Law Professors at U. New Mexico Want Students to Buy Book that Includes Subject of ‘Food Justice’
“allows professors in this specific law practice to focus on suggestions for solving problems of environmental injustice”

The social justice agenda is now slowly working its way into the study of law.
Campus Reform reports:
Profs promote environmental law textbook with ‘food justice’ updates
Professors at the University of New Mexico are lobbying for students to buy the latest version of a law textbook that has been updated to advocate for more progressive policies. Both professors are authors of the textbook.
University of New Mexico Professors Clifford Villa and School of Law Professor Emeritus Eileen Gauna are advocating for the latest edition of an environmental law textbook titled Environmental Justice: Law, Policy & Regulation, the same book they co-authored.
The professors argue that the currently required second edition of the textbook, which was published in 2009, has some outdated material surrounding developing ideas around climate change.
Villa did not contribute content to the second edition but is an author of the latest edition.
“The last textbook also didn’t address dimensions of Environmental Justice such as the subjects of disaster and food justice,” Villa explained to Campus Reform.
Villa argues that although the second edition of the textbook was good when it came to instructing students and practices in the subject of environmental justice, the new edition of the textbook “allows professors in this specific law practice to focus on suggestions for solving problems of environmental injustice.”

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How advantageous for them.
So the old edition was garbage too.
“Adjective Justice” isn’t.
Sho’ do loves me some tacos, tamales and enchiladas with guacomole, on the side.
I’ll take the frim fram sauce with the ossen fey, with shafafah on the side. – channeling Nat Cole.
No justice, no peas!
Visualise whirled peas.
law schools were taken over by lefties years ago. U of MN law school is a cesspit of lies and commie agitprop.
This does prove one thing, toxic stupidity is ever with us, but more so in colleges and universities.
The U. of California at Irvine set up an entire law school devoted to indoctrinating students with left-wing politics.
Is there anything that Dhimmi-crats won’t append the word “justice” too? Like the word “racism,” the word loses all meaning and credibility, due to the casual, dishonest and self-serving manner in which these twits ceaselessly overuse it.
I wonder how long it will take before we start seeing complaints that South Minneapolis has suddenly become a “food desert.”
“University of New Mexico Professors Clifford Villa and School of Law Professor Emeritus Eileen Gauna are advocating for THEIR latest edition of an environmental law textbook”
How’bout “No, text book consideration will be based on course requirements and relevant subject matter content. Your personal advocacy will get no consideration as authorship of the updated edition and potential for financial gain constitutes a ethics conundrum”