Cornell University takes a major step towards compulsory racial activism for faculty, students, and staff
Proposed initiatives include an “educational requirement on racism, bias and equity for all Cornell students,” a new Anti-Racism Center, “an institution-wide, themed semester … focus[ed] on issues of racism,” and mandatory faculty participation in “programming” regarding “race, racism and colonialism in the United States.”

I have repeatedly pointed out, in response to the cancel culture targeting me over my criticism of the Black Lives Matter movement, that things have changed on campuses in ways most people don’t fully appreciate.
The new activism surrounding race is completely at odds with the traditional goals of the civil rights movement — that all people be treated with dignity and afforded the protections of our laws without regard to race.
This objective is most notably stated in what may be the most famous line in the most famous speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
There now is an obsessive focus on race. Almost everything is viewed through a racial lens.
Not only has the focus on skin color changed, there is a requirement of activism. Not being racist is not enough. One must be “antiracist,” a term famously used in the book “How to Be An Antiracist,” suggested summer reading by Cornell University’s President Martha Pollack:
As a campus community, we have a collective responsibility to engage in difficult but critical conversations – to listen genuinely to, and learn from, one another. To help bring focus to these conversations, I invite all of you to participate in a Community Book Read of “How to Be an Antiracist,” by National Book Award winner Ibram X. Kendi. We will soon provide all students, faculty, and staff with information about how to access an electronic copy of the book, along with a schedule of virtual discussions which will take place over the summer. I hope you will choose to read the book and to join in the conversation.
I’ve just started reading How to Be an Antiracist. Although I haven’t finished the book, from the intro chapters it is clear that compulsory activism is required and race-neutral criteria are rejected. Inaction is considered racist. This review by Coleman Hughes summarizes the thesis:
If the book has a core thesis, it is that this war admits of no neutral parties and no ceasefires. For Kendi, “there is no such thing as a not-racist idea,” only “racist ideas and antiracist ideas.” His Manichaean outlook extends to policy. “Every policy in every institution in every community in every nation is producing or sustaining either racial inequity or equity,” Kendi proclaims, defining the former as racist policies and the latter as antiracist ones.
We see this approach playing out in the now common Black Lives Matter slogan, “Silence is Violence,” as I previously described in my interview on the Mark Levin show:
The students who are organizing against me have on their Facebook page, that Silence is Violence. Think about that. What happens? I studied about the Soviet Union. I actually studied in the Soviet Union. And what would happen is you could not be left out of politics. You had to attend the meeting at your factory, where they would praise the leadership and failing to show up was considered a counterrevolutionary act. And that’s where we’re going. It used to be, if you were on campus as a student, you could stick to your studies, stay out of politics, keep your mouth shut. They would leave you alone. You will not be left alone anymore. You must participate in the revolution going on. And I hope all your listeners understand that this time it is different and people need to speak up.
Both of these trends — the obsessive focus on race and the requirement of activism — have come together in an announcement by Cornell President Pollack, in an all-campus email this afternoon. The email announced a deepening of race-focused education on campus and proposed mandatory participation by faculty and students.
Here are excerpts from Additional actions to create a more just and equitable Cornell (emphasis added):
A little more than a month ago, I announced a set of actions to enhance our existing programs to promote racial justice. While it was important to take immediate steps in the wake of the racialized violence in our nation, we realize that there is much more to do….
I want to publicly acknowledge the advocacy and efforts of so many of our students who continue to champion a more just future for Cornell and for our society. Specifically, #DoBetterCornell has exerted great effort and mobilized broad interest in many important initiatives. [WAJ adds — see this link for #DoBetterCornell demands] Some of the appeals by that movement will be reflected in my announcement today, and a more detailed response will be sent directly to the organizers….
At the core of our institution lies our primary mission to provide the exceptional education, cutting-edge research and public engagement to shape our world for generations to come, and we must embed anti-racism across these activities. Our world-class faculty play the critical role in defining and advancing our academic mission. Several of the initiatives proposed by our students are the responsibility of our faculty, and, as such, I have asked the Faculty Senate to take the following up as soon as possible:
- The creation and implementation of a for-credit, educational requirement on racism, bias and equity for all Cornell students.
- A systematic review of the curriculum in each of our colleges and schools to ensure that courses reflect, represent and include the contributions of all people. Several colleges/schools and departments already have this work underway.
