NYC PBA Calls Out ‘Cowards Who Run This City,’ Wants NYPD to Stop Policing Social Distancing
“As the weather heats up and the pandemic continues to unravel our social fabric, police officers should be allowed to focus on our core public safety mission. If we don’t, the city will fall apart before our eyes.”

The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (NYCPBA) lashed out at the “cowards who run” NYC and demanded the NYPD stop policing social distancing.
“This situation is untenable: the NYPD needs to get cops out of the social distancing enforcement business altogether,” stated PBA President Patrick J. Lynch.
Lynch then said that those “cowards who run this city” have not given the police anything “but vague guidelines and mixed messages, leaving the cops on street corners to fend for ourselves.”
Lynch noted that “[N]nobody has a right to interfere with police action.” The NYPD has received some backlash, which means those who run the city “are once again throwing us under the bus.”
.@NYCPBA calls for end of @NYPDnews policing of social distancing: “As the weather heats up & the pandemic continues to unravel our social fabric, police officers should be allowed to focus on our core public safety mission. If we don’t, the city will fall apart before our eyes.”
— NYC PBA (@NYCPBA) May 4, 2020
He could be referring to the situation on May 3. Cops went to break up a group in NYC when two of the people “allegedly refused to move along and resisted cops’ efforts to cuff them.”
People gathered nearby to watch, which made Officer Francisco Garcia mad:
“Move the f- -k back right now!” a Taser-wielding Garcia yells as he breaks away from the melee to engage the bystanders. “What you flexing for? Don’t flex!”
Garcia then holsters his Taser — only to grab one onlooker from the crowd, identified by cops as Donni Wright.
Garcia wrestles the 33-year-old to the sidewalk, repeatedly slapping his head and punching him, as another cop moves in to help cuff him, the video shows.
The NYPD said Garcia felt threatened when Wright struck a fighting stance — a move not caught in the clip — and that the cop suffered an unspecified injury in the brawl.
Wright was hit with charges including assault of a police officer, menacing and resisting arrest.
Internal Affairs Bureau began a probe on Garcia, who will remain on modified duty until it’s completed.
Lynch pointed out that NYC politicians have put the cops in a bind by “watering down our laws, releasing real criminals and discouraging proactive enforcement of fare evasion and quality of life issues.” This has led to NYC subways “in chaos” and “hero nurses getting mugged on their way to the hospitals.”
He concluded: “As the weather heats up and the pandemic continues to unravel our social fabric, police officers should be allowed to focus on our core public safety mission. If we don’t, the city will fall apart before our eyes.”
I’m shocked Lynch did not call out NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio’s hypocrisy. Then again, he did not name names, but we all knew who he is talking about in his statement.
At the beginning of the crisis, de Blasio encouraged people to go out and live their life. The New York City health commissioner told de Blasio to shut down the city, but the mayor refused.
It did not take long for the virus to ravage NYC, making it the epicenter of the pandemic.
Plus, de Blasio has defied his own social distancing and lockdown rules. He used a public gym in Brooklyn. De Blasio and his wife recently went on a walk in a park 11 miles away from his residence. With no self-awareness, de Blasio even waved to a person taping his adventure.

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NYC mayor and NY governor are allied with domestic and foreign enemies – same as this dude.
Who is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus? 3 things you need to know
Rut Roh!
Violent Arrest By NYPD Raises Concerns
Over “Distancing Patrols”
I read where the Chinese are building a major highway in Ethiopia and Ghebreyesus was protecting that by helping the Chicoms avoid responsibility for the virus. He needs to be punished.
More that. Dams, factories…financed with Chinese loans and mainly built with Chinese labor from what I’ve read.
Guess who takes ownership when the countries can’t kèep up the loan payments…….
Seriously. What the hell? Three times?
Here’s a starter.
The intent is to continue to put the police and the “community” at odds. Let’s release real criminals (or avoid prosecuting them altogether) and make the police enforce non-laws that only serve to make people angry at the police.
This is the script in other Democrat cities. Chicago is doing exactly this. The current mayor tried to tell off some kids that were hanging around her press conference (with a bunch of police brass) and they told her where to get off. She made a hasty exit. But she wants the police to run people off of street corners, break up mass gatherings and run roadside “safety checks” to keep people from spreading COVID. Oh, and don’t forget that the mayor can get a haircut, but the rest of us peons are on our own.
Now they have to enforce masks (funny, we didn’t need them for three months and now that the curve is flattened, we suddenly must have them).
Never let a crisis go to waste. Create fear, uncertainty, and doubt. Foster civil unrest. Rules for thee, not for me. The Democrat’s playbook.
You just know they all have large stock holdings in companies that manufacture masks!
Um, no. People are making their own masks.
Is there anyone more useless than de Blasio?
Useless or harmful?
De Blasio and Coumo through their policies and actions may actually have caused increased spread of the virus. They’re the ones with blood on their hands. And now the mayor wants to make the cops the bad guys.
Here is a superbly written article that explains how the subway system spread the virus around the city, as well as other excellent points. For most of the state, “We are not NY City” applies. New Yorkers need to stand up against this tyranny. Protests alone are not going to do it. Shop owners need to open up en mass, so as to make closure and punishment prohibitive. People who are not afraid can resume their lives as much as possible and those who are not comfortable can remain home. Lowes and Wegmans are full of customers, why can’t a barbershop open, by appointment? Think of all the fairs and fundraisers that keep our community organizations and volunteer fire companies functioning. Our medical system will collapse and be under Cuomo control. It is what he wants. Kaleida hospitals in the western end of the state (6 hours away from the big city) is hemorrhaging 30 million a month and furloughing nurses and doctors. Patients have been waiting two months for their elective hip replacements and pre cancerous tumor removals. Our immune systems and mental health are suffering staying inside. Our American way of life is in danger. Will we roll up society ever year when the flu comes around? CDC says the last flu vaccine was at most 30% effective. We need herd immunity against Covid, not an unreliable rushed vaccine.
biden, because “useless” and demented produce the same results.
Lori Lightfoot of Chicago.
The governesses of New Mexico and Michigan.
Eric Garcetti.
Stacey Abrams.
/ you asked….
Do NYC police take an oath to uphold the constitution? Are they duty-bound to refuse unconstitutional/illegal orders?
People should be paying attention to the names of specific officers that are willing to enforce these bullshit edicts.
They are the same gestapo agents who will come for your guns when the order comes down.
“Just following orders” they’ll say.
But, don’t.
I may be wrong but a City mayor takes following oath too:
I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and…….
That’s exactly the answer I wanted to hear when I asked the question a few days ago. Now it’s up to the police themselves to decide to honor their oaths. The union is behind you!
Funny how the Democrats love protesters and rule breakers until THEY’RE the ones whose leadership is being protested and it’s THEIR rules being broken.
I had no idea until recently that the Mayor of NYC was as much of a nutcase as he is. Seriously, who changes their name? I’m sure there are some people who do for legitimate reasons. But what percentage of the population just up and change their name? Now, how about 3 times?
There are some issues there. Just sayin’.
Many many people change their names. It’s not at all an uncommon thing to do. And no, he didn’t change it three times, only twice, both part of the same change from his father’s name to his mother’s.
There are many things to criticize him for, but this is not one of them.
The Police may come to be thought of as the Red Coats during colonial times if they don’t resist or ignore the stupidity.
I’m glad to see the New York City Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (NYCPBA) come out in opposition to this crap.
I’m sure I saw video of the City Health Commissioner talking up people going out (IIRC specifically to the Chinese New Year parade), so it’s odd to see a claim that she wanted Warren Wilhelm to shut down and he refused. Did she encourage people to go out when she actually wanted them locked down?
I did see the video, she also encouraged people to use the subway, etc.
How can NY’ers be so DUMB to vote this lunatic into office TWICE!
The lesson of ‘obama’ memos apparently didn’t get to NYC. Or NY state, witness cuomo in its highest office.
PBA-guy is confused.
You are the enforcement arm of a social engineering project.
— Historical classical liberalism, US foundations, and common law are an empirical social engineering project: what can we (together) enforce, so we (individually) have more life the way we (idiosyncratically) want?
— Our betters who know better have a different project: configuring the ant hill to their own preference (and one suspects amusement) whatever the ants think.
It’s good to be an enforcer on the inside of the system, until The Don forgets that the point is to keep the machine going. When he’s happy to grind it all into scrap, the Cogs get chewed up first.
No, he hasn’t. He hasn’t been to the gym since the order closing them came into effect. And there’s no rule that one must use the park closest to home. Nor should there be, since once you’re in the car who cares how far you drive? And there’s no traffic to speak of.
He was photographed violating the social distancing part of it.
Not in the park, he wasn’t. He was six feet away from the nearest person outside his household.
Sometimes, you have to stand on your own two feet and refuse to comply with orders. It has been done repeatedly throughout the modern history of law enforcement within the United States. It is being done now by other such agencies, state and local. Maybe it’s time for the NYPD to refuse to carry out these orders. Especially if obedience to them results in such incidents as beating bystanders by some badge wearing, gun toting MMA wannabe.
I learned to stand on my two feet from my Radioman Senior Chief dad. The lesson was reinforced by my Gunnery Sergeant. And what I learned is to disobey orders. I have my own mind. As an officer I would never give an unlawful order. I would never carry out one.
I would stand on my two feet and say “I’m not doing that and let the chips fall where they may.”
I learned to stand on my two feet from my Radioman Senior Chief dad. The lesson was reinforced by my Gunnery Sergeant. And what I learned is to disobey orders. I have my own mind. As an officer I would never give an unlawful order. I would never carry out one.
I would stand on my two feet and say “I’m not doing that and let the chips fall where they may.”
I learned to stand on my two feet from my Radioman Senior Chief dad. The lesson was reinforced by my Gunnery Sergeant. And what I learned is to disobey orders. I have my own mind. As an officer I would never give an unlawful order. I would never carry out one.
I would stand on my two feet and say “I’m not doing that and let the chips fall where they may.”
Seriously? Three times? How does this happen?
I used to manage the largest small arms ammunition account of any intel command in the Pacific Fleet. And if you think that’s bragging I’m also the best ice hockey player in Panama. Just so you know.