Elizabeth Warren would say “Yes” if asked to be Biden’s VP running mate

Warren Maddow Biden VP

So this has been Elizabeth Warren’s endgame since it became clear several months ago that she would not win the Democratic presidential nomination. Warren stayed in the race long enough to siphon off enough support for Bernie on Super Tuesday to hand Biden the nomination.

Bernie supporters called her a snake. The snake emoji became the symbol of Berner fury at Warren.

Even after Super Tuesday, Warren held back an endorsement of Bernie. She sat back and waited, but for what? Hoping Biden’s ‘cognitive decline’ forced him out before the convention, with Warren there as the ‘unity’ candidate (as laughable at her being a unity candidate would be)? Perhaps squeezing policy and personnel concessions out of Biden?

Perhaps the VP nomination? Bingo. It’s a two-fer. If Biden fades before the convention, Warren being discussed as his VP (even if not official) would position her well. If Biden was propped up long enough to give an acceptance speech, Warren would be there as his replacement, winning the presidency by other means.

The ever tactical Warren just announced on the Rachel Maddow show that if asked, she would accept the VP nomination:

Here’s a more complete clip, she has phoniness dripping from her pores:

This announcement clearly was planned. Warren does nothing without her consultants scheming — it’s all but guaranteed that they set up this question with Maddow or her staff in advance.

Biden would be insane to pick Warren, and presumably Biden has handlers to make sure that doesn’t happen. Warren supporters are going to vote for Biden, but it would alienate Bernie supporters. Also, it would keep Warren’s Native American deception in the public eye — Biden has enought problems with Ukraine and China, does he really need to bring the Cherokee Nation into it?

So I’m not expecting Warren to be asked. But if she were, well, it would keep up busy.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Presidential Election, Biden Cognitive, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden