Student Protesters at Syracuse University Release Laundry List of Demands

I am not exaggerating when I call this a laundry list. There are thirty-four specific demands. I can’t include them all here, but I’ll cite a few for your enjoyment.


3. Mandatory diversity trainingFrom the demands: “Institute a clause in new faculty and staff contracts that requires mandatory diversity training, as well as work to make new diversity hires. Current faculty and staff who are not tenured must attend updated diversity trainings which encompass all facets of identity.”#NotAgainSU struck an earlier demand calling for training status of tenured faculty to be publicly posted online. During last semester’s protests, Syverud had noted legal and privacy requirements would make this challenging. In their new demands, #NotAgainSU acknowledges this and the limitations of mandates on tenured faculty…12. $1 million for culture and diversity curriculumFrom the demands: “Agrees to the allocation of a minimum of $1 million for the creation of a unified, required curriculum that educates the campus on diversity issues, specifically anti-racism.”#NotAgainSU recently increased its request for funding to help with the aforementioned first-year seminar to a total of $5 million, up from $1 million…22. Publicize identities of students responsible for bias-related incidentsFrom the demands: “The identity of those found responsible for committing a bias-related incident since Fall 2019 must be shared with the campus community to ensure campus safety.”…23. Disarm DPSFrom the demands: “Department of Public Safety Peace Officers will not be armed.”

Tags: College Insurrection, New York