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Minneapolis Neighborhood Promised to “Check its Privilege”, Then a 300-Strong Homeless Camp Moved In

Minneapolis Neighborhood Promised to “Check its Privilege”, Then a 300-Strong Homeless Camp Moved In

Order. Rule. Law. Humanity. How do they work?

This is so perfect.

An uber-progressive neighborhood in Minneapolis has vowed not to call the cops on people in the community and instead to utilize the American Indian Movement to help solve local grievances.

And for the last two weeks, an encampment of at least 300 homeless people (and counting) have made the neighborhood their home. It’s all playing out exactly as you’d expect, especially if you were around the blogosphere during the Occupy years (from the NYT):

The impulse many white Powderhorn Park residents have to seek help from community groups rather than from the police is being felt in neighborhoods across the country. But some are finding the commitment hard to stand by when faced with the complex realities of life. While friends, neighbors and even family members in Powderhorn Park agree to avoid calling the police at all costs, it has been harder to establish where to draw the line.

From the NYT:

After the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police, Ms. Albers, who is white, and many of her progressive neighbors have vowed to avoid calling law enforcement into their community. Doing so, they believed, would add to the pain that black residents of Minneapolis were feeling and could put them in danger.

Already, that commitment is being challenged. Two weeks ago, dozens of multicolored tents appeared in the neighborhood park. They were brought by homeless people who were displaced during the unrest that gripped the city. The multiracial group of roughly 300 new residents seems to grow larger and more entrenched every day. They do laundry, listen to music and strategize about how to find permanent housing. Some are hampered by mental illness, addiction or both.

Their presence has drawn heavy car traffic into the neighborhood, some from drug dealers. At least two residents have overdosed in the encampment and had to be taken away in ambulances.

Imagine that.

Tobie Miller, Ms. Albers’s 34-year-old daughter, lives just a block away from her mother, but lately, she said, they have felt a world apart. Ms. Miller began a concerted effort last year to challenge her own privileges by taking a class on racial biases.

She worries that a lot of what has been written about the camp on community message boards has been influenced by racial profiling. To the extent that illegal activity is going on in the park, Ms. Miller does not blame the tent residents. “My feeling around it is those are symptoms of systemic oppression,” she said. “And that’s not on them.”

Some of the self-examination she and her mother have done recently has led them to the same place. Ms. Miller came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so. And while Ms. Albers used to feel only pride about the work she put in to revitalizing the community, now, she sees her work as gentrification that may have pushed out nonwhite residents. The neighborhood’s black population has dropped more than 5 percentage points since 2000.

I’m sure you’ll also be shocked to learn that armed robberies have occurred:

Mitchell Erickson’s fingers began dialing 911 last week before he had a chance to even consider alternatives, when two black teenagers who looked to be 15, at most, cornered him outside his home a block away from the park.

One of the boys pointed a gun at Mr. Erickson’s chest, demanding his car keys.

Flustered, Mr. Erickson handed over a set, but it turned out to be house keys. The teenagers got frustrated and ran off, then stole a different car down the street.

Mr. Erickson said later that he would not cooperate with prosecutors in a case against the boys. After the altercation, he realized that if there was anything he wanted, it was to offer them help. But he still felt it had been right to call the authorities because there was a gun involved.

Two days after an initial conversation, his position had evolved. “Been thinking more about it,” he wrote in a text message. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”

The Minneapolis park board decided to allow public parks to double as refuges, despite the obvious health issues involved:

Order. Rule. Law. Humanity. How do they work?


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The man had a f-king gun pointed to his head and chest and he feels guilty that he called the police ?

Because THEY might kill the thugs?

Are you f-king kidding me?

These people are insane and will never come back from the abyss

Don’t count on these idiots all to vote Trump

Well, they’ll be raped and probably dead by November anyway.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2020 at 7:50 pm

    Shouldn’t they be getting Pelosi, OAC, Schumer, Nadler, Cuomo, etc, et al the top DEMS home addresses?

    Hey looters and rioters Great Granny Pelosi has got tons office cream for you. You only need to break in and occupy..

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | June 25, 2020 at 8:29 pm

      Ice cream

      notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital. | June 26, 2020 at 12:16 am

      Oh my national MSM and DEMS targets of the DEMS antifa-blm.

