Wuhan cover-up: Evidence suggests real death toll “16 times the official number” reported by China

Day by day, the extent of the Chinese government’s crime against the world grows.

Whether the coronavirus ravaging the world started in a wet market or a Wuhan lab, the Chinese government early on deceived the world, silenced Chinese citizens who tried to warn the world, and have lied ever since.

Remember, Dr. Deborah Birx explained that one of the reasons U.S. health experts did not expect this pandemic is that we were not given complete data by China:

In a recently surfaced interview in late January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated he did not see the threat of a catastrophic pandemic:

“This is not a major threat for the people in United States, and this is not something the citizens of the United States right now should be worried about”

You know who did see the emerging threat? Tucker Carlson and Sen. Tom Cotton, two people maliciously attacked by the media and Democrats:

Tucker Carlson: “Why am I watching impeachment coverage all day?”Sen. Tom Cotton: “I suspect that months from now or perhaps even years from now when people look back at this time, coronavirus will be considered the bigger story than impeachment.”

Now the mainstream media finally is being forced to acknowledge the massive Chinese deception, and the implications. The Washington Post reports:

The coronavirus pandemic ravaging the globe officially claimed 2,563 lives in Wuhan, where it began in a market that sold exotic animals for consumption. But evidence emerging from the city as it stirs from its two-month hibernation suggests the real death toll is exponentially higher.Long lines have been forming at funeral homes in Wuhan over the past two weeks, as family members have been informed they may collect their loved ones’ remains ahead of Tomb-Sweeping Day. Some waited six hours to collect an urn, then the ashes.The Hankou Funeral Parlor’s crematorium was operating 19 hours a day, with male staff enlisted to help carry bodies. In just two days, the home received 5,000 urns, the respected magazine Caixin reported.Using photos posted online, social media sleuths have estimated that Wuhan funeral homes had returned 3,500 urns a day since March 23. That would imply a death toll in Wuhan of about 42,000 — or 16 times the official number. Another widely shared calculation, based on Wuhan’s 84 furnaces running nonstop and each cremation taking an hour, put the death toll at 46,800.

With this deception in mind, Trump’s decision on January 31 to shut down travel from China was prophetic, and against general advice. Not only did Joe Biden criticize Trump’s action as “xenophobic,” the person Biden who now is Biden’s top cronovirus adviser came out publicly at the time against it.

Tags: Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, Wuhan Coronavirus