- Amplification of Cornell’s existing scholarship on anti-racism, through the creation of an Anti-Racism Center that further strengthens our research and education on systems and structures that perpetuate racism and inequality, and on policies and interventions that break that cycle. Cornell already has outstanding academic units and faculty that address these critical issues, including: the Africana Studies and Research Center; the American Indian and Indigenous Studies program (AIISP); Latina/o Studies, Asian American Studies, as well as programs within American, Jewish, Near Eastern, and Feminist Gender and Sexuality studies, and centers such as the Center for the Study of Inequality, the Cornell Center for Health Equity, the Program in Ethics and Public Life and the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, as well as others that are not listed but contribute valuable scholarship. Our vision is to ensure that we are a national leader in this critical area.
- Development of a new set of programs focusing on the history of race, racism and colonialism in the United States, designed to ensure understanding of how inherited social and historical forces have shaped our society today, and how they affect interactions inside and outside of our classrooms, laboratories and studios. All faculty would be expected to participate in this programming and follow-on discussions in their departments. The programs would complement our existing anti-bias programs for faculty, such as those from the Office of Faculty Development and Diversity, the Cornell Interactive Theatre Ensemble, Intergroup Dialogue Programs for Faculty, and the Faculty Institute for Diversity.
In collaboration with the Faculty Senate, we will also:
Launch an institution-wide, themed semester, during which our campus community will focus on issues of racism in the U.S. through relevant readings and discussions. In light of the current COVID-19 pandemic, we will consider the best semester to launch this initiative.
As the President’s statement makes clear, many of these requirements must first be considered by the Faculty Senate before being implemented. I don’t know how much resistence there will be, if any. There is no middle ground in this paradiam — you are either an antiracism activist on their terms, or you are a racist. Speaking out against this juggernaut will take courage and willingness to be a target of cancel culture.
After detailing additional initiatives, including with regard to the Cornell campus police, the President’s statement concludes:
The commitment to real change is the responsibility of all of us, particularly those of us in majority communities. It is our responsibility to read, reflect, learn, listen and then change the system that has disadvantaged our Black, Indigenous and other colleagues, students and friends of color for centuries. This will be a continuous journey, and I implore every member of the Cornell community to look deep within yourself and take active, regular and courageous steps to help create new systems and structures that move us toward a more just and equitable Cornell – and that will become part of our contribution to a different, more just and more equitable world.
While the specifics of these requirements, particularly those placed on faculty, require more steps before implementation, it is clear that Cornell has taken a major step towards compulsory racial activism for faculty and students.
UPDATE 7-17-2020 — STAFF
I just realized that there is a chilling message to staff in this announcement. “Performance Dialogues” are the university’s staff performance reviews. Now, commitment to the agenda in the presidential announcement is part of that process (emphasis added):
Finally, we recognize that staff are the lifeblood of Cornell, enabling us to deliver on our educational, research and engagement mission. The support that our staff provides is what makes learning possible. We must therefore enhance the commitment that we make to recruiting and retaining an exceptional staff that reflects the diversity of our students. Specific steps we will take are as follows:
- Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer Mary Opperman will create new professional development programs with a focus on staff of color, including leadership development, mentorship, and pipeline and succession programs, to help diverse staff advance into key institutional leadership roles;
- We will make work on diversity, equity and inclusion part of the performance dialogue process at Cornell;
- All staff will be required to complete a series, being developed in partnership with eCornell, focused on equity and cultural competency that will become available beginning this September; ….
Staff are the most vulnerable at Cornell, because the upstate NY Southern Tier does not provide many job opportunities. Now staff who may not be on board with this agenda will either have to play along, or risk their jobs or career advancement.
I have updated the title of this post to reflect the mandates as to staff.
[Featured Image: Screen grab via YouTube]

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Time to stop the funding of these antiAmerican institutions professor
I’m sure the extreme Left billionaires will step up to cover the funding gap.
Instead of donating to Cornell, I will donate to this blog. I encourage others to do the same.
Cornell used to be a good school – but in the future, it sounds like a much superior Education will be available at any small town Junior College. Maybe supplemented with an online degree or two.
Why would any rational student pay for anything more than that?
“Ex-Google Tech Lead: “Why Diversity Policy Is Toxic”
We’re told that institutional ‘bias reduction’ training and ‘diversity’ hiring policies are meant to create an inclusive environment which values and respects minorities.
Certainly, as 21st Century Wire notes, Silicon Valley believes it is leading the world in advancing such values.
