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Despite Coronavirus Missteps, Cuomo Experiences Polling Surge

Despite Coronavirus Missteps, Cuomo Experiences Polling Surge

According to a new Marist poll, 72% believe approve of Cuomo’s handling of the coronavirus

Despite record high deaths attributed to COVID-19 and the nursing home scandal that followed, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is experiencing a major boost in the polls.

I’m so old, I remember when facts at least sort of mattered and sentencing thousands to their deaths would be the political end of an elected official.

According to a new Marist poll, 72% approve of Cuomo’s handling of coronavirus.

Governor Andrew Cuomo enjoys his highest job performance score since taking office in 2011. 60% of registered voters in New York, up from 38% in March 2019, rate Cuomo’s job performance as either excellent (29%) or good (31%). Cuomo’s previous high rating occurred in October 2012 when 59% of registered voters thought he did an excellent or good job as governor.

Regardless of region of residence, at least a majority of New York voters think highly of Cuomo’s job performance. He rates highest in New York City (67%) followed by the city’s suburbs (61%) and then Upstate (55%).

“New Yorkers are responding in a very positive way to Governor Cuomo’s leadership during this unprecedented time,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “Cuomo has been able to govern in a convincing way both on COVID-19 and the economy.”

When asked, overall, whether they approve or disapprove of how Cuomo is executing his job duties, two in three (66%) New York State residents, including the same proportion of registered voters statewide, say they approve. 29% disapprove. A partisan divide exists, but even more than one in four Republicans (28%) approve of the job Cuomo is doing as governor. 89% of Democrats and 65% of non-enrolled voters say the same. 70% of Republicans disapprove of the governor’s job performance.



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MSM effect.

    buck61 in reply to lichau. | July 10, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    Doesn’t hurt to have a brother serving as your press agent and praising you every night with no opposition.

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to buck61. | July 10, 2020 at 7:22 pm

      A Marxist Poll?

      All Democrat pollers lie.

      Why is Cuomo wasting his money on polls?

      He’ll never be the vice president selection because he’s the wrong sex the wrong race– white – and the wrong sexual preference!

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | July 10, 2020 at 11:14 pm

        Traitor Cuomo implicit in this.

        Pull him down.

        “….The founder of Black Lives Matter proudly admits she is a “trained” Marxist.

        “I see Black Lives Matter and Antifa as part of a global Marxist effort to destroy the United States,” Dr. Carol M. Swain told Sputnik.

        Their goals are more about attaining political power and money than protecting minorities and improving society. Their organizational goals might be quite different from the goals of the protesters concerned about police brutality and discrimination…..

        The ruling elite, the financial class that has profited so mightily from theft and violence, will not allow Marxists and black hoodie nihilists to spawn a violent revolution.

        After Donald Trump is deposed, the rulers and their political class will turn on the more radical elements of the left. A watered-down version of socialism will be rolled out to placate the masses now facing a Greater Depression and a final nail in the coffin of a battered middle class….

        notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | July 11, 2020 at 2:24 am

        Things that make you Go Hmmm…….

        Deep State Exposed®

        Biden & Oprah are both on the World Commission and planned #Scamdemic in a Bilderberg meeting in 2010!

        Biden will absolutely pick Oprah as his VP!

        · 1h
        Does anyone else think Biden will choose Oprah as his VP?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to lichau. | July 10, 2020 at 7:27 pm

    Or NYC has a high percentage of morons.

    Next thing you know, the ChiComms infesting W.H.O. will exonerate him.

    gospace in reply to lichau. | July 11, 2020 at 5:17 pm

    Dictator Cuomo gets nothing but positive press.

    And negative Facebook comments.

Izvestia and Pravda would have been proud to be this effective.

People this stupendously undiscerning are fickle enough to reverse course on a dime. It means everything in the election is up for grabs.

legacyrepublican | July 10, 2020 at 3:39 pm

Given the fact they probably polled state employees, the number isn’t too surprising.

were they comparing him to DeBlasio?