      Protester In Pink Lingerie Charges Andrea Mitchell And Eleanor Holmes Norton

      …..So will Mitchell still be saying they’re “peaceful?”

      Weazil Zippers

      Daily Wire:

      In response to the arrest of a man who walked into a cafe holding a baseball bat and screaming through a megaphone, a riot broke out in Madison, Wisconsin, Tuesday night. The result was violence, including the brutal assault of a “gay progressive” Democratic politician, as well as property damage, including toppled monuments, among them a statue dedicated to an abolitionist.

      On Wednesday, Madison’s Democratic mayor — who champions the idea of “reimagining public safety” — issued an incensed rebuke of the “protesters” who wreaked havoc in her city the night before, and called for a clear distinction to be made between those exercising their constitutional right to protest and those seizing on the opportunity to engage in “criminal conduct.”

      “[W]hat happened last night in Madison was far from peaceful and exceeding dangerous,” Madison Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway said in the statement posted Wednesday on her government website. “People attacked a State Senator who championed workers’ rights in 2011, tore down a statue of an abolitionist who died trying to end slavery during the Civil War, and attempted to set fire to a building with dozens of people inside.”

        ” He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount.”

        You revved up the mobs Dems, now you are reaping the reward. Smart people know you cannot control a mob and that you can only hope they come for you last.

    Tiki in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2020 at 7:52 pm

    Our American upper middle class is populated with self-loathing idiots. I wonder what they do for a living. Whatever it is – it doesn’t require a lick of common sense.

    I’d leave them to their own devices and fates if it weren’t for the creeping feeling that they -as the monied class – somehow seem to control our combined destinies.

    The notion that the mob may burn and loot their homes before the mob burns and loots my home doesn’t lend me comfort.

    VaGentleman in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    Here’s a scary scenario for ya. You see him with the gun to his head and, because you’re a CCW, you intervene and shoot the bad guy. Do you think this guy will testify on your behalf or against you? (“Honestly, your honor, I don’t feel it was a life threatening event; I don’t think he should have shot him.”)

    Be careful out there – very careful. Stay safe.

      Fiftycaltx in reply to VaGentleman. | June 26, 2020 at 12:37 pm

      My policy is that my license to carry and my gun are to protect me. Should I happen on a situation as described, I figure if that individual had chosen to protect themself, they had a chance to get their own LTC.. I’m not a cop, I don’t carry a cop around and I am not responsible for YOUR SAFETY.

    Years before I became a cynic with a heart of stone, I was a naive, idealistic Christian missionary for a leftist denomination that is now almost defunct.

    At a conference with other missionaries I attended a workshop led by a colleague who had served in apartheid South Africa. She had given a lift to a black South African man who pulled a knife on her, forced her to drive to a remote location, raped and beat her, and left her for dead when he stole her car.

    The woman claimed she had forgiven her attacker, and from her tone I suspect she thought she was being truthful. But she then launched into a broadside against the apartheid South African government and anyone who had qualms about the Marxist African National Congress which eventually took power. It was clear that she was still seething with rage with what had been done to her, but instead of blaming her attacker she concentrated her firepower on those who had little or nothing to do with her assault, and called it Christian forgiveness. Even some of my lefty colleagues thought she was a kook.

    Every time I hear some progressive prattle on about how violent crime is the fault of “systemic racism” being the real culprit instead of the perp, I think of that missionary. Her decision to give a lift to a man she didn’t know while driving alone in a place black South Africans fear to be, was a remarkable example of the destruction of the human spirit communism has on people. It was a case of brain-dead virtue signaling that almost cost her her life, yet she learned nothing from it. I found it a spectacle that was both chilling and disgusting.

    Wrathchilde in reply to gonzotx. | June 25, 2020 at 10:25 pm

    He regrets calling the police because it put those boys lives in danger…

    Those boys put *his* life in danger by pointing a gun at him. Their own actions put *their* lives in danger, or would in a rational universe. This is Bizzaro-World.

drednicolson | June 25, 2020 at 7:37 pm

Too Woke To Live

Characters in horror movies make smarter decisions than this. At the very least, they recognize a monster when they see one.

This will spread to all Minneapolis parks. The Minneapolis Park Police no longer have any “ties” to MPD. The Park Police is a very small team. They can’t clear the parks without the help of MPD. Going downhill. Snowmalia.

stevewhitemd | June 25, 2020 at 7:38 pm

One would need a heart of stone not to laugh.

hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

[catches breath, takes sip]

hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

It takes a special kind of stupid..

