Shocker: U.S. Intelligence Says China Under-Reported Cases, Deaths Related to Wuhan Coronavirus
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Shocker: U.S. Intelligence Says China Under-Reported Cases, Deaths Related to Wuhan Coronavirus

Shocker: U.S. Intelligence Says China Under-Reported Cases, Deaths Related to Wuhan Coronavirus

China lied, people died.

I. Am. Shocked. U.S. intelligence says China under-reported cases and deaths related to the Wuhan coronavirus.

You mean to tell me that the Communist regime, which regularly suppresses anything and anyone that makes them look bad, lied about the virus?

Bloomberg reported:

The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.

The outbreak began in China’s Hubei province in late 2019, but the country has publicly reported only about 82,000 cases and 3,300 deaths, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. That compares to more than 189,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths in the U.S., which has the largest publicly reported outbreak in the world.

Dr. Deborah Birx, a member of the Coronavirus Task Force, admitted as much at the press briefing on Tuesday:

Deborah Birx, the State Department immunologist advising the White House on its response to the outbreak, said Tuesday that China’s public reporting influenced assumptions elsewhere in the world about the nature of the virus.

“The medical community made — interpreted the Chinese data as: This was serious, but smaller than anyone expected,” she said at a news conference on Tuesday. “Because I think probably we were missing a significant amount of the data, now that what we see happened to Italy and see what happened to Spain.”

What else has China lied about? Leslie, who has been an absolute star since the virus first appeared in Wuhan, blogged about a study in mid-February from Chinese researchers, who believe the virus originated in a laboratory.

In early February, Leslie noted in her daily post the crematoriums in Wuhan burned “bodies 24/7.”

Leslie also blogged in mid-March about a report that claimed China destroyed evidence of the coronavirus in December.

Vijeta has been following the Iranian Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. He has noted that the regime has also downplayed the pandemic and given out false numbers.

Intelligence officials also believe Russia, Indonesia, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt have downplayed their coronavirus numbers.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has demanded transparency from every country:

U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo has publicly urged China and other nations to be transparent about their outbreaks. He has repeatedly accused China of covering up the extent of the problem and being slow to share information, especially in the weeks after the virus first emerged, and blocking offers of help from American experts.

“This data set matters,” he said at a news conference in Washington on Tuesday. The development of medical therapies and public-health measures to combat the virus “so that we can save lives depends on the ability to have confidence and information about what has actually transpired,” he said.

“I would urge every nation: Do your best to collect the data. Do your best to share that information,” he said. “We’re doing that.”

In conclusion, the MSM and the left have got to stop saying the U.S. leads in any category concerning coronavirus. If they must say it then use an asterisk. Is it more proof that they just want to make President Donald Trump look bad? I think so.

Why would anyone believe anything that comes from the Chinese communist regime? Not just about the Wuhan coronavirus. I mean everything.


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Anybody who believes a word coming out of any Commie country is a moron. Or a Commie lackey. Or both.

Amazing. CNN should send Jim Acosta there to confront Chinese President Xi Jinping. I’m sure Xi will be much nice to him than Trump (sarc).

    walls in reply to dystopia. | April 1, 2020 at 1:51 pm

    Chinkmaster Xi is in hiding … more so than Biden. He’s trying to figure out how to put a positive spin on this. Good luck with that. Maybe he’s trying to figure out how to deal with massive unemployment in future months when the world won’t be buying their cheap crap. He’s in a world of hurt.

      iconotastic in reply to walls. | April 1, 2020 at 3:39 pm

      I don’t know if you are a moby or just a racist fool, but cut it out.

        walls in reply to iconotastic. | April 1, 2020 at 4:16 pm

        When my portfolio has taken a major hit, I’ll call the bastard anything I damn well please! Got that?

          iconotastic in reply to walls. | April 1, 2020 at 6:37 pm

          So a racist tool. I suppose there are a few everywhere. All that can be done is call you out every time for being an ass.

      thetaqjr in reply to walls. | April 1, 2020 at 7:17 pm

      I hope the “Chinkmaster” sends all his quality good to me.

      Why use such revolting language? What you got, atom bomb-type Popeye arms? What you got? You smell like a bully. You have lots of company here. A smelly homo arm wrestler till he meets the gorilla he was meant to be. Simian protuberance in the homos.