2smartforlibs | July 10, 2020 at 4:24 pm

YOu can’t fix stupid and they don’t come much lower IQ than New DOkk kool-aid drinkers.

    Not everyone in NY is stupid. A realtor has informed me that there are bidding wars on homes for sale in good NJ suburbia from people looking to escape NY City. Governor Murphy is no better, but the permanent damage to NY State’s tax base will be the real poll on Cuomo’s performance.

2smartforlibs | July 10, 2020 at 4:24 pm

YOu can’t fix stupid and they don’t come much lower IQ than New Dork kool-aid drinkers.

Colonel Travis | July 10, 2020 at 4:25 pm

If you are a leftist, you can do no wrong. Except if you get out of lockstep. The uphill battle to fight the stupidity in America is unreal. There’s no way to change minds when you don’t use one.

He should be facing a criminal trial where there are 12 voters.

I call BS on this. Anyone with half a brain could see through his self exoneration for his murdering the elderly through his stupid decisions. Now he is blaming the workers. Right.

His condescending manner of talking to every like they, as well as he, are idiots.

His dictates have been horrible and he will keep up with his totalitarian rush trip for as long as he can.

Mario the Pius was a terrible Governor. His son Guano is 100X’s worse. At least.

This at best is a push poll as the left are still trying to figure out how to get out of running Biden. And I have not found Maris polling to be all that accurate through the last couple of decades either.

So in N.Y. State apparently 72% of those polled cannot distinguish fact from fantasy. Maybe we shouldn’t seat their electors this fall.

I gotta believe that this poll is flawed. No way this large a percentage is insane.

Dusty Pitts | July 10, 2020 at 5:06 pm

“Who cares if literally everyone else in the state has died? I’m still alive, and I give Cuomo credit for saving my life!”

All polls are lies. In this case, they must have only polled people who live in or near Manhattan to get such a ridiculous result.

Sweet Jayzus! How is this possible?

Around our circle of acquaintances it could simply be his loving support from taxpayer-subsidized #NPR. Plus ABC News, N.Y. Times, etc., etc., etc.


broomhandle | July 10, 2020 at 6:10 pm

I saw this coming. The deal is that during the crisis, Cuomo stayed in front of the camera and talked calmly and reassuringly and reiterated information health officials wanted the public to know. He made a human connection with people watching and many were comforted by that. They had a place to focus that they could feel good about. I watched the comment section on I think YouTube during one of these and people were saying things such as “Why isn’t this guy President?” and “This is what real leadership looks like.” I am not a Cuomo supporter or a Democrat but in a crisis this is very effective at gaining support. People are scared and they need it. Too bad his decision making and overall management of the crisis was incompetent. But that just shows how important those skills can be. Soothe the Beast and then serve your political interests.

No sympathy whatsoever when Leftist states vote themselves into a mess. 1/2 funded police? It will work well I’m sure so go for it.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to Skip. | July 10, 2020 at 8:25 pm

    It will work well as long as there are lots of armed citizens. Problem, they have duty to retreat, no SYG, and victims are probably wide open to ghetto lottery lawsuits, where the criminal sues their victim for a second chance to profit.

Planned Parent is a misstep, a bad Choice, and, like its Planned Parenthood cousin, an essential service.

The dnc has to replace joe biden. Can’t be bernie or hillary. They want to stick cuomo in, so the msm needs to prop him up with fake polls.

healthguyfsu | July 10, 2020 at 7:23 pm

Poll conducted by the Cuomo investigation board.

Murdering 6500 elderly folks can not really be considered a misstep. Who wrote this garbage?

New Yorkers deserve this dirtbag, but America does not.

NO MONEY to bail out NY – EVER.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 10, 2020 at 10:21 pm

Is Kanye on the New York ballot yet?


Kanye West is not running to win. He is running to re-elect Donald Trump. His job is to get on the ballot in Michigan, Wisconsin and others States and pull disastisfied black votes and supporters from Joe Biden.
#kaynewest #2020VISION

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 12, 2020 at 3:05 am

‘Social justice’ shields elites from criticism

Revolution is the best thing that ever happened to our political class