Upon closer inspection, the opposite seems to be the case.
Diversity training and hiring practices do not extinguish prejudice – they actually promote it……
What Cornell is doing makes sense if one is at war against the USA. Education is not the mission.
Look, we sat back and let communists take over our schools – literally.
We have a chance to take them back.
“We have a chance to take them back.”
How, pray tell?
Go to their offices and shoot them dead.
I suppose one way is to stand up and declare that their silence is violence. In the years 2005 to 2010, they remained silent while over 900,000 Christians were been martyred.
Until they defend as passionately the black and other Christians of color from losing their lives in the world today, they are liars who have no right to teach about racism because they are racist.
Then get up and walk out.
brick and mortar schools only deserve the best, mortars.
Cornell had a policy that wouldn’t allow communist faculty, (as recently as about 2006.)
Has this policy been recinded?
At the time, it seemed like a relic of the cold war. Now, not so much.
These calls to racial activism, as well as the pernicious 1619 Project are all part of what UC Davis Prof Clarence E. Walker, author of “We Can’t Go Home Again: An Argument About Afrocentrism,” calls “Therapeutic mythology”. Their object is really the therapeutic creation of self-esteem in black Americans that is seen as sorely missing by creating a past that never was and a fantasy of a future that will never be, as well as perhaps what they want most to see, a humiliation & degradation of “Whiteness.”
“It is doubtful if the oppressed ever fight for freedom. They fight for pride and power — power to oppress others. The oppressed want above all to imitate their oppressors; they want to retaliate.” – Eric Hoffer
I didn’t know Cornell was so racist.
No one should attend.
Well, grandpa warbucks will likely be paying for some or all of my grandchildren’s college expenses. I will be looking at rather or not a college has racist policies like this, and be refusing to pay if it is an unacceptable school.
Employees may want to consider legal action against such compulsory indoctrination with a claim of creating a hostile work environment.
The problem with that is that the legal definition of “hostile work environment” doesn’t include Marxist indoctrination. It does include religious discrimination, though, so maybe the Prof. can document some anti-Semitism in these meetings?
I disagree. This debate has been going on for at least 50 years. In the 1960, Cornell undergraduates went on the Freedom Marches in Mississippi, and one lost his life. There was also anti-Vietnam War activism. In 1969, black students demanded mandatory sensitivity training, but that was shot down. (in 1969, Cornell did establish an Africana Studies and Research Center, which draws a majority of its students from blacks.)
About 10 years ago, there was a demand to enact a “speech code” which was shot down on First Amendment grounds.
In 2017, there were three incidents that did result in a short, non-credit mandatory training during new student orientation, taught by the Interacial Dialog Project.
In the wake of BLM, these are heightened demands for an Anti-racism Center in addition to the ASRC, and a mandatory for-credit class, because the IDP training is apparently insufficient.
I think that President Pollack referring the demands to the Faculty Senate is a very cute move. It is not clear to me that the Faculty Senate (as opposed to the full plenary University Faculty) has the power to adopt a university-wide graduation requirement. Nor is it clear to me that the Faculty Senate has the power to require faculty to insert anti-racism into every course syllabus (which would require action at the departmental or college level.)
Cornell has some of the best STEM programs in the world. I doubt that the Administration or Trustees will do anything that will risk compromising Cornell’s STEM rankings.
Why are we laundering text dollar payment to this outfit? Defund them shut them down
Professor, this action seems to have you in its sights. In business, there are times when an individual can’t be terminated without cause. If no cause, then an entire dept can be let go with no repercussions. The reverse applies to you- you must comply with the mob or the school may be able to take action. I don’t envy your circumstance. Stay strong.
He should be looking for options for his living. It is best to always have layers of contingency options. That is what I did in my career, and it served me well.
Just maybe the college might tread carefully as it is fully aware of William’s experience Before the Court(s). No pushover and he no doubt has capable friends.
Must now have plan a, b, c, d ,e ,f and actively working all of them.
One contingency plan could be a whopping lawsuit by a contingency litigator. I know one who built a house, over $10,000,000 with his share of such windfalls.
No matter the hunger, no crocodile with any self-respect would eat such a craven, unpalatable appeaser as President Pollack.
If this crap is enacted, you can leave the ballpark and go home. The game will be over.
If he leaves, is that a surrender to the bullies and a victory for the Marxists? The sociopaths signal who they fear. The smell of blood will continue to drive their effort to destroy the Professor after he leaves. They tried a frontal assault and failed.