      Force Trump out of the bargaining business, let our businesses bargain without Federal help. They will do just fine.

      China cheap goods, reckon how cheaply China can build me a copy of a free-flowing Mercedes with a 15-yr warranty?

      Screw tariffs.

        Barry in reply to thetaqjr. | April 1, 2020 at 11:29 pm

        “I hope the “Chinkmaster” sends all his quality good to me.”

        After he does, you’ll still have nothing. You’ll be lucky if you do receive something that it doesn’t kill you.

        Don’t brush your teeth with Chinese toothpaste. Deadly poison’s. At least you’ll be less likely to freeze since they contain poisonous anti-freeze. By the way, those domestic brands like Colgate-Palmolive? The Chinese sale their poisonous toothpaste in counterfeited tubes…

        Don’t let your children play with Chinese toys as the parts that fall off will choke them. If it doesn’t choke them they’ll just be poisoned by the lead paint.

        Don’t feed your pets the pet food, it contains melamine which is a poison. Chinese pet food has killed thousands of American’s pet dogs and cats.

        Seafood you say – “The FDA rejected shipments of catfish, eel, shrimp and tilapia imported from China because they contained contaminants such as as salmonella, veterinary drugs, and nitrofuran, a cancer-causing chemical.”

        You need tires? – “U.S. transportation officials insisted that importer Foreign Tire Sales of Union, N.J., recall up to 450,000 Chinese-made light truck tires.”

        Cosmetics? Chinese made counterfeit cosmetics “were found to have harmful levels of lead, beryllium, aluminum and bacteria”.

        Oh, and let’s not forget the radioactive drywall.

        Just a few of the Chinese made products that will kill you.

        Crawl back into your poison hole.

          thetaqjr in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 1:15 am

          The US exchanges $ 3/4 trillion of goods with China and all we get in the exchange is bad-tasting toothpaste? God, we’re dumber than Trump says we are.

          Still, at least we get tangibles, stuff we can feed and brush our hogs and bovines with. All the Chinese get from us is dollar bills. Their cows and porkers caint even brush and fat-feed their bats with those nebulous Fed-backed nothing. The Chinese are screwed. Their skinny bats won’t even taste good. Feeding on skinny humming birds, skinny gnats, and such as those.

          thetaqjr in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 1:24 am

          By the way, I can reject eel, bacteria, and Beryllium all by myself. Even my toothpaste. I have a irradiating fish tank, and I irradiate everything with it before I use it.

          Is the FDA more trustworthy than FISA?

          thetaqjr in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 1:24 am

          By the way, I can reject eel, bacteria, and Beryllium all by myself. Even my toothpaste. I have a irradiating fish tank, and I irradiate everything with it before I use it.

          Is the FDA more trustworthy than FISA?

          chzwiz007 in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 3:28 pm

          Went through your list and it is pretty much true. You forgot one. A while back a Chinese merchant sold some kind of glycol as glycerin. Back when the NYT actually reported the news:

          Barry in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 8:41 pm

          “… and all we get in the exchange is bad-tasting toothpaste?”

          No commie idiot, we get killer toothpaste, toothpaste that kills. It’s all you sorry buttholes can produce, poor quality imitation crap that is also poisonous.

        GitOffMahLawn in reply to thetaqjr. | April 2, 2020 at 9:04 am

        ” A smelly homo arm wrestler till he meets the gorilla he was meant to be. Simian protuberance in the homos.”

        Uh oh….somebody’s translation app (mandarin to English) is not working.

        till he meets the gorilla he was meant to be?

        Simian protuberance in the homos?

        What the h*ll are either of those word spews supposed to mean?

        Dude, back to the propaganda office with you. Tell your chicom masters they need better translation software if you are to maximize your propaganda efforts.

          You would think they would have a supervisor with an English skillset, but no, all we get are the Chinese slaves with incredibly poor dialect.

          thetaqjr in reply to GitOffMahLawn. | April 2, 2020 at 10:27 pm

          As a brilliant ChiCom slave, I speak American to Mandarin orange power. “I think I’ll buy that bag of Mandarin oranges, Mr Walmart sir, if I can afford it.” I can. How do you say “Thank you” in your your unstructured English-Chinese app. App? Chink power!!! 300 languages in China and you pick Mandarin? Must be my accent.

