WHO Forms Independent Panel to Evaluate Global Response to Coronavirus
“The magnitude of this pandemic, which has touched virtually everyone in the world, clearly deserves a commensurate evaluation.”

The World Health Organization formed a panel to evaluate and assess how the world responded to the coronavirus pandemic.
Former New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark and former Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will lead the panel.
From The Hill:
The panel, which will choose the investigators for the review, will be expected to provide an interim report of its investigation by November.
WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement the world deserves an evaluation for its handling of the pandemic and that now is the time for self-reflection.
“This is a time for self-reflection, to look at the world we live in and to find ways to strengthen our collaboration as we work together to save lives and bring this pandemic under control,” he said. “The magnitude of this pandemic, which has touched virtually everyone in the world, clearly deserves a commensurate evaluation.”
Countries around the world have so far reported over 12.1 million cases with 550,000 deaths. America has 3 million cases, which is the most in the world.
Australia proposed a resolution “for an independent investigation into the coronavirus outbreak.” China accused Australia of “singling out Beijing as being responsible for the outbreak.
China has since backed down. Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said the “government has agreed to WHO sending experts to Beijing to exchange ideas with Chinese scientists and medical experts on science-based cooperation to trace the origin of the virus.”
I hate to get editorial but come on, China. The outbreak began in Wuhan. Besides, it’s not like China will follow any guidelines.
Only President Donald Trump and his administration have come out strongly against China.
The administration formally withdrew America from WHO earlier this week. The left and media came down hard on Trump, but can you blame him? Evidence pointed out that WHO caved to China and ignored early warning signs, which could have helped the world take proper action.
WHO quietly changed its timeline of the pandemic earlier this month to admit that China did not bring the virus to the organization’s attention.

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We could greatly reduce our infections number by following the lead of the rest of the world: STOP TESTING!
The UN Infector General speaks!
Hans Blix will send a strongly worded letter…
This Marxist should be terminated. He is clearly played a significant role in setting up America and causing many deaths.
Goya Foods CEO Gets Backlash For Support Of Trump, Says He Wouldn’t Back Down, ‘Suppression Of Speech’
Weazil Zippers
Excellent; as good as TALCOLM X!
I meant, of course, TALCUM X
Early prediction: The report will say the US, specifically President Trump, was the worst at handling the virus. No coincidence that the report will be ready by November.
Since the democrat mayors have already charged Trump for their sorry leadership, I see no reason WHO won’t do the same. They may go so far as to say the virus was on it’s way out until Trump’s mismanagement made it not only worse. but deadly.
Are there any Dem run cities left that are not shit holes?
Precisely. The report will conclude:
1) The US did terrible, and it’s all Trump’s fault,
2) China did wonderfully, and all the world owes their thanks,
and 3) the panel members’ bank accounts swelling is purely coincidental.
Precisely. The report will conclude:
1) The US did terrible, and it’s all Trump’s fault,
2) China did wonderfully, and all the world owes their thanks,
and 3) the panel members’ bank accounts swelling is purely coincidental.
They will assign complete blame to some low level lackey who was near retirement age and push them out the door with a wink wink.
A quote from Aliens fits here…
“I feel safer already!”
WHO is irrelevant to the Western world. They are no longer receiving any funding from the US, thanks to Trump!
I wonder what role John Kerry plays in the WHO.
. . . and that now is the time for self-reflection.
A bit earlier would have been nice.
Perfectly put. I have a lot of trouble sympathizing, or by extra effort understanding highly inappropriate, unethical conduct — especially where the integrity of as few as one life, let alone billions, is at stake.
In find WHO Director-General TAG a criminally negligent scoundrel as he now seeks world-recognition for being conscientiously devoted to, or patriotic to his “country,” the world. Suddenly, he gets the sense and value of a nationalism worth talking about.
Patriotism, runs the saying, is the last refuge of the scoundrel.
On a more mundane level, however, the way he and China have changed their tune this week is pretty neat. Name and limit their game, and all kinds of good things start to come our way.
Tell me PDT’s kinda crazy; fine. There’s no true denying, though: our president’s a real playing card, we sure need him.
THey better lookup “independent”. I don’t think it means what they think it means.
“WHO Forms Independent Panel to Evaluate Global Response to Coronavirus”
There’s an Abbott & Costello bit buried in here somewhere.
I meant, of course, TALCUM X
The WHO’s choice of leaders for its ‘independent’ panel suggest what outcome they seek.
Clark, the former NZ prime minister, is a (Far?) Leftist who maintained close relations with Beijing and pursued a free trade agreement with them – the first in the developed world.
Sirleaf, the former Liberian president is more of an enigma. She may be more of a centrist, or an opportunist, but during her terms she strengthened relations with Beijing and in return China invested heavily in the country.
The fact that both leaders chosen appear pro-Beijing, are female, one of the two is Black, and the other was an island leader, all suggest the choices were made according to Leftist beliefs. The odds of an impartial report are likely about as high as the tooth fairy writing it.
Once former Liberian President E J Sirleaf, the black female, gets the meaningful sense and appreciation of her CCP Tenderizing Treatment, her “meat” will cook nicely and flavorfully for her appointing patron.
Another perq for the CCP (that’ll flow like a stream of tantalizing, mouth-watering jus from her spit-skewered roasting) is the power of her superficial and DNA-determined, unchangeable- fact-from-birth black identity and sex (her gender is too complicated, and is, so far at least, an irrelevant issue).
Say, just for argument’s sake, totally hypothetically and abstractly, she votes with her recent appointee to find China good, USA bad. Just suppose, I’m saying. And, with WHO D-R TAG’s 3rd and burying vote, the said ruling stands to officially sully and vilify the US Administration. Just by chance, of course.
Any US objection, this hypothesis extends, would be undeniably tantamount to, and witnessed by all the world as an old protest from — whom can we can compare this world-society treachery to? — ah, yes, the former apartheid regime of South Africa, and thus certifying, in fact, for all to see: The present American Executive — not America per se — is RACIST. (Read, then: Americans, you have room to grow.)
Win-win. (In response to the present Administration recent, indefinite cancelation of WHO-membership and the complete withdrawal of its tied and reliable, wholly agency-supporting yearly dues — a slap in the face to both the CCP-patron and its WHO-leader-lackey — what else could these officials really do? Lose face, prestige, and their always-aimed totalistic clout again, on their own merits and not in any customarily M-O’ed, misdirected manner?
Communists never do such windows, as it were. Ask President/Chairman/General-Secretary for life Xi. He might just answer you truthfully in his hypothetical, continuous giddiness.
Other countries are not having a second wave…or a Fauci super-panic. Because they are not having an election in 4 months.
In a sane and just world in which the WHO was in fact what it claims to be Tedros would have been removed from office day 1.