Reader: “Did you see all the f*** face reporters trying to take down Trump?”
In fairness, they were not as hostile and offensive as usual. But they did piss off one Legal Insurrection reader who texted me in real time.

Yesterday I wrote about the mounting fury toward the media for it’s blatant exploitation and weaponization of the Wuhan coronavirus public health threat, NY Times reporter: “disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency”.
Can you feel it? I certainly do.
There is a rising fury at the blatant media exploitation and weaponization of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic….
I see it in the comments here, and on social media. People are sick of the media serving as the water boy/girl for Democrats, and of making false accusations of racism as the cudgel.
I experience that today during Trump’s press conference.
The press conference was a masterpiece, an uplifting celebration of the power and ability of consumer-oriented corporate America to solve problems. Seeing the CEO’s arch-rivals Walmart and Target, CVS and Walgreens, standing together with the President and health officials was inspiring.
And the markets loved it, soaring as the press conference started and went forward.
Markets seem to like power of consumer-oriented corporate America being unleashed to fight Wuhan coronavirus. Think what could be accomplished if the regulatory burden were eased permanently, not just in a National Emergency.
— Legal Insurrection (@LegInsurrection) March 13, 2020
Then came the questions from reporters.
In fairness, they were not as hostile and offensive as usual. But they did piss off one Legal Insurrection reader who texted me in real time:
Trump is kicking ass with all these companies coming in to help pull together to fight this virus. You got to see it.
Obama could never of done it.
Did you see all the fuck face reporters trying to take Trump down by their questions?
Unfortunately, I can’t reveal the identity of this reader. I can tell you I’ve known her for 38 years, some of you met her at our Los Angeles reader reception, and she’s recovering from a multi-year illness and is getting her fight back in her.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Stand up for racism as a term. Lots of people are racist by way of being realist. They have the highest good will towards others, and would like to arrange things so that everybody does well instead of being constantly frustrated.
Ah! You beat me to it!
People oppose diversity (i.e. color judgments) and exclusion. They oppose excessive immigration (i.e. exceeding the rate of assimilation and integration before planned parenthood). They oppose social justice (e.g. relativism, elective conflicts) adventurism, and anti-nativism (e.g. immigration reform) specifically.
would like to arrange things so that everybody does well instead of being constantly frustrated
Exactly. The issue is not immigration, but rather emigration reform to ensure that no child is left behind, and that progress is mitigated at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
First comment!
My supervisor at work saw it on TV and came to me at my desk and commented on how bad the press corps was!
I had my volume up and my wife asked, (from the other room), who the hell is asking that sh!t?
I like that lady!
She can sit by me anytime!
Yes, best advice is to act rationally and reasonably, to follow best practices, and to source information from primary (trust but verify) providers (e.g. CDC), and to socially distance yourself from diverse social platforms that have been in progress to spread a sociopoliticoeconomic contagion for more than 12 trimesters.
Pandemic= Dem Panick! Mind if I steal that one?
Not mine, maybe not even original from Ace of Spades.
Here’s another good bit though. It will get your cardiac workout going tomorrow morning!
Go to about 9 minutes in on tonight’s Hannity report.
Many many more Americans died and were hospitalized before Obama/Biden did anything 6 months later. But the Obama “licking” and “kissing” Media went all swooning about how it was nothing, and definitely nothing to PANIC over……
Hmmmm, I wonder who that could be…
Just wanted to mention that far from panic my FB is full of toilet paper jokes and messages of support for people affected by the shutdown. Even my quite liberal but usually down to earth wife is somewhat disgusted at the panic.
On another site yesterday a commenter told how being 20 miles away from any stores, he and his wife only go in to stock up once a month.
So while in Walmart with his shopping cart containing a huge bundle of TP and paper towels a lady coming down the aisle wide eyed and mouth agape asked “Why are you buying so much toilet paper?” “Because we’re so full of crap!” he retorted.
He said she broke up laughing so hard that she ran her cart into the shelving!