          We embedded ChiComs rest at least 1 standard deviation in IQ scores above you retard Caucs, lower than Jews, you filthy, redneck, white trash protuberances. (Do you ever bathe, you smell like wet dogs in rain.)

          Hell, if a Chinese whore could preside in the White Office, a surge of antibiotics would fall upon cauc/sex bacteria, enough to cure trump of his debaucheries against Oriental women. Of course, Mr Trump … note his slanted eyelids, no squint that …would have to eat a chalkboard of amoxycillings to cure himself.

          Read upon Thomas Sowell about the so-called overseas Chinese, especially how they have succeeded over many years in the Mississippi Delta.

          thetaqjr in reply to GitOffMahLawn. | April 2, 2020 at 11:29 pm

          “Uh oh….somebody’s translation app (mandarin to English) is not working.”

          till he meets the gorilla he was meant to be?

          Simian protuberance in the homos?”

          With your prestidigitationous insight, well, like God and Strunk and White, you knew. Like a Chinese God, you knew.

          Homos = Homo sapiens

          “Please, sir, turn your back on professing forever, you’re wise beyond years to shut yourself away from such business.”

          “Please, sir, forever turn your back on professing your opinions to be true.”

          Please, sir, see Thomas Sowell on the Overseas Chinese, in the Mississippi Delta.

          Our implants got more money than you, perchance, we tight. Even with Caucs. Give us a call.

          “We embedded ChiComs rest at least 1 standard deviation in IQ scores above you retard Caucs, lower than Jews, you filthy, redneck, white trash protuberances.”

          More bought and paid for Chinese bullshit. Very few Chinese have ever been tested for IQ. The ones we test are the selected ones.

          Test them all and they would average little better than the continent of Africa, which is why they produce only poor quality copies of western designs. Copies that literally kill people.

          Every American redneck is smarter than you.

This is my surprised face.

A veritable Raccooon City where planned, wicked choices are hidden, smothered under a layer of privacy. Deja vu.

Can’t possibly be true…….[sarcasm off]

2smartforlibs | April 1, 2020 at 1:29 pm

How can that be the Chinese overlord said the never lie.

Where is our modern Duranty to save us from the truth? We need steal journalists now to present the truth in a manner that’s best for us.

Morning Sunshine | April 1, 2020 at 1:32 pm

I cannot trust any *culture* that does not value half of their children. That is the fundamental problem in my mind – that female from God are seen as a burden or a problem to be solved. The culture itself is problematic, regardless of who is controlling it right now

and I know we have our own problem with that here, but abortion-as-birth-control is a lack of value of ANY life.

They are a foe. Not a friend.

    The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Yamamma. | April 1, 2020 at 1:38 pm

    It is time to treat them as such. It is time to tell retailers, and companiles like HP, Dell, Apple, the pharmaceutical companies, and many others, that Chinese-made goods are not acceptable.

      Do you have an economic principle supporting your statement, Grizz?

      Strategic goods, medical goods the US can stockpile.

      I don’t much care to support unions in order pay 125% of the profitable cast of my vehicle, my house, my clothing.

      Although, I’d really rather buy a Chinese outright. Right? Instead of my being slave to a USA union monopoly.

      I love cheap Chinese goods. Let me take the risk. If I fall upon hardness of times, I’ll say you win, send me the difference.


        Barry in reply to thetaqjr. | April 1, 2020 at 11:34 pm

        Don’t brush your teeth with Chinese toothpaste. Deadly poison’s. At least you’ll be less likely to freeze since they contain poisonous anti-freeze. By the way, those domestic brands like Colgate-Palmolive? The Chinese sale their poisonous toothpaste in counterfeited tubes…

        Don’t let your children play with Chinese toys as the parts that fall off will choke them. If it doesn’t choke them they’ll just be poisoned by the lead paint.

        Don’t feed your pets the pet food, it contains melamine which is a poison. Chinese pet food has killed thousands of American’s pet dogs and cats.

