#MeToo? Not When the Accused is Joe Biden, According to Actress Alyssa Milano

Activist actress Alyssa Milano made a spectacle of herself at the Kavanaugh hearings. She was at the forefront of the #MeToo movement and gave multiple television interviews during the hearings demanding that all women be believed.

When it comes to the allegations against Joe Biden, the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee, she is now urging caution and demanding due process.

Julius Young reports at FOX News:

Alyssa Milano explains silence on Joe Biden sexual assault allegation, says men deserve ‘due process’Alyssa Milano is defending her decision to stay silent in the wake of a recently surfaced allegation against former Vice President Joe Biden by former Senate staffer Tara Reade, who claims he sexually assaulted her in 1993.Milano, 47, spoke with radio host Andy Cohen on Monday during his SiriusXM broadcast and when Cohen brought up the fact that, once again, Milano had been a trending topic on Twitter. He gave the actress the floor to speak on the matter and she did so, choosing her words gingerly.“So it’s actually quite a serious reason, I think. So I’ve been I endorsed Joe Biden. And there have been accusations against Joe about sexual assault,” Milano began. “I have not publicly said anything about this.”…She explained to Cohen: “If you remember, it kind of took me a long time to publicly say anything about Harvey [Weinstein] as well because I believe that even though we should believe women and that is an important thing. And what that statement really means is like, you know, for so long, the go-to has been not to believe them. So really, we have to sort of societally change that mindset to believing women.”“But that does not mean at the expense of not, you know, giving men their due process and investigating situations and giving, you know, it’s gotta be fair and in both directions,” Milano added.

Listen to the audio below:

What a stunning turnaround.

Milano is getting absolutely dragged for this.

Even her #MeToo ally, actress Rose McGowan, is calling her out in a brutal way.

If it wasn’t already clear that for some people, this was always about politics and power, it is now.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: #MeToo, Brett Kavanaugh, Culture, Democrats, Hollywood, Joe Biden