Hang in and report from the inside. Expose the “illegal insurrectionists” at ever turn, Professor. They fear you so much that they will destroy the place to “save” it.
Oberlin is expendable. Yale is expendable. Only leftist power has value.
Time for the students to say “no”. All of the students. Or, at the very least. The ones taking real majors.
James O’Keefe and Project Veritas.
I know you’ll put up a fight, but the odds against you are overwhelming.
You’ll need to be Minutemen style nimble. Please get in touch with James O’Keefe and expose these fascists and their shameless collaborators.
Record and broadcast to the whole world what they have in their presentations? What a great idea!
There are plans afoot from different directions on that specific idea.
Federal Funds. Invidious Discrimination. Against the law.
It’s “programming” all right. Minitrue is hard at work.
They’re going so overkill on this it makes me wonder of what exactly they are guilty.
Sex traffic of children is my first bet…….
Oh yes, and many of their administrators along with faculty will on the Communist Chinese payroll. Guaranteed imo.
And on the payrolls of the Saudis and Qatar.
“TikTok Fined In South Korea For Collecting Data Of Children Under 14 Without Parental Consent
…KCC found that “more than 6,000 records involving children were collected over six months, violating local privacy laws.” In addition, the Chinese firm “failed to inform” its users that their personal data was being transferred overseas….”
Discrimination against Jews and Asians.
Discrimination against those who are well qualified in order to promote those who are not qualified, that is the essence of Affirmative Action horseshit.
Something related to this?
The Patton stage where Professor Jacobson is at right now at Cornell:
The Nazi comparison is mind-bogglingly over-used, but in this case it rings true.
Germany REQUIRED that every child be a member of the Hitler Youth. Absolutely no exceptions, for any reason, and if any child failed to attend, their parents risked heavy fines or even imprisonment.
The Professor, of course, brings up his own Stalinist comparison.
This is intended to divide us. I wonder where it comes from? China?
Communist China, and Saul Alinsky.
Caught the rerun of his appearance on about a 1970 Dick Cavett Show and he was right out front and promoting divide to conquer among the citizens.
It stems from the Marxists in our own government which Obama’s regime was just the start of their “revolution”.
These are fascist like moves, but the left in their “infinite wisdom” believe that fascism is only possible from the right, never mind that the true root of fascist power came from National Socialists.
This BLM and “Antifa” fascism is part of a movement, well funded by Soros and his like, to overthrow the government. They aren’t using Jewish people to invoke their focus of hatred, they are using race and the charge of racism is applied to every white person who doesn’t conform to their brand of racism.
China is part of it, so to is Islam, which are forces that love to use our own laws against and sense of decency against us.
This is PC as Chairman Mao had enacted on steroids. If you do not comply to this you are branded a racist, just by not going along with this racism. It sounds insane, and it is, but with the deadly intent that our Constitution be overthrown and replaced with Stalinist style government. This is our “democrat” party.
The ILR?
They can make you attend these classes; they can’t make you pay attention.
So, Prof J, what do you intend to do? Attend and do your own work while it’s going on, attend and participate and confront them with the truth, or defy them and refuse to attend?
From the sounds of it, this institution of systemic racism is to be a part of every class, not just pushing compliance of faculty and staff to go to indoctrination classes.
SU was on this kick a number of years ago when there were racist incidents (of which some were found to have been done by minorities, a hoax if you will).
Every study course is to be part of the indoctrination, and it will be clearly defined to have BLM set on a pedestal, regardless of it being a Marxist political movement.
They could make you sign a piece of paper swearing and affirming you understand and agree with the content of the training, and will abide by its content and inform on those who do not, so help you, Adolf Hitler, or Chairman Mao, or Uncle Joe Stalin, or something like that, but likely not to God at least.
My bet is that he will attend and explain to them, quite politely, how they have become mentally disabled.
Well, they’ve already successfully turned our colleges into girl’s schools, so why not turn them all into Historically Black Colleges? (Although that “historically” thing will take a few years.)
really has nothing to do with black or racism. That is just a cover story for marxism/communism.
When a student applies to and is accept by the university for enrollment, isn’t there a kind of implied contract to pursue an agreed-upon curriculum pursuant to a declared degree?
If so, how can the school unilaterally append that curriculum with a mandatory class that was not in the original offer of education, nor have anything to do with the students intended degree?