        Seafood you say – “The FDA rejected shipments of catfish, eel, shrimp and tilapia imported from China because they contained contaminants such as as salmonella, veterinary drugs, and nitrofuran, a cancer-causing chemical.”

        You need tires? – “U.S. transportation officials insisted that importer Foreign Tire Sales of Union, N.J., recall up to 450,000 Chinese-made light truck tires.”

        Cosmetics? Chinese made counterfeit cosmetics “were found to have harmful levels of lead, beryllium, aluminum and bacteria”.
        Oh, and let’s not forget the radioactive drywall.

        “Although, I’d really rather buy a Chinese outright.”

        We outlawed slavery some time ago, but in China there are about 1.5 billion slaves.

          thetaqjr in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 2:00 am

          “ While melamine alone is relatively nontoxic in dogs and rodents, melamine and cyanuric acid together are highly toxic.”

          You been feeding your pets melamine with cyanuric acid? Well, I bet you’d have approved of thalidomide, too, since the FDA approved it. German pharma>>>> China pharma? How the hell do you know?

          What are your qualifications? If they’re so inimitable, start up your own lab. You do the testing. Promote your successes.

          I want quality goods cheap. We’re seeing the shackles melt away. Slaves and everybody, including those hampering drug-makers who can manufacture, not necessarily develop, cheap State-of-the-Art drugs.

          Maybe I should emphasize *quality*.

          Barry in reply to Barry. | April 2, 2020 at 8:45 pm

          You poor deluded Chinese slave.

        GitOffMahLawn in reply to thetaqjr. | April 2, 2020 at 9:11 am

        And the bad translation app keeps misfiring:

        I don’t much care to support unions in order pay 125% of the profitable cast of my vehicle, my house, my clothing.

        “125% of the profitable cast…”

        Bzzzzzzt. Makes no sense in English, you’re fake.

        “Although, I’d really rather buy a Chinese outright.”

        “buy a Chinese?” – buy a Chinese what? Fake. Fakefakefake.

        Right? Instead of my being slave to a USA union monopoly.

        “to a USA union monopoly” – more more more fake. You’re a chicom plant, and your translation sucks.

        I love cheap Chinese goods. Let me take the risk. If I fall upon hardness of times, I’ll say you win, send me the difference.

        “If I fall upon hardness of times” – whoopsie…your translation app meant to say “If I fall on hard times” – this clumsy construction of a common idiom used by NATIVE English speakers shows you are a chinese propagandist. Or, as you would say:

        “The thing that you are having is the falsity of the identity claimity, making you seem as the authenticness of a bill having the dollars three!”

        Begone, chinese troll type.


      Well, do you? Principle? Trump bad, Trump white, red, he violates every economic principle thereto, no he doesn’t have a principle.

      We Chinese advocate. (We advocate for principles, we advocate fir violating principles, equal-opportunity slaves.) We smell like matzo balls.

      Clarksdale, in the Delta, has fabulous, fabled, Assyrian meatballs, kibbe, lime and cinnamon and dead, gruond-up goat, God we chinese Muslim chinks love soaked chinese and goat. Bulgar wheat. Soaked up to the hardtimes episodes

The Friendly Grizzly | April 1, 2020 at 1:37 pm

The Chinese would never lie or cheat. That poisoned dog food, the defective dry-wall, the carcinogens in my thrice-recalled blood pressure medications, and the mislabled dijoxin that nearly killed my mother were just oversights that could happen to anyone.

    Conservative Beaner in reply to The Friendly Grizzly. | April 1, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    I remember when a company officer was executed for selling tainted baby formula. Maybe the Chinese military can do us a favor and take care of the problem.

      Large milk suppliers virtually poisoned all milk products by adding melamine which fooled the processors by reading as if the watered down milk had the proper protein amount. It is believed that the processors found out and dealt with the problem by paying the suppliers less, and incorporating the poisoned product, also deficient in necessary protein. The public was enraged and New Zealand became the only acceptable milk source. However NZ became such a threat that the government stopped importation via a flimsy excuse…so we are back to filthy products and a populace that in increasing their intake of cheese, butter, ice cream and yogurt by huge amounts.

