Israel Warns Iran-backed Hezbollah Terrorist Group as Border Tensions Rise

Israel is mobilizing troops along its northern border as tensions rise with Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist organization. The Israeli reinforcements along its border with Lebanon come in light of threats issued by Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah after Israel’s Defense Forces (IDF) took out his operatives linked to an attack on Israeli troops across the Lebanese and Syrian border.

Hezbollah, a Lebanon-based terrorist outfit, moved into southern Syria to fight for the Iran-backed dictator Bashar al-Assad in the Syrian conflict. The Shia-Islamic terror group has since dug tunnels into Israel to stage sneak attacks and used its positions in Syria and Lebanon to target Israeli troops across the border. Earlier this year, Nasrallah pledged his Hezbollah fighters for an Iran-led jihad, or Islamic religious war, against the United States.

Israeli media reported recent counter-terrorism measures against Hezbollah by the Jewish State. The Israeli “strike reportedly targeted the south of Damascus, the Syrian capital, hitting the positions of Iran-backed militias in the are and their ammunition depots,” Tel Aviv-based news channel i24News reported on Saturday. “The strike came in retaliation for an earlier attack from the Syrian territory which resulted in some material damage on the Israeli border,” the TV network added.

Israel Hayom newspaper on Saturday reported Israeli warning to the terror group Hezbollah:

Israel on Saturday issued a stern warning to Hezbollah via the United Nations that it will not tolerate any act of aggression following the death of a Hezbollah operative in Damascus last Monday, sources told Lebanese news outlet Al-Mayadeen TV.Israel also sent a message of de-escalation to Hezbollah via Moscow, Kuwaiti news outlet Al Jarida reported on Friday, quoting an unnamed source.Israeli officials expect Iran-backed Hezbollah to retaliate for the death of Ali Kamel Mohsen Jawad, along with two other terrorists, in an alleged Israeli airstrike in near Damascus airport Monday evening.On Thursday, the IDF began reinforcing the country’s northern border with infantry troops after Hezbollah threatened to retaliate, “from Lebanese soil,” over the alleged Israeli airstrike.

Not just cross border attacks, Hezbollah is also trying to instigate acts of terror inside Israel. Last week, Israeli security forces busted a Hezbollah-linked terror cell. The terrorist network, run by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) operatives, received training and funding from Iran and Hezbollah, Israel’s domestic security agency Shin Bet revealed.

Amid rising tensions the U.S. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Mark Milley visit Israel on Friday and met with Israeli Defense Minister and other senior military officials. “This visit is another example of the strategic and deep cooperation that takes place between militaries,” the Israel Defense Forces said in a statement.

Growing anti-Israel hostility from Hezbollah comes as the terrorist group faces trouble back home in Lebanon, its main base of operation. In light of country’s worsening economic situation and resulting public unrest, Hezbollah is becoming increasingly unpopular in the country.

Funding from Iran, too, is drying up as U.S. sanction against Tehran bite hard. Before President Donald Trump took office, Hezbollah used to receive close to $700 million a year from Iran, largely thanks to the 2015 Obama-Kerry nuclear deal. With that money running out, Hezbollah chief Nasrallah is now looking at Communist China for a bail-out. The terror mastermind recently told his jihad-supporting followers to “look east” to Beijing for their economic salvation.

[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Jihad, Terrorism