NEW VIDEO: BLM protesters smash piñata effigy of wife of Minneapolis police union chief in their driveway

We reported yesterday Black Lives Matter protesters harass neighbors of Minneapolis Police Union chief.

There is an update to that story, one which makes the intimidation tactic of going to someone’s home even worse in this instance.

New video has been identified showing the protesters in the driveway of home of Minneapolis police union chief Bob Kroll and his wife, local TV reporter Liz Collin. The protesters were beating piñata effigies of the couple, with most of the focus on the piñata Collin.

Here is a report from a local website:

Protesters who held a demonstration outside the home of Minneapolis police union chief Bob Kroll and his wife, WCCO reporter Liz Collin, have been condemned by some Twin Cities media members and state lawmakers after video showed them destroying a piñata of Collin’s likeness.The video from Saturday’s protest came to wider attention of the Twin Cities media when it was shared by former Minnesota GOP Deputy Chair Michael Brodkorb on Monday, showing piñatas of both Collin and Kroll being destroyed outside their Hugo home.Kroll has been the subject of numerous protests since the death of George Floyd, with activists seeing his tenure as the head of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis as a barrier to addressing systemic problems within Minneapolis Police Department.But Collin has also been the subject of protest outside WCCO’s office in downtown Minneapolis, with activists criticizing the station for both her marriage to Kroll and her involvement in stories concerning the police, claiming it’s a conflict of interests.The writing on the back of the piñata was of a quote Collin herself gave in 2019, in which she noted she had not been involved in stories involving Minneapolis police or the union for the previous two years.”Is it a conflict of interest for me to be a journalist married to the Minneapolis police union boss?” she said. “My answer: No.”BMTN reached out to WCCO on Monday for comment and has yet to hear anything back, but WCCO anchor Jason DeRusha did criticize the action on his Twitter page.”Protest. Complain. Advocate. Speak out. Picket my station again! But making a piñata out of a journalist and beating it is disgusting, offensive and sad. This is where we are? That all of these intelligent people thought this was ok?” he said.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Minnesota