MORE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The State Department Summoned Chinese Ambassador:
Stop Spreading Lies that Coronavirus Began in America;
Chinese State Media Threatens to Unleash “A Mighty Sea” of Coronavirus in America
State-run Chinese Media Hints It Could Cut Off Meds To US, Plunge America Into ‘Mighty Sea Of Coronavirus’
the most outrageous question was from that race grievance dumb cow from NPR who queried as to whether the sudden departure of the White House ‘pandemic office” contributed to Trump’s poor response. Regardless of the imposition of facts not in evidence and the leading nature of the question, the truth is there was never a “pandemic” office. They had a unit devoted to the Ebola scare. It had gone thru its budgetary cycle of 2 years, and the member retired when Trump was elected.None were fired, none were experts on testing kits and other elements that the Federal bureaucratic leeches find impossible to get in the field.
NPR’s Ayesha Rascoe’s partisan reporting is so overtly leftist-Maoist that even the ghost of Jiang Qing blushes.
The live feed of Big Tuesday featuring hosts Inskeep and Greene – both so giddy with democrat party fever – they nearly wet themselves as each gushed and fawned over Biden and Sanders and trashed Trump.
It’s during those unscripted moments when the masks fall.
Bill: “I can’t reveal the identity of this reader. I can tell you I’ve known her for 38 years”
How long have you been married???
My question exactly!
You wouldn’t be referring to the woman who admonished the Professor for eating a slice of cheesecake would you? She seemed really nice. I’m sure it wasn’t her.
Regarding the headline: call me an old fuddy-duddy but, is there no one left who can express themselves without resorting to vulgar language?
And sometimes it’s warranted. Like when one is referring to fuck-face reporters. In that case, the lady is spot-on. (And I don’t generally swear.)
You’re not a fuddy duddy. You simply decline to use the language of your want to be conquerors.
RGB foisted “gender” on us, and it wasn’t because she’s normal.
I decline to use that word.
‘Gender’ should only be used when learning/using a foreign language that has nouns with genders.
Think of yourself that way if you want but, in my opinion FWIW, it’s a lazy way to communicate. If a speaker or writer’s vocabulary is that limited, why do they comment at all? They reveal their laziness to the world. There is no imagination in calling people such names.
I’m retired military. I’ve not only heard it all, I’ve said it all, so don’t try to excuse careless behavior to this old NCO. You’ll never be successful.
I can. But I choose not to.
You’re an old fuddy duddy, Friendly 🙂
From around the web…..
B Says:
Even the leftists that post on the sports blog I go on, are praising Trump for a very well done press conference and plan.
Not good news for the MSM and DNCCCP.
A direct lineage: Former stooges of Stalin, now stooges of ChiCom Xi.
Well if you’ve known the lady for 38 years, she’s probably of a certain age where she normally doesn’t use such language. OTOH, me being a grouchy old curmudgeon, I’ll say that I’d use a term describing the other end of the alimentary to describe these “reporters”.
Bless the Lady’s heart, I hope she is permanently better, and I approve of her language — it fits.
Sounds to me like she’s “got her fight back” – how I LOVE a good summation like she made.
However, I prefer “shit head” to the other.
From around the web:
J Says:
“The Pachyderm in the room is that POTUS did not like what the CDC bureaucracy was doing, faked left, and went straight to the private sector all the way to the end zone. BOOM! Like a BOSS! Love my President.”
the next big deal will be, how much pork and unrelated items are in the bill the house is set to pass
It is upsetting that the media still has the power to pull this off. After years of this biased crap they should be mainly ignored, not able to crash the economy, get schools cancelled and generally make a good effort to destroy this country.
If things do collapse and civil society breaks down, I hope people realize the mindless media was a significant contribution to the problems. Maybe mobs will hold newspapers and television stations accountable.