Liberalism IS a mental illness.

Knowledgeable people have been stating, categorically, that liberalism is a mental illness. Others laughed. But, it is being illustrated much more clearly that this is indeed the case. Liberals are delusional. They are so out of touch with reality, that they really should be institutionalized.

Free Men, Protect Your Homes!

Most folks might not remember this, but there was an amazing scene in the first “Godfather” movie, and it took place in the board room of a bank. It was a meeting of the top members of organized crime, where they agreed to take control of drug smuggling. They weren’t opposed to peddling poison; no, not at all! They just wanted to make sure it stayed in the inner cities, away from suburbs and rural areas and other respectable neighborhoods.

Well of course, that was an illusion. Hardcore drugs of every kind have not stayed in the “lesser neighborhoods”, but are now in every city and every town in America, coast to coast and border to border. Because the criminals who organized the drug trade were as blind and stupid as they were heartless and vicious. They didn’t care about those Other People, and so they ended up hurting everyone, even people they actually did care about.

The newest criminal organization is not composed of men with slicked back hair and silk suits and sinister nicknames; but it is a vicious band of criminals nevertheless. The new criminals are the “liberal” mayors of every big city in America, from Portland and Olympia and Seattle on the West coast, to Chicago and Minneapolis in the Midwest, to Atlanta and Louisville in the South, and on up to Baltimore and New York on the East coast. And please note, this is not the end of this roster of villains, not by a long shot! Some are men, some are women, some are black, others white, and they come from a wide variety of backgrounds. But as varied as they might seem, they are united in their hatred of law and order, and their contempt for the decent, hard working, tax paying Americans who make everything in their cities and this country possible.

These despicable criminals have

greatly increased taxes at all level, and borrowed enormous sums of money;

borrowed yet more money to make payments on the money they already borrowed;

lied to the voters that all this taxing and borrowing and spending would keep them safe;

pretended to support local police, and to help them maintain peace and safety for the public good;

disarmed these very same voters, declaring that the police would always protect them, no matter what;

allowed criminals back out on the streets on the flimsiest excuses;

made excuses for the vast camps of rootless, mentally ill drug addicts;

praised every hate filled radical roaming their streets, crushing free speech and opposing views with fists and clubs and mace.

And now, after a nationwide explosion of lunatic rage and violence, and whole neighborhoods have been destroyed, disgusting thieves have stolen everything not nailed down, bomb throwing arsonists have burned shops and stores to their foundations and hate filled maniacs have beaten and murdered anyone getting in the way of their sick, demented “utopia”; this is the moment that these tax fattened parasites disguised as “elected leaders” have stabbed the police in the back, sided with the criminals and the anarchists, and betrayed the very people who put them in office.

NO ONE IN THOSE CITIES IS SAFE. The ordinary, decent people who live there, who are still disarmed and haven’t been in a fight since grade school: what chance do they have should anyone smash down their doors? What recourse do they have if they are out shopping for food or clothes, if they are attacked by criminals or anarchists or both? What will they do if someone needs to see a doctor, and they get ambushed in the parking lot? When they dial 911, and no one picks up, what will they do?

It would be all too easy for me to not care. I don’t live in a big city; I don’t live anywhere close to one; I don’t know anyone who does. I could be an unfeeling jerk. I could smirk and say “serves ‘em right!” or “let them wallow in their own filth!”. I could puff out my chest and boast, “I will never be disarmed!” But I will not do that. For one thing, those folks who live in those cities, however much we might disagree with them, and as often as they have sneered at us, they are still our fellow Americans. They deserve better than what they have got.

More importantly, anyone who thinks that this hate filled lunacy is going to just remain in the cities is flat out wrong. Just as no one in the 1940s would have ever believed that someday American farm boys would be dying from meth or fentanyl, we would be fools to think that this new poison of hate could never spread to where we live. The criminals and the anarchists alike have boasted about their desire to invade the suburbs and the rural areas and the small towns of America. And they will do it, if we let them. If we make the same mistakes as our fellow Americans in the big cities, and believe the empty promises of politicians, will they stand with us? Or will they cut and run like their counterparts in Seattle? Will they too, “defund” the police, then run and hide behind 24/7 private security?

