Biden Demands Twitter Remove Trump Campaign Video Despite Doing the Same Thing in March

Former Vice President Joe Biden can dish it, but he certainly cannot take it. What a wuss.

Biden demanded Twitter remove a video from President Donald Trump’s campaign because it manipulated video to make it seem like Biden called the Wuhan coronavirus a hoax.

WEIRD. Biden’s campaign did a similar thing in March.

Trump’s Campaign Video

We all know Twitter treats the left better than the right. They can deny it all they want, but actions speak louder than words.

The left still thinks Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. His campaign flagged the content as a violation of the platform’s “manipulated media guidelines.” Twitter never took action.

What Trump actually said:

“Coronavirus. They’re politicizing it. We did one of the great jobs, you say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ ‘Oh, nothing, nothing.’ They have no clue, they don’t have any clue. … And this is their new hoax. But you know, we did something that’s been pretty amazing.”

So the Trump campaign released an ad on Twitter with a manipulated video of Biden calling the virus a hoax.

Biden Cries

Biden’s spokesman TJ Ducklo complained to Axios:

This is a wildly irresponsible tactic by the Trump campaign that attempts to draw a bizarre and false equivalence, and is purposefully misleading voters,” Biden campaign spokesman TJ Ducklo tells Axios in a statement.

Biden is a Hypocrite

I guess Biden’s campaign wiped March 3 off its calendar because he tweeted out a manipulated video of Trump.

Even The Washington Post dragged Biden. WaPo pointed out that Trump did not call the coronavirus a hoax. There’s more:

The second clip and the audio appear to be from Trump’s June 2015 announcement that he would, in fact, run for president. Throughout the 2016 campaign, Trump repeated the phrase “the American Dream is dead.” However, each time — including during his announcement — the then-candidate followed that line with some variation of: “If I get elected president I will bring it back bigger and better and stronger than ever before, and we will make America great again.”The message is unarguably bleak, but by failing to include the second half of Trump’s repeated line, it isolates the comment from the context of Trump’s political argument. Moreover, the ad does not make clear that the clip is nearly five years old, ignoring the difference between when a candidate and a sitting president makes a provocative, political statement like this.This is an example of “Missing Context”: The video is unaltered, but the way it is presented to the viewer lacks or misstates the context in which events occurred. In this specific case, this is an example of what we labeled as “isolation” — a brief clip from a longer video to create a false narrative that does not reflect the event as it occurred.

Tags: 2020 Presidential Election, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Twitter