I would have thought such a class would have to be imposed upon new students only and existing students would be exempted from the new requirement since it represents a change to credit / graduation requirements?
Note I never did the university thing – just community college – so I never went through the application / acceptance ordeal. I’d expect such unilateral changes in the business world since they pay me, but not from a college I’m paying to teach me the classes I’m interested in. So I’m sincerely wondering if Cornell is overstepping with the students in the sense of implied contract of education …
Colleges are dictatorships run like mideval, feudal states – not controlled by state regents, or their regents, or any thing else.
That is why all their monies must be cut off to subdue their evil juggernaut.
Remember it was higher education that kicked off is National Lock Up.
They do groupthink and herd mentality like no other bunch of organizations, especially when you consider they spend billions every year hobnobbing and conventioning together – many of them on the taxpayers dime.
That was my thought as well.
With some majors, your course requirements are very tight, with very little selection outside of those requirements. I’d be mad as a hornet in having to take such a class as they are requiring.
I wonder if students can have a lawsuit against such a thing.
School administrators overstep all the time, and they get away with it, in part because of a steady turnover of students.
I encourage you all to read White Fragility, not because you will acquire some sort of enlightenment from the pages which will transform your interactions with all other races and genders, but to realize just what caustic and hateful reasoning lurks behind such innocent phrases such as ‘anti-racism’ centers. In short, there is no such thing as a race-neutral interaction between an Oppressor and a Victimized Group, not even saying hello in the morning. If you follow their so-called logic, you automatically place yourself in the oppressor category, and unless you actively force yourself to act in the way they determine, you bear the consequences of whatever actions the oppressed want to take against you.
I much prefer to treat people as people.
Did you mean caustic or casuistic? Or both?
I do not wish to contribute monetarily to such an author, but I get your drift.
White Fragility teaches that white women may never cry in the vicinity of people of color, because it frightens them with the fear of being lynched for having caused it.
Sorry professor but you now officially work at an utterly crap school
They can’t afford to be seen by the content of their character.
Instead, race insulates those who never seem to have developed actual character, and rely on mob mentality and theoretical constructs as a form of protection from being an individual that must make choices based on ethics and reality.
If systemic racism is such a horrible problem in America, then why are there so many racist hoaxes perpetrated every year? It would seem that in a racist country, there would be more than enough incidents without resorting to having to create your won.
If systemic racism is so bad in this country, then why are the locations where things appear to be the worst are those cities that have been run by the Democrats for generations? Claiming systemic racism is present in the police and other institutions where the mayor, chief of police, the majority of the city council, and others, means what?
If systemic racism is so prevalent, then why do we all need to be lectured on just what it is and why is it that the definition appears to change from day to day and from one group to another?
If racism against blacks by the police is so terrible, then why do we have so many white women screaming obscenities at black police officers telling them how racists they are towards other blacks?
If systemic racism is so terrible, then why are they destroying statues of the Virgin Mary, abolitionists, and others as well as other statues celebrating the freeing of the slaves and such?
If systemic racism is so bad that we must erase all history of historical racists including eliminating their names from streets, buildings, organizations, etc., then why has Yale not changed its name, why has the Democratic Party not come under attack, etc.?
If white fragility is a real, then how does one who is white overcome their racism? If they deny it, then they are racist and if they admit it, then they are racist. Since there appears to be no forgiveness for being racist, then isn’t the concept of white fragility inherently racist?
The list goes on.
Black Portland Cop Slams Protesters In Oregon,
There’s Fewer Minorities In The Protests Than The Police Line…
Weazil Zippers
It’s scientifically unfalsifiable and logically inconsistent. Naturally, it decries both science and logic as “white” ideas.
“f systemic racism is so terrible, then why are they destroying statues of the Virgin Mary, abolitionists, and others as well as other statues celebrating the freeing of the slaves and such?”
Really, my favorite has to be the elk.
Cornell is a very dispersed institution. The Faculty Senate traditionally does not impose academic requirements, but that question is left to individual college faculty. Currently, the only University-wide requirement is the Physical Education requirement.
It is difficult to see how professional schools, with are subject to industry-specific accreditation, can implement a “for-credit” required course. For example, would the Law School course be taught by a Law Professor?