Most importantly, do any of us want to take that chance? I believe it would be suicide to trust to luck, or to say “that’s someone elses problem”. No. No its not! Any man or woman defending their home or their neighborhood should not be left to do it all on their own. There were families and neighbors before there were politicians, and it is long past time that families and neighbors re-asserted their natural rights to self defense.

The very first step must be taken by everyone who lives in any place that is not a big city:

if you don’t have a gun yet, GET ONE AND LEARN HOW TO USE IT.

It is going to be suicide to be a decent, law abiding person in this country who is not armed. Not becoming armed and prepared now, while you still have a chance, is no better than writing the suicide note. Take this step, no matter what! Do it in spite of any legal hoops you have to jump through. And don’t be stopped by the disapproval of anyone you know, or anyone in authority. In a worst case scenario, the first group can’t help you, and the authorities might just cut and run; or worse, might take sides against you. Mask your intentions if you have to! After all, it is YOUR life that is at stake. You have a right to be alive, and the right to protect your life.

The next step for the newly armed is to seek out someone you can trust, who is already armed, and who knows what they are doing with a gun. And for the love of GOD, don’t get caught up on any stupid, irrelevant differences. Whether that other guy roots for the “wrong team”, or goes to the “wrong church” or watches the “wrong TV shows” or is “the wrong color” is 100% not important.

On the flip side, you who already have that knowledge, who are experts with firearms, you must try and reach out to at least one of the new guys. Come on: if you saw a person drowning, and you could help, would you stand by and take pictures? Of course not: that’s something the enemy might do, but not us! Don’t let them just flop around, making mistakes, and then maybe giving up. Please help them! Just remember, not everyone had your good luck to have firearms training as part of their education. There are millions of good and decent people who have grown up surrounded by people who have mocked the very idea of anyone owning a gun who isn’t some ignorant redneck. They should not have their lives put at risk simply because of past ignorance, or because of the peer pressure that they’re trying to break away from.

We need to take care to keep this on a face to face basis. There might be “communities” on social media, but they can’t help us defend ourselves. The people who run those websites don’t care about you: they’re filthy rich and live safe, cozy lives behind walls and gates and 24/7 private security. Many other people on those websites will hate you and try to get you banned. Also, we live in a time when hackers are breaking into police computers and stealing their information. They are not doing that to send them love notes! You don’t want your information ending up in their filthy hands.

While we’re on the topic of police, the safest thing to do is not get them involved. At least, not officially! They might see you as a competitor trying to take away their job. You have a right to self defense, but they might have forgotten about that. Also, formal ties with the police can make you just as much a target as them. And if that does happen, the police are going to be looking out for their own, not you or me or anyone else. Individual officers, who you can trust, might be a different story. Just don’t make their life harder by saying anything that could cause them trouble.

One final thought: KNOW YOUR ENEMY. It’s not enough to be armed and organized; you always have to take action. Find out everything you can about people in your area who take sides with the hate filled monsters trying to destroy our country. It doesn’t matter how you get this information, find out everything you can about everyone attacking our rights to peace and freedom. And don’t just look at your immediate area, but also the biggest cities nearby. If your town is attacked by outsiders, that is where they will be coming from.

Estoy_Listo | June 25, 2020 at 8:21 pm

What fun! I expect the media will politely turn away.

In other news: In March alone, the FBI processed 3.7 million firearm background checks. Mind you, this is before the protests and the calls for defunding the police.

Where is Omar? This is in the middle of her Congressional District! She should be so proud! Perhaps this mess will remind her of her roots and she won’t hate the USA so much anymore?

    artichoke in reply to TX-rifraph. | June 26, 2020 at 11:50 am

    Who cares? Her district is Little Mogadishu. Did she just win her primary? Then they support that, and they’ve had 2 years of a lot of disclosure about her dirty laundry. It’s all you have to know about that congressional district.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to TX-rifraph. | June 26, 2020 at 12:18 pm

    Omar has already expressed enough hate that she should be expelled or planted. If she is representative of her people they should all be expelled.

Look, whole swaths of the formerly United States have been ceded to people that cannot survive on their own, and they not only would refuse to help you, they routinely participate in your very destruction.

I don’t care if it all burns to the ground. I don’t care if whole neighborhoods get taken over. If you live in such a place you have only one chance, get out. Get out now because it is going to get worse not better. There are places that will defend their selves from the mob. Go there.