      The Friendly Grizzly in reply to Conservative Beaner. | April 1, 2020 at 3:51 pm

      Selling it to whom? If us, I’m surprised at the punishment. To his own people, I can understand it.

    Don’t forget the flood of cheap, powerful Opioids that is hollowing out an entire generation of our fighting-age young men.

    Their leaders are evil and hellbent on world domination. We had better wake the fuck up.

Captain Renault: I’m shocked! Shocked to find that conoravirus is going on in here.

[a croupier hands Renault a N95 mask]

Croupier: Your mask, sir.

Captain Renault: [sotto voce] Oh, thank you very much.

How can this be? I thought the Chinese were a friend to all and as honest as the day is long. I’m so disillusioned.

/sarc (if anyone actually needed that).

I like the name “Chinese Virus” but I was recently thinking that it could be “Winnie Pooh’s Virus” or “Winnie The Flu”.

healthguyfsu | April 1, 2020 at 2:37 pm

If you want to combat anti-Asian racism, don’t censor language. Instead, declare a day of named honor and remembrance for the brave doctor that blew the whistle and ultimately died as a result of his government’s insecurity.

    walls in reply to healthguyfsu. | April 1, 2020 at 2:56 pm

    I’m aware of at least two high profile citizens [non-MD] who were highly critical of the system or Xi in particular … and they are currently “missing”. We know what “missing” means.

healthguyfsu | April 1, 2020 at 2:40 pm

“In conclusion, the MSM and the left have got to stop saying the U.S. leads in any category concerning coronavirus. If they must say it then use an asterisk. Is it more proof that they just want to make President Donald Trump look bad? I think so.”

They are deliberately lying by selective reporting.

Last I checked we led in total cases but not per capita. We are a huge country, but population density is what leads to outbreak. Metro areas of U.S. = overflowing; rural areas of U.S. = low; middle ground areas = maintaining balance for the moment.

The honor of per capita infection rate leaders belong to several European countries where most of the country is like NYC.

    gibbie in reply to healthguyfsu. | April 1, 2020 at 4:28 pm

    Thanks for mentioning this! I have been correcting this error whenever I see it.

    Even “cases per million population” is horribly flawed since it is completely dependent on what percentage of the population has been tested.

    “Deaths per million population” is a better metric, but still flawed because there is no standard that I know of for determining whether a death is due to the virus, and there appears to be no data regarding the condition, age, etc. of the patients. This metric is lower for the US than for almost all European countries.

      Right on, Gibbie. Not reporting infections as percentages of the population makes ten deaths in Antarctica the same as ten deaths in China. Can’t anyone do basic arithmetic?

I think we are seeing just how far the TDS disease has progressed. In the ’60’s the Left was willing to destroy the US because they knew anything would be better. They want Trump even if over the dead body of not only the USA but the World. Afterward, I am certain China would offer the Left a “belt and road” just like it floated to poot countries.

bobinreverse | April 1, 2020 at 3:18 pm

Come on Man.

many people saying (no central repo just comments I have seen since first week Jan) that they had same exact symptoms in mid to late november to very early december lending non-verified credence to possible release in late october early november time frame.
what happened last week or so of october 2019? another big round of tariffs against china.
whose economy tied more to a federal level government, china or most of the other countries in the world?
even russia does not control businesses as much as china does. who has the best chance of being slightly better positioned to enforce their will when/if global economy goes tits up?
yeah….totally a fictional scenario I know…
can I prove anything?
nope not at all.
do I think its possible?
I think its very possible.
is it probable?
this I cannot answer.
so the real question re this thought is what is the possible vs probable ratio.
and I do not know.
nor will I profess to know.

    notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital in reply to dmacleo. | April 1, 2020 at 8:45 pm

    Excellent pinpointing to the Timing of all This.


    Coronavirus – China’s Secret Plan To Weaponize Viruses

    thetaqjr in reply to dmacleo. | April 2, 2020 at 2:35 am

    You’ve “seen comments” that who, what folks, had symptoms of what malady, in early October, I guess, in 2019?

    What is a ‘round of tariffs”? Is that like a round of bowling, just knocking them down, of an instant, or a round of bouts?

    “Even Russia does not control businesses as much as China does”. How do you know? You’ve declared that to be true. How do you know?

