Lincoln Project Co-Founder Says Group ‘Intends to Do’ All They Can to Advance Biden’s Agenda If Elected
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Lincoln Project Co-Founder Says Group ‘Intends to Do’ All They Can to Advance Biden’s Agenda If Elected

Lincoln Project Co-Founder Says Group ‘Intends to Do’ All They Can to Advance Biden’s Agenda If Elected

“[Biden] will have a mandate to clean up the mess that Trump has created with the help of his enablers. That shouldn’t be held up. We intend to do all we can to make sure that doesn’t happen,” John Weaver told Plum Line.

From a public relations standpoint, it’s been a bad summer for the Never Tumpers at the Lincoln Project PAC.

Before we get into the latest example, let’s do a quick rundown of other recent ones:

Last month, co-founder Rick Wilson was exposed as a massive hypocrite on the issue of the Confederate flag a couple of weeks after his group ran an error-filled ad. They tried to shame President Trump for the people who allegedly fly Confederate flags at his rallies.

Not long after that, the Club for Growth launched a website devoted to fully exposing the Lincoln Project as “nothing more than a Democratic front group.”

Wilson also unexpectedly got his a** handed to him most embarrassingly thanks to an “interview” he did earlier this month on Stephen Colbert’s animated show “Tooning Out the News,” where they treated the Lincoln Project as the opportunistic grifters they are.

In addition to that, Wilson also participated in a sexist smear campaign against White House senior adviser Hope Hicks last week. A couple of days later, the Lincon Project released an ad targeting President Trump’s daughter Ivanka that was quite possibly the most sexist political ad ever made.

With all of that in mind, we turn to an interview with Greg Sargent from the Washington Post’s “Plum Line” blog did with Lincoln Project co-founder John Weaver. Weaver is an alum of numerous failed Republican presidential campaigns, including the 1996 Phil Gramm campaign, the 2000 and 2008 John McCain campaigns, the 2012 Jon Hunstman campaign, and the 2016 John Kasich campaign.

Though happy that the Lincoln Project was doing everything it could to get presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden elected, Sargent, a longtime liberal blogger, had some concerns that their efforts at helping drag Biden over the finish line would stop after the election. He worried that if Biden won, the Lincoln Project would start supporting Republicans because their stated mission to defeat Trump came true.

Not to worry, admitted Weaver. They plan on being Team Biden all the way assuming he wins in November:

I had a long and spirited conversation about all these criticisms with John Weaver, a co-founder and leader of the Lincoln Project. First, a few highlights:

– The group will spend tens of millions of dollars in swing states through Election Day, most focused on turning GOP voters against Trump and on Senate races, Weaver said.
– That includes a major expenditure on communicating with voters about vote-by-mail.
– The group is preparing to vehemently oppose efforts by GOP senators to obstruct and stymie Biden’s agenda, should he win the presidency, Weaver confirmed.


“We’re not gonna do that,” Weaver told me when pushed on [the suggestion they’d run attack ads against a President Biden]. Weaver insisted the group would actively work against Republicans who obstruct a Biden presidency, which would face a deeper crisis than in 2009, when Republicans tried to obstruct Obama in hopes of profiting off continuing economic misery.

“He will have a mandate to clean up the mess that Trump has created with the help of his enablers,” Weaver said of a Biden presidency. “That shouldn’t be held up. We intend to do all we can to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Weaver’s admissions dovetail with a July report from the Center for Responsive Politics on how liberal Democrat billionaires are pouring money into the Lincoln Project’s coffers.

“If it walks like a Democrat, talks like a Democrat, is run by Democrats, and funded by Democrats, it’s probably a Democrat,” Legal Insurrection’s Kemberlee Kaye noted last week.

I’d say that sums up the Lincoln Project perfectly.

— Stacey Matthews has also written under the pseudonym “Sister Toldjah” and can be reached via Twitter. —


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So they admit its a Democrat organization

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to Skip. | July 22, 2020 at 3:41 pm

    And they have been lifetime Democrats……

    The rot could only get this bad with their collusion.

    Romans 8:18

    “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.”

These grifters and charlatans need to be purged from republican/libertarian and conservative groups as thoroughly as the JBS was.

The conservatives who want to conserve conservatism tell us the only way to conserve conservatism is for everyone who wants to conserve conservatism to vote for rabid communists who want to rape, loot and murder, thereby conserving conservatism thanks to the conservatives who want to conserve conservatism.

2smartforlibs | July 22, 2020 at 3:35 pm

And now the Trump curse kisses in and the get jail time in some cases

This “conservative” brain trust can’t conserve anything and is the primary reason we support Trump now. Anybody that gives these grifters money deserves to be fleeced.

LOSERS all. what do they hope do gain. Neither party wants them. Let them go to the ash heap of history. No one will remember them or care about them. Their names to be scorned

Yet another “Coffee Party.”

I find it highly offensive that they are besmirching the name Lincoln, they have absolutely nothing to do with Republicanism, nor with the Party started by Lincoln.

This should not stand. That they are mostly in it for a money grab makes it worse. That they can, with a straight face say they want to enact Marxism on steroids through Biden is shameful.

They’re snakes in the wood pile. Be careful.

There’s a word for people who pledge to support a socialist legislative agenda. It’s “socialist”.

But what if someone does that, but they have a long history of actions and positions that are incompatible with socialism? What if they’ve spent a career opposing socialism, only to now support it? Well, they could have had a genuine change of heart, in which case the word is “apostate”. But if that doesn’t seem likely, there’s a third word that comes to mind: “hoor”.

    There’s a Mark Twain comment that goes well here. If you call a dog’s tail a leg, how many legs does a dog have? Answer: Four, because just calling it a leg doesn’t make it so.

    If a group claims to be Republican, but operates 100% as a Democrat group, it’s a Democrat group. Might as well paint ‘dog’ on the side of a cat and claim it barks.

      Milhouse in reply to georgfelis. | July 23, 2020 at 5:52 pm

      Except that these people used to be Republicans. Their past actions are incompatible with labeling them Democrats. Therefore there are two alternatives: they’re either apostates or hoors. Apostates doesn’t seem likely.

Grrr8 American | July 22, 2020 at 5:51 pm

Earlier today I posted a comment within the post about John Kasich, and referred to “Vichy Republicans” and included a link to a piece that dissects that:

The Republican establishment overall — and people like this especially — are the ethical and moral equivalents of the French who sided with the evil National Socialists (i.e., Nazis).

Their support of the Democrat Socialist nominee (since de facto that is what that party and its nominee actually are) will, if successful, place this country on the path of Venezuela, or worse.

These are educated and sophisticated people — they can’t hide or excuse their actions as being those of mere “useful idiots.” No, these people are knowingly aiding and abetting evil.

Scratch a Never-Trumper, find a maladjusted authoritarian a-hole.

LMAO. Joe Biden had a whopping 19 people watching his livestream today.

The polls are GARBAGE.

— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) July 22, 2020
5 are his staff so it’s a safe bet he had a solid 2 people watching and those were just for the gaffs.

— Rebecca (@rebeccajoc) July 22, 2020
That’s called “Joe-mentum”!

That’s less than 1/100000th of Tucker’s audience

— JonathonSnyder (@JonathonSnyder) July 22, 2020