How long before the Powderhorn Park residents are begging for the cops to clear the area? I cant fathom how this homeless enclave in the middle of a once nice neighborhood can end well. Wait til the feces and trash start to accumulate and little Becky gets accosted by a naked crazy guy.

    alohahola in reply to JimWoo. | June 25, 2020 at 11:29 pm

    Seems like they need this Humanity 101 lesson.

    Milwaukee in reply to JimWoo. | June 26, 2020 at 7:28 am

    Minnesota gets cold, really really cold in the winter. Between them and the Artic there’s nothing to stop roaring cold fronts. The weather in Milwaukee is buffered somewhat by the lake.
    Want to bet when it turns cold the vermin want to move indoors?

    JusticeDelivered in reply to JimWoo. | June 26, 2020 at 12:50 pm

    I doubt that Powderhorn residents willingly accepted these leeches. They were no doubt threatened.

    I bet those people are now advocates for gun ownership. Maybe they will organize neighborhood watch? Retrofit bats with spikes? Run through the encampment spraying toilet bowl cleaner. Upwind, put acid in bleach?

    There are so many things that residents could do to clear out riffraff.

      Subotai Bahadur in reply to JusticeDelivered. | June 26, 2020 at 1:45 pm

      There are so many things that they could do. However, these are true believers AND they have not yet encountered reality in all of its violent Marxist splendor. They really believe that the universe is arranged so that they will be immune from any consequences of their actions because they are ideologically pure. Plus, they depend on the city and state government to protect them and do not realize that not only are they expendable to that government, but that any attempt to protect themselves will result in the city and state attacking them and protecting those attacking their homes.

      Reality WILL come to them. And the first time or two, they will blame those who told them the truth. You cannot help those who refuse help or to acknowledge reality.

      Subotai Bahadur

Such a well defined field of fire, Send a drone aloft and let it spray an indelible mist on the lovely common area such that the new neighbors will be readily identifiable.

OTOH, Minneapolis deserves as good as they give.

I do not understand how public spaces paid for by the taxpayers and for the public use/enjoyment, can be turned into an encampment where it’s not safe for taxpayers to go. It’s not much different than CHAZ/CHOP and the lawsuit against the Seattle for enabling an invasion force / occupier to deprive citizens of their safety, services, etc.

Wonder how they’ll feel about the new neighbors when property values are affected and homes start sitting on the market, unsold.

    artichoke in reply to MrE. | June 26, 2020 at 11:53 am

    It’s a lot different, if the people in that neighborhood agreed not to stop it.

    CHOP was abandoned by their city government without their agreement. These people abandoned their city government intentionally.

    henrybowman in reply to MrE. | June 26, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    Who cares? You know they’re going to end up letting squatters have them for free.

Ferfuggs eggs | June 25, 2020 at 11:06 pm

That park looks like a nice KOA compared to the defiled dumps that a lot of the parks in Seattle have turned into.

In so many ways, this reminds me of “Animal House.” “Thank you, Sir! May I have another?”

At least they’re inviting the barbarians in their own homes, rather than inflicting them on others. Someone should suggest this to Nancy Pelosi.

Check your privilege to make sure it intact and don’t let it go if it’s going to destabilize the world around you.

Privilege is power. If you give it up, someone else will hold it and not necessarily wield it as nicely as you.

    artichoke in reply to alohahola. | June 26, 2020 at 11:33 am

    I don’t see LeBron giving up his Basketball Privilege and giving away his money. If not for height, strength, etc. which I lack through no fault of my own …

    And yet he lectures me about my privilege or supports those who do.

Check your privilege to make sure it intact and don’t let it go if it’s going to destabilize the world around you.

Privilege is power. If you give it up, someone else will hold it and not necessarily wield it as nicely as you.

TheOldZombie | June 26, 2020 at 12:05 am

“Been thinking more about it,” he wrote in a text message. “I regret calling the police. It was my instinct but I wish it hadn’t been. I put those boys in danger of death by calling the cops.”

They put a gun to him and this is his response.