In 1969, Cornell black students demanded the founding of the Africana Studies and Research Center. This center is a part of the College of Arts and Sciences. It is not clear to me where the new “Anti-Racism” center would fit into the University — inside a college or a stand alone unit that reports to the Provost. If stand-alone, how would it be funded, since there would be no student tuition associated with it. When students are demanding the new “Anti-Racism” center, they are either ignorant of the ASRC or are dismissing it as not relevant or too scholarly. How can this new center be constructed without first understanding how the ASRC has failed? President Pollack has also named a number of other specific programs that are relevant to “anti-racism” — but it is clear that the protesters are talking about “Anti-black Racism” — hence the relevance of the ASRC.
Politically, President Pollack is trying to get a hot potato off of her desk by tossing it over to the Faculty Senate. There is no accompanying commentary about academic standards, peer review, evidence-based curriculum, etc.
In the long-run, Cornell is not a zero-sum game. However, in the short run with $200 million deficit triggered by COVID, any new program will be funded by cutting somewhere else. What will Cornell cut to fund the new Anti-Racism initiative?
How about they cut the Africana Studies and Research Center? That is useless, as is most of shithole Africa.
How does any of this programing fit within Cornell’s land grant mission of programing for mechanical engineering, agriculture, and military science?
How about reading the 10 commandments such as “do unto others as you would have them do unto you?.
Christ boiled down the Mosaic Law to loving God with everything we have and loving others as we love ourselves. Of course, if you have no self respect then having respect for others will be pretty tough.
I heard it said long ago that the best way to act is to treat others with courtesy, dignity, and respect. One need never apologize for observing the Golden Rule.
That isn’t one of the ten commandments.
Students will be billed thousBds for the class.
I wondwr if they are permitted a oppising view during this class?
While we’re feeding pablum, to the babies, are the universities going to change their diapers too.
They’re literally providing teddy bears, puppies, and crayons, so…
This is simply an extension of what has been going on for a long time–manipulation of curricular requirements to force students into taking left wing indoctrination courses.
It would be interesting to analyse costs of useless staff and majors, quantify how those costs impact student tuition, and then treat those costs as the last amount paid of student loans with interest.
As America was growing, young couples usually built a small house, and then added to that house as they needed addition room for a growing family. That meant that they did not incur large debt and interest.
Many people today by the biggest house they can finance, and then pay a great deal of interest. on space that they do not actually need.
The same is true of college education, where they are taking classes which add nothing to their education except debt. And that incremental debt costs them the most interest.
Didn’t write my thesis or do any post-doc work at Cornell (thank goodness for my choices back then) but I am trying very hard to understand just how anti-racism is to be applied in my field of algebraic topology? Is a field, a ring, the number i racist or anti-racist? Or was it the make up of my cohort? Given there were some “white boys” (obviously racist even back then), Iranian, Indians (from India), a Japanese and the rest of us I conclude… Oh, no women and no transgender jews either!
The entire field is racist. The rules of arithmetic are racist.
With the new math: 1+1 “=” 3, and some, select other times: 1+1 “=” 0. It’s Pro-Choice religious dogma to normalize social and medical progress without responsibility.
<sigh> You’re so white you’re still thinking in terms of white logic, insisting that at any given time “1+1” must have a fixed answer. By having the answer vary with the time you’re just making it even more logic-bound, and thus whiter and more patriarchal! You have to learn to stop thinking with the left side of the brain, give up your fragile white adherence to fixed rules, and accept…whatever.
Math is innately racist in the eyes of those who cannot comprehend it.
What I loved about math, I am talking about higher math, is its innate beauty and logical predictability.
Most people are not rational or predictable, especially those with lower IQs.
If blacks (and a pretty big chunk of lowerer performing whites) were more rational and predictable, they and we would be better off.
Logic is a white construct. Different people have different truths. Goo goo ga joob.
Not just racism, but diversity (i.e. racism, sexism, class-based bigotry) in general, has been a progressive condition with the establishment of Pro-Choice and normalization of political congruence (“=”). #HateLovesAbortion
It seems to me that the only real option, if one must teach a class of racism, is to make the better case for color blindness and for the foundational of the US.
Basically teach Locke vs Leviathan and show why this whole critical race theory is garbage. Shadows flew the light, so hold the torch high.
Not color blindness, but wariness to exercise liberal license in order to indulge color judgments (e.g. racism, sexism, and other class-based bigotry). Diversity (i.e. denial of individual dignity, denial of individual conscience, affirmative discrimination, color blocs, color quotas) dogma is divisive and exclusionary, and forms the foundation of Pro-Choice, selective, opportunistic, politically congruent (“=”) religious philosophy.
