“Black Lives Matter” Sign Painted On Street Outside Trump Tower “Defaced” Again

The city-sanctioned “Black Lives Matter” graffiti outside Trump Tower in New York City has been splashed with paint for the second time in a week.

A small group of Blue Lives Matter and All Lives Matter activists poured blue paint on the graffiti and several of them were arrested.

A local CBS outlet refers to the vandalism as vandalism, something the mainstream media does not do in the many cases of vandalism perpetrated by Black Lives Matter, antifa, and their associates among the fringe Marxist left.

In the article, entitled, “Vandals Arrested After Throwing Blue Paint on Black Lives Matter Mural Outside Trump Tower,” CBS reports (archive link):

At least three people were arrested after throwing blue paint on the Black Lives Matter mural in midtown — the second time in a week the Fifth Avenue mural has been defaced.The alleged vandals threw the paint in what appeared to be a coordinated effort involving about 10 people around 4 p.m. Friday. There were plans going around on social media with a group of people discussing pulling off the stunt.One of those arrested, a woman wearing a rainbow flag as a cape and a shirt that read “All Lives Matter,” was put into custody, smirking when asked why she did it. She was seen on video dumping a can of paint while running along the length of the mural, with another woman joining her, and then putting hand prints into the spilled paint.The second woman later spoke with NBC New York, saying that it should read “All Lives Matter” and that using taxpayer money for it was wrong. One of the people taken into custody appeared to be the same woman who talked with News 4 just a week ago, and vowed at that time that she would come back to deface the mural.

The “mural” has been “defaced,” but statues, businesses, streets, and police cars being sprayed with ridiculous slogans and hate . . . silence.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Media Bias, New York City