Stacey Abrams in a cape for WaPo profile, the image you can’t unsee

The “real” governor of Georgia, Stacey Abrams, must have a good media team, or maybe the mainstream media is her media team.  Either way, both the New York Times and the Washington Post have published ridiculous puff pieces on her in the past couple of days.

WaPo’s offering is perhaps the single-most laughable attempt to prop up a politician since that Newsweek cover photo of Obama with a rainbow halo.  The halo theme was a big one for a while, as the media pushed “saint” Obama on the general public.

Well, technically, Abrams isn’t a politician any longer, since she really did lose her 2018 gubernatorial race in Georgia.  That aside, though, the media is working overtime to cast her as one, and an important one at that.  A superhero politician, even.

Here’s the full-length, so you can appreciate the full effect:

[Dana Scruggs for The Washington Post]

Insane, right?  Abrams was a state something or other, and then she failed to win her next political race.  She’s a romance novelist who advocates for voting rights, rights every U.S. citizen aged 18+ already has, except (most) convicted felons, et al.

She’s also proven that she is clueless about how things actually work in Washington with her ankle-nipping yapping at any Democrat who will listen that she wants to be Joe Biden’s VP selection.

It’s hard to see what the media thinks they are doing.  Is this another Robert “Beto” O’Rourke they are propping up only to run away when he fell flat on his face?  Do they really think they can somehow turn Abrams into the next Obama?  Why are they so actively campaigning for her to be Biden’s VP choice?

[Featured image photo credit: Dana Scruggs for The Washington Post]

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Presidential Election, Stacey Abrams