Cornell is trying to Out Oberlin Oberlin
Cornell has bought into the hype of Racism. If the US was racist they why are there so many Blacks elected into State/Federal government ? Just more BS from the Lunatic Left !!
The outrages continue. The goal is the destruction of western civilization.
We are letting the least productive, the least able to define our culture.
Obviously we should all say NO. Unfortunately about 50% of the country and about 90% of the professors agree with is crap.
The media is completely on board.
I am getting guns, voting and waiting. The day when we erupt in violent confrontation may not be as far off as I once thought.
Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aimed at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. [Lemkin]
Modern sensibility.
Diversity of people used to be advanced as a way to increase diversity of opinion. Now, the left seeks uniformity of opinion among all people. This must be opposed at all costs.
It has never been about individuals, but rather color blocs.
Specifically, diversity dogma denies individuals and provides a taxonomy that reduces people… persons to colorful clusters of cells (e.g. color blocs) devoid of individual conscience, and normalizes the progressive philosophy of some, select lives matter that forms the foundation of Pro-Choice religious beliefs.
“It used to be, if you were on campus as a student, you could stick to your studies, stay out of politics, keep your mouth shut. They would leave you alone. You will not be left alone anymore. You must participate in the revolution going on.”
I await the tasty Thirteenth Amendment lawsuit.
Even if I could afford Cornell, I wouldn’t send any of my kids to a school where they waste extremely valuable time on worthless drivel like this, and charge me for it.
No, there better colleges at which to invest in your children’s education.
Cornell receives $7 million in Federal Grants. If I were in the Professor’s shoes, I would file a complaint under Executive Order 13864 Improving Free Inquiry, Transparency, and Accountability at Colleges and Universities. I hope he has already done so. The EO specifies:
Losing $7 million in Federal grants might get Cornell’s attention.
No.In 2018-19, Cornell received $561.0 million in direct reesearch grants, and recovered $174.5 million in overhead on top of that. In addition, Cornell received #131.5 million in NYS annual appropriations through SUNY. Cornell also runs the NY Cooperative Extension Service in every county of NY using funds equally matched from the USDA and the state.
You should proffer a counter-proposal of new training, Professor Jacobson.
The training to include, but not limited to, the Constitution of the United States, the Bill of Rights, civics, history (to include slavery, after being universally practiced throughout history, including by Africans, being abolished for the first time in history by Western Civilization) …
Then have a balanced panel of experts debate which plan, Cornell’s or your, would be beneficial to the students and society in the long run.
Maybe you, Professor Turley, Professor Dershowitz, etc., on one side.
Have a videotaped of broadcast debate and let the viewing public decide which approach would be healthier and more successful.
Great news if he can pull it off:
“Antonio Sabato Jr. announces he’s starting a ‘conservative movie studio’: ‘No more blacklisting.'”
I knew nothing about him. His background from Wikipedia:
“Sabàto was born in Rome on February 29, 1972, a Leap Day. His father is Antonio Sabàto Sr., a film star of Italian heritage born in Sicily. His mother, Yvonne Kabouchy, is a realtor from Prague and is of Czech and Ashkenazi Jewish heritage; her own mother was a Holocaust survivor.[3][4][5][6][7] He has one sibling, a sister named Simonne. Sabàto and his family moved to the United States from Italy in 1985 and he became a naturalized citizen of the United States in 1996.”
I dread the idea of this indoctrination coming to my university. I was exposed to this indoctrination about 17 years ago. Vulgar and revolting. I will need to consider my options carefully. I do not want to lose my job or get my house fire bombed. I will not submit to this indoctrination.
In 20 years, Universities will be far less relevant than today.
The lie my generation was sold about college has been outted. Now a new generation of kids are coming of age who see college as a 100k mistake that will land them a job as a Walmart greeter.
The legal profession, med school are the few that lend any credible requirement for attending a university. I used to include engineering in this list, but that is simply not true anymore as well as there are other avenues to get employed if you know WTF you are doing with the sciences.
Even when I went through- the amount of social extortion classed required $$$$ to make me “well rounded” was so over the top I nearly quit.
The school of business at the premier university in our state awarded my brother “small business owner of the year” a couple years ago. His college education included a grand total of one part time quarter of diesel mechanics at a tech school 40 years ago.
Traditional College is just not a good investment.
America’s weakness is allowing then encouraging colonization by peoples with ancestry from outside of NW Europe.