This is proof that leftism is a mental disease and there is no hope for reconciliation. We, the sane, are going to eventually have to make a choice. We either cut loose these insane people to make their own country of failure or we have to go in fix everything, write off the adults, and make sure the children are schooled properly to not turn into leftist idiots. It’s going to take decades to fix this current mess and it has to start with the kids in school.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to TheOldZombie. | June 26, 2020 at 12:18 am

    They are Morally Insane.

    alohahola in reply to TheOldZombie. | June 26, 2020 at 12:29 am

    “It’s going to take decades to fix this current mess and it has to start with the kids in school.“

    Lesson 1: Never doubt your instinct to protect yourself and your community.

      artichoke in reply to alohahola. | June 26, 2020 at 11:27 am

      And now we see why Betsy DeVos was right on when she said school choice is her central agenda. It didn’t seem like a big issue at the time she said it, sort of out of left field. Now we see it’s critical.

    artichoke in reply to TheOldZombie. | June 26, 2020 at 11:28 am

    They put him in danger of death by pointing a gun at him. Why does he put himself below those robbers? He really is weak.

      artichoke in reply to artichoke. | June 26, 2020 at 11:30 am

      On second thought, maybe it’s PC bull-pucky like what the women said who are really trying to sell out and leave, and like the business owners in the taken-over CHOP who proclaimed they were so happy to be there.

      They are scared to death to speak out. And that may be a justified fear. The guy talks weak, but in fact he called the cops and didn’t give up his car. Good for him.

    henrybowman in reply to TheOldZombie. | June 26, 2020 at 4:41 pm

    Now we’re going to have to rewrite that old saw:

    “Gun Control … The theory that a man found dead in his driveway, strangled with his own panty hose, is somehow morally superior to a man explaining to police how his attacker got that fatal bullet wound.”

Minneapolis isn’t exactly the tropics, where are these people going in November, December when its cold every night. Will they ask the city for some form of heated shelter on the taxpayer dime or will they return to their parents basement?

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | June 26, 2020 at 2:07 am

Wonder if that neighborhood has a lot of voting fraud?

More Jersey Democrats Caught Committing Voter Fraud with Mail-In-Ballots

CapeBuffalo | June 26, 2020 at 4:17 am

I see loaves of pasty white bread marching in lockstep toward the cliff.

Liberals have adult bodies with the mental maturity of a four year old

buckeyeminuteman | June 26, 2020 at 11:08 am

Stupid self-flagellating white people. Anybody with common sense would move far away from there. And fast!

    JusticeDelivered in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | June 26, 2020 at 1:20 pm

    They need to move, but this will also result in massive equity and asset transfer to riffraff. Eventually the whole city will be like Flint and Detroit Michigan, one large ghetto, varying from bad to worse.

    henrybowman in reply to buckeyeminuteman. | June 26, 2020 at 4:37 pm

    You know, there has GOT to be an inventive way to monetize this collective derangement, if only I could be clever enough to figure it out. Something like an upscale S&M club, featuring mimosas, vegan snacks, and nonwhite doms and domxs? Or maybe whoever is holding these “classes” already has this revenue stream sewn up?

“Some of the self-examination she and her mother have done recently has led them to the same place. Ms. Miller came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so. And while Ms. Albers used to feel only pride about the work she put in to revitalizing the community, now, she sees her work as gentrification that may have pushed out nonwhite residents. The neighborhood’s black population has dropped more than 5 percentage points since 2000.”

In other words, the neighborhood’s going to hell and they both want out. I need to learn to couch such ordinary sentiments in proper liberal-speak.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to artichoke. | June 26, 2020 at 1:24 pm

    “couch such ordinary sentiments”

    No, we need to start hurting feelings with unvarnished truth.

If the two teenagers who robbed Erickson rob and kill someone else, he bears part of the blame since this just emboldens those actions.

Jack Klompus | June 26, 2020 at 3:01 pm

“Ms. Miller began a concerted effort last year to challenge her own privileges by taking a class on racial biases.”

She took a class.

henrybowman | June 26, 2020 at 4:32 pm

“Ms. Miller came to see her decision to buy a home in the neighborhood as potentially preventing a person of color from doing so. And while Ms. Albers used to feel only pride about the work she put in to revitalizing the community, now, she sees her work as gentrification that may have pushed out nonwhite residents.”

Privileged b** needs to trade homes IMMEDIATELY with one of those tent-dwellers, in order to restore the balance of the universe. If she doesn’t do that, she’s a racist!

Randy in Arizona | June 28, 2020 at 11:00 pm

Just maybe the Blacks moving out can’t stand having self-righteous idiotic snowflakes as neighbors!