    “Do I think its possible?
    I think its very possible.
    Is it probable?”

    Please, measure for me the distance between “possible”, “very possible”, and “probable”, ‘ cause I just do not understand what you are stating.
    I know I’m gon’ miss, correct me, but the Chinese inserted the WUHU Flu on account of Trump’s tariffs, in order to destroy their own economy, in order to kill …? in order to …?

    My word, you quantify with a ratio, depending upon the constituents, which may exceed 1! Glory, you deserve a beryllium metal.

    Please, sir, turn your back on professing forever, you’re wise beyond years to shut yourself away from such business.

    Good day.

      GitOffMahLawn in reply to thetaqjr. | April 2, 2020 at 9:40 am

      Well, you’re prolific if not particularly convincing as someone from the US. Let’s go to your latest round of errors and tells that you’re a chinese propagandist:

      What is a ‘round of tariffs”? Is that like a round of bowling, just knocking them down, of an instant

      “just knocking them down, of an instant” – bad translation app. This is not a normal American English construct.

      “My word, you quantify with a ratio, depending upon the constituents, which may exceed 1! Glory, you deserve a beryllium metal.”

      Let me respond, in a manner that perhaps you’ll understand:

      The goshing and the darning, you are having the speaking of the badness and awkward speaking English construction thereto! May the trophy of your participation, the fervent desire of which you to own that is causing now the sweat upon your brow, have a composition of the lowest of pig iron with least status and most shame for your ancestors!

      This right here is how awful and phony sounding your fake comments sound to people.

      “Please, sir, turn your back on professing forever, you’re wise beyond years to shut yourself away from such business.”

      Uh, yeah – that’s quite a sick burn you just laid down, Xi jr. Turn your back on professing forever? Shut yourself away from such business?

      Just perfect, except you forgot to say “The beetle of dung has more wisdom in his forward facing pincers than the unripe speakings of your consciousness!”

      I’ll say it yet again – you need a better mandarin to English translation app. I suggest you buy from a US or European company this time, the chinese made one you got the first time is predictably of dogsh*t quality.

      “Good day.”

      Go pick up your daily yuan, Xi jr.

    concern trolls here…big surprise.

    thetaqjr in reply to dmacleo. | April 3, 2020 at 1:50 am

    “ … early december lending non-verified credence to possible release …”

    Dear XI, what does Xsu mean by that like a numeral from, a tiny 9, or a tiny 11,

    Dang, the back rub distracted my thoughts.

    XiJr, thankns in Germarman

I’m shocked, shocked. I mean whoever heard of a commie lying just for propaganda purposes?

So I suppose that story about natural causes and bats—i.e., with no Chinese laboratory involved—is pretty much dead? I seem to recall LI pushing that angle briefly.

Would a communist dictator lie?

If our ‘intelligence’ orgs are only now cottoning onto the idea that the Chinese have been lying about this I’d say that they are pretty damn incompetent.

    Barry in reply to rabidfox. | April 1, 2020 at 11:43 pm

    Give the IC a break, wouldya? After all, keeping tabs on the president is time consuming, not much left over to check on the enemy’s of America.

China lied about casualty counts by an order of magnitude in Wuhan alone – It just is not credible either that there is nothing in other major cities.

“China Concealed Extent of Virus Outbreak, US Intelligence Says”

Wow, welcome to the party. Anyone with a functioning brain knew that at least 6-8 weeks ago.

Reading comments from “thetaqjr” reminds me of those owner’s manuals that come with some cheap little electronic trinket. You know, the ones we throw away because they’re unreadable.

Kudos to “GitOffMahLawn”. Shows this good are worthy of a prize. It’s hard to pass up such good material, ain’t it?

    Barry in reply to DSHornet. | April 2, 2020 at 8:58 pm

    It does provide a bit of comedy, that a Chinese slave thinks it can pass itself off as an American. Just brilliant.

    thetaqjr in reply to DSHornet. | April 2, 2020 at 10:35 pm

    You bastards are the spikes on the WUHA coronavirus, puncturing thin, open, liberal, shell, hey here’s a Zpac/quinine coupon, to slow down y’all’s rate of infection, infection of noble Chinese minds.

    Little triangle heads, that how you hold on.