, or be near them in their final moments. Families have missed births, weddings, funerals and more for months. Democrat leaders just sent a powerful message to the rest of the country.

They are more important than you are. Like the sign in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’ which read “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

Watch this video from conservative talk host Jesse Kelly:

Are you mad as hell? You should be.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Freedom of Religion, Wuhan Coronavirus