Banish Wrong Thoughts In Higher Ed Week At Legal Insurrection
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Banish Wrong Thoughts In Higher Ed Week At Legal Insurrection

Banish Wrong Thoughts In Higher Ed Week At Legal Insurrection

All the higher ed news you might have missed

The protect adult students from “wrong thoughts” police are still working during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic:

Segregation by choice of minority groups is becoming a thing it seems.

Because no one understands the economy like college students:

And then there’s this:

But who knows:

Slow Joe can’t be happy . . . :

Oh, good, #FakeHate hasn’t suffered from the Wuhan coronavirus:

Supporting the policies of the duly elected president has consequences on campus:

[Featured Image: YouTube]


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notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | May 9, 2020 at 12:58 pm

That article makes it clear that colleges do not intend to open this fall but instead are trying to tie up students advance payment of fall tuition while trying to minimize lawsuits.

Certainly Uncertain

Here in Wyo, we have a rodeo team, which does Broncos, none of which have single horns.
But perhaps we should have unicorn bucking bronco riding.
(and I just had a can’t unsee moment with the Wyo trademark Steamboat).