Baby Walt Update: Four Months Old and Doing Swell

Baby Walt turned four months old yesterday, though it feels like he’s been with us always. And seems impossible that it’s only been four months.

For those new to Baby Walt’s incredible and dramatic story, our little boy Walter was born November 24th via emergency c-section. Immediately after birth, he was diagnosed with an extremely rare heart condition and life flighted to Houston’s medical center.

After a few horrifying weeks in the NICU, things took a turn for the worse and his doctors moved him to the PICU. On December 9th, Walt had heart surgery. Surgery which could not have gone better (according to the surgical team). He then had to learn to breathe on his own and then feed. Miracle after miracle after miracle and he came home December 30th.

When he was born, we were told Walt might not make it through the night. But he did. Then we were told his heart might not be able to function properly. But it did. Then we were told his lungs might not work as they should and he might need a respirator indefinitely. And let me tell you, the boy’s got some pipes. Last it was trouble eating and a call from a doctor explaining the potential need for a permanent feeding tube. He now weighs 15 pounds and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Two pediatric cardiology appointments later and Walt couldn’t be healthier or more well, in their opinion.

God has been with us and with Walt through this entire ordeal and months later, we are still seeing his provision and his providence in our lives and in the life of our son. Walt has rearranged our life and our priorities and shifted our view of… everything. In the best of ways. We’ve been and continue to be abundantly blessed by the prayers of so many people all over the world. Many we know, even more we do not. People earnestly and diligently praying for our son and our family. Easily the most amazing thing I’ve yet to experience in life. God is always and forever faithful.

Walt looooooooves Mommy and Me workouts. Though he spits up. A lot.

He’s suddenly decided he doesn’t want to sleep at night and thoroughly enjoys baby sweet potatoes. Is a snuggle bug. He’s happiest when he’s being sung or read to. He coos and bats his eyes. Such a little charmer, this guy. And like his little, big sister, is not a child that is willing to be ignored. I love that about him already.

Walt’s strong (super strong for a baby) and is already bored of babyhood. He never sits still and is always eyeing his sisters when they’re up and running around. There was a time when we were concerned about the potential for developmental delays. We have zero reason to believe he’ll have any issue in that department given his current progress.

We are humbled, thankful, and incredibly grateful for God’s unending favor and grace in our family. God is always and forever faithful. A huge thank you to each and every one of you who has prayed and continued to pray for our son and our family. You have given us hope and brought peace to us when we needed it most. We thank you and we love you. The Legal Insurrection family is truly special.

As we continue on our journey, I hold on to this (and others daily), “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

Tags: Baby Walt, Blogging