My wife doesn’t care for Trump. I was in my office on my computer when she turned on the network news. I yelled in there, “Why are you listening to that crap? Their only goal is to tear down Trump. They’re trying to blame the Coronavirus on him so he won’t be re-elected.” She made a dismissive snicker and, just about then, the reporters started blaming Trump for the corona virus. “Why hasn’t your administration done more, etc. etc.” Good timing to make my point. She changed the channel so all is well (grin).
Feminist women and the useful idiots among them will destroy our country.
Rub it in, rub it in!
Massage of course!
“Obama could never of done it….”
obama didn’t have to do it. As soros’ organ grinder monkey and America’s first affirmative action president, the democrat media became a large, collective diaper, wiping him whenever he soiled himself – which was all the time.
But….but….but….. Barrack was our first Woman President!!!
Local private company (3000+ employees) makes various janitorial products including hand sanitizer. It needs ethanol to make hand sanitizer. Locally a biofuels plant makes the correct ethanol. Can’t sell to be used for hand sanitizer because it is difficult to get the correct license. Also they can’t deliver because they are limited on the number of truck each day due to Clean Air Act. The delivery distance? 3 miles. As usual government isn’t part of the solution, it is the problem.
Call the Vice President’s office, or your governor’s office and tell them.
Have been talking to lots of Trump supporters across the country these last couple of days, and the disdain for and distrust of the media right now is worse than I’ve seen at any point throughout this presidency.
— Elaina Plott (@elainaplott) March 12, 2020
You built that too.
Yes, the press conference was a masterpiece. Ever CEO was tickled to death to be there, ad Trump was smart enough to give them credit and a national ad for their company. Getting all those big guns on board was brilliant. That’s how we won WWII.
Buying the oil turned the oil market around on a dime. I watched it happen in real time. To me, it all showed hard work ad planning that’s been going on for weeks. And I’m glad to hear that some people a little left are starting to see things. But my Aunt, bless her heart, a little pink from too much Il Papa Francis and other such, just had to say “Should have done it sooner”. I did erupt a little (gently). Couldn’t believe that she saw the same thing I did, and that’s all she saw. Didn’t see the work all those people had done, didn’t see the brilliance, the many-pronged plan.
I couldn’t believe the *ingratitude*. Wish I had thought to say, “Remember, God loves the grateful heart.” Sometimes it’s hard work to love these people.
Did you at least get to work in a
“Bless your little Heart.”
No, I was too dumbfounded, to tell the truth. Just aive — couldn’t believe someone wouldn’t see the hard work that went into that, or be grateful to them all for it, not just trump. And she’s a kind, good woman. Just goes to show what TDS does to good people
TY Prof.
The press conference was a masterpiece, an uplifting celebration of the power and ability of consumer-oriented corporate America to solve problems.
I watched, and I am embarrassed to admit that I was moved to tears by the various corporate heads.
I will blame the Jameson.
I wasn’t moved to tears, but I do admire all the coordination and planning.
Impressive, particularly impressive coming from the government.
Your friend’s text echoes the majority of Americans’ sentiments. There are no words left to describe our utter disgust with what is now just the DNC Communications Department. News media is dead.
Where was Waffle House?
The same place it’s always been: Market Street and State of Franklin Road, or, North Roan, just the other side of I-26.
It’d be great to hear if her name starts with an M…sadly, I doubt it though.
“Google is helping us develop a web site; it will be done very quickly… unlike some web sites in the past.”
I laughed out loud when PDJT said this….all I could think of the OBAMACARE website.
I’ve a feeling that is exactly what he had in mind.
Didn’t you just LOVE that quip!
Some others from way back have say that President Trump’s comments always are directed at someone or something…….
The main stream media is inciting panic to sell clicks and papers. It’s the equivalent of a journalist going into a theater and yelling “FIRE” and then writing about the pandemonium the next morning. Everyone I speak with about this recognizes what is going on. This will be a huge win for Trump in the end.
Oh My!
The rabid “news readers” are at it again today.
Shame on their heads!
Saturday White House Press Conference March 14th.